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Objective 4/26/17 Provided notes SWBAT examine Bill Clinton's political perspectives, foreign policies, and economic concepts. Agenda: -Do Now -Notes -Video.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective 4/26/17 Provided notes SWBAT examine Bill Clinton's political perspectives, foreign policies, and economic concepts. Agenda: -Do Now -Notes -Video."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective 4/26/17 Provided notes SWBAT examine Bill Clinton's political perspectives, foreign policies, and economic concepts. Agenda: -Do Now -Notes -Video

2 Essential Question: Do-Now Question:
How did the events of the Clinton years ( ) shape U.S. history? Do-Now Question: Why was Ronald Reagan an important president? What were his successes & failures?

3 America in the 1980s America experienced new changes in the 1980s:
Cable television was introduced with new shows such as MTV & CNN Politically, Reagan’s conservative policies & strong foreign policy made him a popular leader TV shows like Roseanne & The Cosby Show had non-traditional lead roles

4 America experienced new changes in the 1980s:
America in the 1980s America experienced new changes in the 1980s: New technologies included cassette players, home video games, personal computers, & portable phones Politically, Reagan’s conservative policies & strong foreign policy made him a popular leader

5 America in the 1980s America experienced new changes in the 1980s:
’80s society focused on wealth & consumerism (the “Me Generation”) Politically, Reagan’s conservative policies & strong foreign policy made him a popular leader

6 America experienced new changes in the 1980s:
America in the 1980s America experienced new changes in the 1980s: Politically, Reagan’s conservative policies & strong foreign policy made him a popular leader Politically, Reagan’s victory over stagflation & the Soviet Union made him a popular leader

7 America by 1992 Republican control of the presidency continued after Reagan under George Bush After defeating Iraq in the Persian Gulf War in 1991, Bush’s popularity was high After promising “no new taxes” in 1988, Bush raised taxes in order to decrease deficit spending But, large gov’t deficits due to years of tax cuts & increased military spending led to a recession in 1992

8 The Election of 1992 In the 1992 election, George Bush lost to Arkansas governor Bill Clinton

9 The Presidency of Bill Clinton
Clinton defined himself a “new Democrat” by embracing both liberal & conservative policies Watch this Clinton/Gore campaign ad from In what ways is Clinton selling himself as a “different kind” of Democrat?

10 The Presidency of Bill Clinton
Clinton defined himself a “new Democrat” by embracing both liberal & conservative policies Clinton proposed a plan to guarantee affordable health care for all Americans Republicans in Congress defeated Clinton’s “big gov’t” health care reform HEALTH CARE REFORM Clinton had pledged to create a plan to guarantee affordable health care for all Americans, especially for the millions of Americans who lacked medical insurance. Once in office, Clinton appointed First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, a skilled lawyer and child-welfare advocate, to head the team creating the plan. The president presented the health care reform bill to Congress in September Congress debated the plan for a year. Intense lobbying and Republican attacks on the plan for promoting “big government” sealed its doom. In the end, Congress never even voted on the bill.

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