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Status report on LHC_2: ATLAS computing

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1 Status report on LHC_2: ATLAS computing
Tetsuro Mashimo International Center for Elementary Particle Physics (ICEPP), The University of Tokyo on behalf of the LHC_2 project team Workshop FJPPL’07 May 9, Japan

2 LHC_2 in the year 2006 Collaboration between the IN2P3 Computing Center in Lyon (CC-IN2P3) and the ‘Regional Center’ at ICEPP, the University of Tokyo Purpose: various R&D studies for WLCG (Worldwide LHC Computing Grid) In WLCG, CC-IN2P3 as a ‘Tier-1’ center and ICEPP as a ‘Tier-2’ center The Tier-2 center at ICEPP is for the ATLAS experiment only Especially important: Establish a network connection with a high bandwidth and efficient data transfer to produce physics results quickly It is challenging to fully exploit the available bandwidth due to the large latency for a long distance connection (Round Trip Time (RTT) ~ 280msec)

3 ATLAS Detector Construction & Installation
A few PB of raw data (each year) Diameter m Barrel toroid length 26 m End-cap end-wall chamber span 46 m Overall weight Tons Detector sensors M channels

4 Distributed computing for LHC

5 R. Jones / ATLAS

6 LCG-France sites Supported LHC experiments
All sites also support other virtual organizations

7 LCG-France sites Tier-2: GRIF Tier-2: GRIF CEA/DAPNIA CEA/DAPNIA LAL
LLR LPNHE IPNO Tier-2: GRIF CEA/DAPNIA LAL LPNHE Tier-3: IPHC Strasbourg Ile de France Tier-3: IPNL Nantes Tier-2: Subatech Tier-3: LAPP Clermont-Ferrand Tier-2: LPC Annecy Lyon Tier-1: CC-IN2P3 AF: CC-IN2P3 Marseille Tier-3: CPPM

Pekin Tokyo Roumanie Ile de France Nantes Tier-3: LAPP Tier-2: LPC Annecy Tier-1: CC-IN2P3 AF: CC-IN2P3 Marseille Tier-3: CPPM

9 LHC_2 in the year 2006 (cont’d)
Members in the project team (* leader) French group Japanese group D. Boutigny* IN2P3 T. Mashimo* ICEPP F. Malek I. Ueda G. Rahal H. Matsumoto F. Hernandez H. Matsunaga

10 Budget plan in the year 2006 Item Euro Support-ed by k Yen Travel
1,000 160 Nb travels 2 2,000 CNRS 320 ICEPP Per-diem 237 22.7 Nb days 10 2,370 227 Total 4,370 547

11 Activities in 2006 Mainly tests for data transfer
In the overall ATLAS framework: `SC4’ (Service Challenge 4) Also special tests Communications mainly by (Visits in February and March 2007)

12 SC4 (Lyon → Tokyo) RTT (Round Trip Time) ~ 280 msec
The available bandwidth limited to 1 Gbps Linux kernel 2.4, no tuning, standard LCG middleware (GridFTP) ~ 20 MB/s (15 files parallel, each 10 streams) Not satisfactory (packet loss)

13 Test with iperf (memory to memory)
Linux kernel Congestion control TCP Reno vs. BIC TCP Try also PSPacer (from AIST, Tsukuba) Best result: BIC TCP + PSPacer Tokyo → Lyon: >800 Mbps (with 2 streams): shown below

14 Summary for iperf results
SL(C)4 (kernel 2.6 with BIC TCP): much better in congestion control than SL3 (kernel 2.4) Software Pacer (PSPacer by AIST) in addition gives a stable and good performance 1 stream 10 streams Lyon → Tokyo 0-5 MB/s 2-20 MB/s Tokyo → Lyon 10-15 MB/s 44-60 MB/s 1 stream 2 to 8 streams Lyon → Tokyo 45 MB/s Tokyo → Lyon 70 MB/s 100 MB/s

15 LHC_2 in the year 2007 (cont’d)
Members increased (new members in green, * leader) French group Japanese group E. Lançon* CEA T. Mashimo* ICEPP F. Malek IN2P3 I. Ueda G. Rahal H. Matsunaga F. Hernandez J. Tanaka D. Boutigny T. Kawamoto J. Schwindling S. Jézéquel

16 Year 2007 Not only purely technical R&Ds, but also studies for data movement in view of physicists’ point of view The available network bandwidth will increase (probably this year) A new computer system has been installed at ICEPP and more man power is soon available for technical studies More intensive R&D for this year toward the LHC start-up

17 Tape Robot Disk Arrays PC Servers

18 Budget plan in the year 2007 Item Euro Support-ed by k Yen Travel
1,000 160 Nb travels 3 3,000 CNRS 480 ICEPP Per-diem 237 22.7 Nb days 15 3,555 12 272 Nb Travels 1 CEA 5 1,185 Total 8,740 752

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