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Summary of Session 6 ATC/ABOC days
Steve Myers
ATC/ABOC Days AB Groups
“MTTR & Spare Parts Policy for the LHC injectors, experimental areas and other facilities: AB Groups” Richard Scrivens (ABP) session 5 Roberto Losito (ATB) Jocelyn Tan (BI) Jan Borburgh (BT) Marc Vanden Eynden (CO) Christophe Mugnier (PO) Carlo Rossi (RF) 2
ABP Proton/Ion Sources
Proton Source Source reliability >99%. Possibility of 12hr Time to Repair if fault occurs in vacuum (less than once per year). Most spare parts exist, but no database. Fault rates kept low by continuous study of operational performance, facilitated by source access possibility during operation. (Will not be the case for LINAC4) Ion Source Only one hardware failure on source in 2007. But, source requires a lot of tuning during operation (>1 time per day). Remote control needs upgrading to allow tuning from CCC. Oven filling also required for LHC (2 fills per LHC ion run). >250kchf invested in spare parts in Missing spare parts can be financed from operation budget in 2008/9 (except spare klystron).
ABP Linac 2 / 3 drift tubes REX TRAP+EBIS
Failure of a magnet in the DTL of Linac 2 is a serious concern (but has not happened in 30 years). Tooling is missing for opening and replacing drift tube. Could lead to a very long stop of the entire proton programme of CERN Study required to estimate length of stop and how to reduce it. Linac 4 estimates a few weeks to change a failed permanent magnet in the DTL. REX TRAP+EBIS Faults can cause entire runs (~1 week long) to be cancelled, which has happened a few times in the last years. Equipment still being transferred to AB standards. Then need to assess how to improve the reliability of this “transferred” system.
North Area Obstacles With the exception of XTAX, Microcollimators and XTDV’s, spares are available and can be installed in 1 day. Extra time for cool-down required if in TCC2, affecting the whole North Area.
North Area Beam Obstacles
Mechanics of beam obstacles not in bad shape The most critical items, XTAXs recently renovated Spare elements exist or can be made in reasonable delays Failures and interventions typically stop the corresponding beam line. Can be absorbed with re-scheduling and good will from the experiments Failures in elements located in the upstream part of the beam lines or in TCC2 imply switching off the whole North Area for the time of the intervention Plus the cool-down time if in TCC2
ATB General Conclusions
Situation under control in SPS & transfer lines but: TIDVG to be modified or re-designed Situation not under control in PS complex: PS Dumps: no more spare? Sieve: spare recommended by APC, under discussion for consolidation program. Safety elements: consolidation budget will (?may) be made available in 2008. Situation not under control in Experimental Areas: Controls obsolete, only 1 person knows how to keep them alive Budget to renew hardware too high for consolidation (>1.5 MCHF, <5kCHF/axis) 8
BI Critical Elements Instr Tot Problem Beam abort Action BCT
53 + a few specials Vacuum leakage at ceramics YES Replacement if spare available, MTTR 2days Watchdog : Electronics + cables MTTR = 2 h. Linacs + rings : good shape Transfer lines : about to be consolidated towards LHC standards Special BCTs No No spare ceramics nor toroids. BLM 400 Linked to machine protection MTTR =2h. 5% in storage Electronics MTTR = 2 h. PM electronics for SPS needs repair. Consolidation waiting approval Cables are replaced during shutdown Phase PU 3 No acceleration No spare monitor. Good shape Electronics : MTTR =2h, spare OK Intercepting devices 360 Vacuum leakage + mechanical in/out Electronic MTTR = 2h SEM grids : MTTR 1 week Wire scanners : MTTR = 1 day LEIR electron cooler 1 no phase space cooling Gun, cathode, collector MTTR = 2 weeks Magnetic elements : MTTR 2 months Spare : OK
BI Unavailable Diagnostics
Instr Tot Problem Beam abort Action Orbit + Trajectory NO FAILURE OF SENSORS 430 SPS : interlock linked to orbit extraction bump YES Electronics is ageing, MTTR =2h. Consolidation requested for MOPOS Others : no orbit or trajectory No 90% spare monitors available Electronics : MTTR = 2h LEIR circular BPM MTTR = 1day + baking Electronics MTTR = 2h Ionisation profile monitor 2 SPS : no profile If failure, then replacement during shutdown LEIR : no profile Spare monitor OK. MTTR = 1 week due to baking Tune 3 No tune All BBQ + FESA based. Electronics : MTTR is short due to standardization WCM No tomoscope No spare monitor. PS monitor suffer from radiation damage. Consolidation foreseen this year.
BI in AD (problem area) Deceleration Electron cooling
Longitudinal Schottky monitors : 1 low freq unit + 1 high freq unit, no spares if sensor USY4105 is damaged, AD STOPS for one week Electronics : Head amplifier : spare OK, MTTR = 8h Electron cooling gun, collector and cathode : one spare of each, AD STOPS for 2 weeks magnetic elements : unique spare for the drift solenoid. other magnetic elements : no spare. if damage = AD STOPS UNTIL REPAIR Intensity measurements Longitudinal Schottky monitors : TFA7049, no spare Tune measurements BTF with Transverse Schottky monitors : no spare Electronics : Head amplifier : no spare Orphan system ?????
BI Conclusions Low probability of sensor failure
Sensors fail less often than electronics Real concerns about the lack of spare ceramic chambers for BCTs slow BCTs : Lin2, Lin3, LEIR DCCTs : SPS, LEIR Fast BCTs : F16, TT2, TT10, Booster to PS. In short : any transfer lines AD injection Wall Current Monitor : PSB Strong consolidation effort still needed particularly in AD BI group provides CCC a list of specialists on call.
AB/BT equipment in PS complex BT equipment in the PS Complex
ISOLDE East Hall AD PSB PS cv CTF3 Injection systems BI.DIS booster distributor BI.SMV vertical deflection septa BI.SMH horizontal injection septa Injection kicker BI.KSW Extraction systems Extraction kickers BE.KFA Extraction bumpers BE.BSW Extraction septa BE.SMH Recombination kickers BT.KFA Recombination septa BT.SMV10 Recombination septa BT.SMV20 LINACs magnetic Septa electrostatic Septa kicker systems PS Complex LEIR 13
SPS and LHC involvement
Injection system Injection kickers MKP Extraction systems Extraction kickers for CNGS and LHC beam 2: MKE4 Extraction kickers for LHC beam 1: MKE6 Extraction septa North Area, ZS, MST, MSE; LSS2 Extraction septa for CNGS and LHC beam 2: MSE; LSS4 Extraction septa for LHC beam 1: MST, MSE; LSS6 Beam extraction protection elements TPSN TPSG4 TPSG6 Beam dumping system Vertical Extraction kickers MKDV Horizontal Extraction kickers MKDH Tune kickers MKQ H/V Kicker Electrostatic septa Magnetic septa SPS
MTE will make PE.SEH31 obsolete
PS Electrostatic septa SEH23, only partial spare All PS septa used for LHC beams as well as the electrostatic septa benefit from a preventative exchange program to reduce the likelihood of a failure during the run, based on past experience. MTE will make PE.SEH31 obsolete Name Septa Recovery from major fault Failure likelihood Spares PE.SEH23 1 Septum: week Vacuum: days Cable: hours HV generation: hours Medium Low Even years: 2nd choice spare Odd years: full spare 1 spare set of cables available, but old Spare generator online PE.SEH31 Cable: hours/days High 1 full spare septum+ 2nd choice spare septum 1 spare set of cable available, but with short life expectancy Failure prone cable runs from HV resistor to feedthrough over beam. Short life time observed during 2007 high intensity runs. 23/1/2008 ATC/ABOC days 15
BT Conclusions NO ‘shocking’ or ‘striking’ situations identified (no high risk without spares) Septa HV CABLE situation (delicate components) LESS COMFORTABLE, but PE.SEH31 will be phased out after MTE comes online, and for PE.SEH23 and ZS the situation is under control. (see slide) PS SEPTA situation starts to profit from consolidation, and PREVENTIVE EXCHANGE is undertaken for all PSB and PS septa part of the LHC injector chain from this SD onwards. For PS KICKERS only PARTIAL SPARE PARTS inventory is defensible because of their modularity, some redundancy, combined with low risk and high capital investment to achieve full spares for (sometimes) unique equipment. SPS KICKERS spare situation generally OK. Weak points will be addressed in the coming years. MTTR strongly dependent on radiation levels (can partly be influenced by operation). Balanced solution between expert lists and stand-by service .
SPS Beam Dumping kickers MKDH & MKDV
No spare MKDH magnet nor vacuum tank (failure likelihood: medium, MTTR: weeks) 1 spare MKDV magnet and tank being refurbished. Pulse generator to be re-designed in future. (failure likelihood: medium, MTTR: weeks 17
CO TODAY’S REALITY PS complex SPS In general for all injectors
CO group is still in charge of almost all front-end hardware and software systems CO « piquet service » as first line support to OP SPS Lighter HW and SW involvement of CO compared to PS CO list of experts, best effort In general for all injectors Hardware obsolescence is a concern and must be addressed Poor layout and asset management compared to LHC Important Initiatives will be taken by CO already in 2008 in order to deploy new FE solutions from 2009 onwards
CO Major Components Front-ends Specific Risks
Several components are reaching their end of life time VME processors and crates (Wes) > 10 years old Out of stock for some Obsolete HW modules (GFAs, MIL-1553, …) CO has taken the following actions Annual preventive maintenance of FE systems Re-engineering of Obsolete core hardware modules such as GFAs, MIL-1553 (mid-2008) Upgrade of some operational systems with new HW modules in order to re-establish spare parts for obsolete modules Bulk orders for new VME crates (mid-2008) Major on-going market surveys for New generation of VME CPUs running Linux (mid-2008) New generation of Industrial PCs (PICMG 1.3) as a more cost-effective platform (mid-2008) that will replace VME when appropriate
CO First Line Support (PS)
Organization Team of 5 to 6 technicians Each member on service during one week Applies to ‘standard CO’ controls (hardware/software), PS Complex (Lin2, PSB, CPS, Lin3, LEIR, Isolde, AD) CTF3 Manages spare parts Tracing: E-logbook, Follow-ups For SPS and North area, OP SPS team uses expert call list
CO General Conclusions
Spare Policy Spares available today for all CO hardware components, with sufficient margins CERN wide spare policy for PLCs due for Q1 2008 Hardware Obsolescence On-going program for the re-engineering of obsolete hardware modules New contracts for AB (Q2 2008) for the medium term procurement of new Front-end platforms (VME, Industrial PCs) Front-End (GM) and Application (X-Motif) Software Will remain as is, with CO corrective actions when required, no new developments
Statistics 2007: AB-PO diagnostic tools
Diagnostic tools for the MTTR/MTBF monitoring have been put in place. For 2007, MTTR: ~1h, MTBF depending on the CERN complex area. Weeks of exploitation 1740: Power converters 350: Interventions: - 25,5% (07/06 ratio) 250 WH & 100 NWH 52.3 min: MT/Intervention: 305 hours / 350 Interv. 29: Weeks of exploitation 738: Power converters 251: Interventions: +7 % (07/06 ratio) 151 WH &100 NWH 60 min: MT/Intervention: 251 hours / 251 Interv. E-Logbook Interface Ch. Mugnier, ATC-ABOC days, 23 January 2008
Conclusions Long MTTR Risks: LHC Injectors Vast consolidation plan has been launched to mitigate long MTTR’s, but until 2010, the PS rotating Machine represents the highest MTTR risk.
PO Conclusions Diagnostic tools for the MTTR/MTBF monitoring have been put in place (MTTR: ~1h, MTBF depending on the CERN complex area) Consolidation plan has been launched to mitigate long MTTR’s, but until 2010, the PS rotating Machine represents the highest MTTR risk. According to the large number of interventions by year, Stand by service (“piquet”) was a choice. PIPO is organized by 3 teams, sharing the different areas of the CERN complex; Spare parts are centralized and managed across the different machines and converter technologies. Maintenance method service is responsible for the tool developments and operation organization.
RF Conclusions The general strategy relies on the availability of hot spares, whenever possible, or at least on a reasonable stock of spare parts. RF Vacuum Tubes Long term contract with RF tube manufacturers, agreement on our policy for spare stock management. Few critical areas: SPS TWC200 Siemens amplifiers – the tube RS2004 could be soon out of production, spare tubes partly not new diacrodes; SPS TWC800 – minimum stock of old klystrons IOTs; Linac2 – tube TH170R limited production still possible, stock sufficient until 2015; Rex – tube TH391 limited set of spares available. Linac2 and Linac3 Critical areas: Linac3 100 MHz amplifiers (2 x 350 kW) – no spares for the HV anode capacitor production of few spares; Linac3 ramping cavity 100 MHz amplifier – partial stock of spare parts (controls and electronics). 25
RF Conclusions PS Booster – HLRF (C02, C04, C16) Critical areas:
One spare HV anode power supply for 12 operational power supplies. PS – HLRF (C10, C20, C40, C80, C02) Critical areas: Some components in the C10 system are old and becoming obsolete, including cavity servos general consolidation in progress. AD & AD Stochastic cooling Critical areas: Some spares available for the high level RF, but general weakness due to component aging. LLRF Schottky pick-ups have no spare. Critical areas for Stochastic cooling: No drawings for the pick-up and kicker movement electronics and motors. Control system still based on old, modified CAMAC controller. 26 Only one specialist available for maintaining the system !
RF Conclusions PS Booster – LLRF Critical areas:
No hot spares for the PSB damper pick-ups and kickers. PS – LLRF Critical areas: 40 / 550 modules have no working spare repair/production of working spares in progress; The one-turn delay feedback is not installed on cavity C10 11 (spare system) degraded operation for AD beam; Obsolete electronics in the Hereward damping system; 10 MHz matrix (special chassis, modules but no complete spare available); The whole system availability relies on the operation of the room air conditioning system (system monitoring); Extremely old electrical power distribution from the switchboard to the racks. 27
RF Conclusions SPS – HLRF (TWC200, TWC800) Critical areas:
Spare couplers (TWC200) and RF windows (TWC800) could not be tested because of lack of manpower; 2 out of 3 transformers broken during 2007 on TWC800 new transformers ordered. SPS RF Controls Critical areas: The TWC200 cavity controller is equipped with Simatic PLC dating from 1982, with limited amount of spares; The programming machine for that system is obsolete and only few remain (probably) at CERN. No hot spares available for the transverse dampers. As a general remark, the reduction of resources, in particular the reduced number of specialists available on the different systems, is the most important source of danger for the RF availability. 28
HLRF is providing a piquet service for SPS equipment and PS 200MHz system LLRF is providing a piquet service for PSB, PS and SPS. The HLRF intervention in the PS area (Linacs, LEIR, AD, Rex, PSB, PS) and the LLRF intervention in some of the machines of the PS area (LEIR, AD) is guaranteed by means of a list of specialists available on call. In the PS area the HLRF piquet is not possible due to lack of manpower; however the on-call list has assured an effective intervention until now. The presence of hot spares helps. Critical areas: Small number of specialists available for many different systems in the PS area; Limited standardization of modules and equipments (basically due to their different age and to limited renovation). Variable MTTR depending on specialist availability when the “piquet” is not provided or cannot solve the problem. 29
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