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“Teaching the Andes” Webinar #2, April 1st, 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "“Teaching the Andes” Webinar #2, April 1st, 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Teaching the Andes” Webinar #2, April 1st, 2017

2 Webinar Tips: Mute when I begin presentation Use the chat feature
Unmute to ask a question Feel free to enable your webcam to share video All webinars will be made available as a recording

3 Agenda Brief Welcome by Michelle Wibbelsman Travel Updates
(flights, lodging, roommates and parking) Health & Safety Vaccines Crisis in Peru Diet & Allergies Miscellaneous Graduate Credit Time in Lima Looking Ahead

4 Michelle Wibbelsman Project Director, “Teaching the Andes”
Assistant Professor of Latin American Indigenous Cultures, Ohio State

5 Travel Updates: Flights
Fulbright Travel Policy & Approvals Cost Comparisons Return flights: Kerri Packwood Prefers to fly into XNA (Arkansas) Fayetteville Mariel Sobol Flying into Columbus Warren Carolyn Evans Charlottesville Greg Hill Prefers to fly into Dallas, Ft. Worth Plano Diane Goodman Prefers to fly into Manchester or Hartford Hancock Zachary Greene Tazewell Rose Arnell Prefers to fly into Cincinnati Cincinnati Becky Searls Columbus Aryn Johnson Rossana Pass Prefers to fly into Boston, MA North Berwick Mabi Ponce de León Christine Salerno Chicago

6 Travel Updates: Lodging
OSU Dormitories: Reservations for three nights (6/13-6/16); Checks can be made payable to The Ohio State University. Blackwell Inn: Block of rooms complete. Call (614) and make a reservation under: Fulbright-Hays Pre-Departure Orientation. First Name Last Name Lodging Preference Kerri Packwood Blackwell Inn Greg Hill OSU Dorm Diane Goodman Rose Arnell Rossana Pass Christine Salerno

7 Travel Updates: Long-term Parking
Arrange long-term parking on your own Purchase an OSU guest permit: Overnight Temporary Monthly (OTM), $43.00 You may store vehicle in Carmack 5 lot on West Campus Create a guest account and purchase it online:

8 Travel Updates: Roommates
Rebecca J Searls Aryn Paige Johnson Rose Marina Arnell Diane Janet Goodman Carolyn McRay Evans Kerri Ann Packwood Mariel Sobol Christine Marie Salerno Rossana Tapia Pass Mabi Ponce de Leon Zachary Robert Greene Gregory Bernard Hill

9 Health & Safety Vaccines Talk to your doctor! Diet & Allergies
typhoid, Hep A is usually recommended consult with a physician regarding malaria & zika Diet & Allergies Information will be sent to all partners abroad Altitude Sickness Diamox, Coca Tea, sweets, & rest Flooding in Peru

10 Possible, but expensive
Graduate Credit Possible, but expensive $2,200 for Ohio residents $6,000 for out-of-state residents Please contact Megan directly if you would like to proceed Time in Lima

11 Looking Ahead Future Webinars: Wednesday, April 12: 5:30 p.m. “Evaluation” Tuesday, May 2nd: 7:00 p.m. “Packing & Preparing” What other topics would you like to discuss?

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