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Science games.

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Presentation on theme: "Science games."— Presentation transcript:

1 science games

2 Science crossword "You are the champion"

3 Rules: 1.The game allows for unlimited number of players.
2.The players have to guess 22 words to complete the crossword. 3.Each player answers the question.

4 4.The player has to fill up the empty boxes with the right word to get a point.
5.The player with the highest score is the winner. 6. When the crossword is completed you can read the password "You are the champion".

5 Quiz "Discovering nature"

6 Game Rules: 1. The game allows for unlimited number of players. 2
Game Rules: 1.The game allows for unlimited number of players. 2.The player selects a card and reads the questions that are written on it. The Quiz is designed to test the knowledge of science (fifth grade). 3.For each of the questions you have three possible answers (A, B or C). 4.The player answers the question. 5.Another player checks the answer key. 6.The player with the highest score is the winner.

7 Science roulette

8 Game rules: 1. To start the game you have to throw a die and get a one or a six. 2. If you roll a six you can make one extra move. 3. When you place your counter on the space with the green question mark you have to answer the question with the green question mark. When you place your counter on the brown question mark space you have to answer the question with the brown question mark. 4. Count the points. The winner is the player with the highest score.

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