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The American Revolution

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1 The American Revolution 1776-1783
The Legacy of the War

2 As a result of the American Revolution:
Americans adopt a republican government Americans experience changing views regarding freedom & equality the Articles of Confederation govern America thru the Revolution

3 VALLEY FORGE: showed hardships suffered by
soldiers during the Revolutionary War Location in PA, Washington’s army spent winter there Lack of proper shoes/clothing led to frostbite & amputation (bloody tracks in the snow) 25% of soldiers died from malnutrition, hypothermia, & disease (small pox & typhoid fever) BATTLE OF YORKTOWN: last major battle of the American Revolution we won b/c of help from the French after their loss, British citizens wanted to end war

4 Reasons the Americans Won: A. BETTER MILITARY LEADERSHIP
A. BETTER MILITARY LEADERSHIP B. FOREIGN AID Britain’s rivals helped America in order to hurt Britain (inc. France & other European countries) C. KNOWLEDGE OF THE LAND D. MOTIVATION

5 The Treaty of Paris 1. The United States had become an independent nation (no longer a colony of Britain). 2. U.S. boundaries: W--Mississippi River, E-- Atlantic Ocean, N-- Canadian border S-- Spanish Florida

6 Costs of the War 25,700 Americans died (28% died in battle)
8,200 wounded 1,400 remained missing many w/permanent disabilities U.S. left with $27 million debt many soldiers not paid for their service—government gave them land in the West

7 Post-War America: 1. a republic: representatives elected to make
   1. a republic: representatives elected to make decisions for the country people place the good of the country above their own interests (not follow selfish interests) 2. SOME states increased freedom of religion: a. Jews & Catholics allowed to hold public office b. NO public tax money used to support churches 3. SOME people saw a conflict btwn. liberty & slavery (Massachusetts outlawed slavery in that state)


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