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April 7Th LIVE CASES April 7th – Friday morning PPH Congress Centre

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2 April 7Th LIVE CASES April 7th – Friday morning PPH Congress Centre
Sessions April 7Th LIVE CASES Aortic Dissection Chairpersons: Rui Almeida Moderators: Adelino Leite Moreira, Duarte Medeiros Medically treated Type B Aortic Dissection natural history - Rosa Moreno TEVAR treated Type B Aortic Dissection natural history (tbc) Petticoat technique: rationale, technical options - Vincent Riambau Chimney variations in the arch. How to make them work (tbc) Coffee – Break Non-parallel grafts options in the arch – (tbc) Planning to treat an uncomplicated Type B Aortic Dissection. Which factors are important? - Vincent Riambau Visceral Malperfusion in aortic dissection , is flap disruption still an option? - Piergiorgio Cao Opening Session Lunch PAD Michael Piorkowsky 09.00 – 10.30 Box Case fEVAR   Fernandez Noya AAA with CO2 PAD Nilo Mosquera Gaspar Mestres 11.00 – 12.30

3 April 7Th LIVE CASES April 7th – Friday afternoon PPH Congress Centre
Sessions April 7Th LIVE CASES Aneurysms Chairpersons: J. Fernandes e Fernandes Moderators: Rocha e Silva , Oscar Gonçalves, Frederico Bastos Gonçalves Inflammatory AAA. Open, endo, when? - Fernandez Noya Renal and visceral debranching – still an option, really? (tbc) Bridging stent grafts selection in fEVAR. Critical issue - Nilo Mosquera Failed EVAR/EVAS. Is postponing open conversion only delaying failure? - Eric Verhoeven Renal ischemic accidents during TAAA endo repair. Is late salvage possible? - Piotr Kasprzak Nexus graft. A different concept for the arch – David Planer Endoanchoring in TEVAR- Piotr Kasprzak Coffee – Break TEVAR branch for BCT and LCCA Vincent Riambau 14.00 – 17.00

4 April 7Th LIVE CASES April 7th – Friday afternoon PPH Congress Centre
Sessions Carotid Chairpersons: Roncon de Albuquerque , Luis Mendes Pedro Moderators: Gonçalo Cabral, José Carlos Vidoedo, Pereira Albino Immediate post intracranial thrombolysis carotid stenosis management (tbc) CEA and CABG: before, at the same time or never? - Marta Moura Are the indications for carotid surgery with or without CABG the same? - Laura Capoccia fEVAR (tbc) Eric Verhoeven 17.30 – 18.30

5 April 8Th LIVE CASES Niels Baekgaard April 8th – Saturday morning
PPH Congress Centre Sessions April 8Th LIVE CASES PAD Chairpersons: tbc Moderators: João Pedro Almeida Pinto, Mário Vieira Single vs multivessel revascularization (tbc) Supera vs BMS / DEB - Michael Piorkowski Zilver PTX vs PTA /BMS (tbc) ELUVIA vs POBA - Nilo Mosquera Coffee – Break   DES’s below the knee. Better if bioabsorbable? (tbc) Lutonix advantages. Sustainable? - Gaspar Mestres Deep vein arterialization. Now in an endo fashion (tbc) Optimization of CO2-angiography in patients with kidney impairment - Marco Manzi Short Case Session Lunch fEVAR Nilo Mosquera 09.00 – 10.30 Venous Case – tbc Niels Baekgaard 11.00 – 13.00

6 April 8Th LIVE CASES April 8th – Saturday afternoon
PPH Congress Centre Sessions Veins Chairpersons: António Braga Moderators: Amílcar Mesquita, Manuel Fonseca Outcome evaluation after deep vein interventions (tbc) MRV, CTV, IVUS, venography. Can we do it with only one of them? (tbc) Sizing venous stents (tbc) When should we risk treating thrombosis extending into the IVC - Niels Baeckgard Coffee-Break Large vein obstructions. Is there a specific way / tool to cross them? - Ignacio Lojo Follow-up. Is ultrasound and clinic enough? (tbc) Pos-Servet, Europe-wide registry (tbc) Closing Session Type Ia EL after EVAS (Onix and coils) Ignacio Lojo 14.30 – 17.00 PAD (BTK) Marco Manzi 17.30 – 18.30


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