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Question of the Day 1-25 During photosynthesis, what happens after the light reactions?

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Presentation on theme: "Question of the Day 1-25 During photosynthesis, what happens after the light reactions?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Question of the Day 1-25 During photosynthesis, what happens after the light reactions?

2 Previewing Assignment
1-25 Previewing Assignment

3 Question of the Day 1-20 Choose either where, when, or how and answer with regard to the light reactions.

4 Announcement 1-20 Quiz up to and including the light reactions (notes pages 1-7) on Friday 1-21

5 Assignment 1st – Using a laptop (partner optional) complete the self check quiz for Chapter 6 Section 1 – you must show me when you get a 100% 1-19 2nd – Complete #s 1-4 on page 118

6 Writing Assignment Page 9 summary 1-20
It’s a hard life being me. I am an electron in the light rxns. My life as a free electron is short lived and I am constantly being moved around and taken advantage of by integral proteins. It all began when a water molecule split apart and gave me a new life as a free electron, but no sooner was I released than photosystem II was scooping me up and…

7 Writing Assignment Your writing assignment MUST include a picture and/or diagram (you are the artist). 1-20

8 Question of the Day Remember you have a quiz.
Briefly review photosynthesis and the light reactions. 1-24

9 Question of the Day 1-26 What 2 things produced in the light rxns are used for the Calvin Cycle? How did these 2 things get produced durig the light rxns?

10 ATP Synthesis (H+ gradient)

11 Water – Electron Donor Review

12 Diagram of Light Reaction
Review Diagram of Light Reaction

13 2 Stages of Photosynthesis
Light Reactions and Calvin Cycle 13

14 Calvin Cycle Process by which enzymes are used to produce sugars (occurs in stroma) Does not need light (but usually happens during the day) Carbon Fixation – process of taking in carbon to make sugars Cycle in which CO2, ATP and NADPH are used to create carbohydrates The NADP+ and ADP then goes back to the light reactions to be “recharged” 14

15 Diagram 15

16 Summary of Photosynthesis:
Balanced equation = 6CO2 + 6H2O  C6H12O6 + 6O2 16


18 Notes Pages 10 & 11

19 Review: What is the used cellular energy
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Composed of 3 parts: Nitrogen base (adenine) sugar (ribose) 3 phosphate groups. 19

20 Review: How is energy released from ATP?
A phosphate bond is broken ATP  Energy + ADP + 1 phosphate group One phosphate bond has been removed 20

21 Energy Release Summary

22 Question of the Day 1-27 How are the light reactions and the Calvin Cycle connected (what are the intermediates)?

23 Announcement 1-27 Photosynthesis Test = Wednesday 2-2

24 Calvin Cycle Movie Clips… http://www. youtube. com/watch
Calvin Cycle Movie Clips… - explanation - song

25 Frayer Organizers (notes pages 14-15)


27 Warm Up 1/20 If a plant is left in the dark for a significant amount of time, what will happen to glucose production? What will the plant do to survive Today: Quiz on photosynthesis Discuss how plants store extra carbs. Discuss effects on photosynthesis Tomorrow: Seat change!

28 Some extras? Extra Food Plants make extra carbohydrates which are stored as starch (like a potatoes) These carbohydrates are what heterotrophs rely on for survival


30 What are Some Effects on Photosynthesis?
Water Light Intensity CO2 Levels Temperature


32 Alternative Pathways There are different methods in which plants create carbohydrates (we discussed the most common) Plants in dry climates use the C4 pathway or CAM pathway Why? Both deal with controlling water loss Why do cactus have “ridges”?

33 The End!

34 Warm Up 1-22 What are four factors that can limit photosynthesis?
Today: Get out worksheet packet Get a book: pg 118 – Section Review questions #1-4 and 8 Pg 124 – Section Review questions #1, 4 & 5 Worksheet page to complete: pg 2 (#38) Review stages of photosynthesis Monday: Review game Test / Review sheet Tuesday

35 Warm Up 1-25 Why do plants use alternative methods of photosynthesis than the one we discussed? Today: Review sheets Review game for test Tomorrow: TEST! Review sheets due!

36 ATB 1-27 Start a new warm up sheet – draw a picture of your favorite animal Objectives: Get back all your old papers / homework assignments Discuss your test – any questions? Start next chapter – cell respiration



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