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This checklist is designed to help governors assess how well they know their school, and to identify areas where they could improve their knowledge. It.

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Presentation on theme: "This checklist is designed to help governors assess how well they know their school, and to identify areas where they could improve their knowledge. It."— Presentation transcript:


2 This checklist is designed to help governors assess how well they know their school, and to identify areas where they could improve their knowledge. It is based around the September 2015 Ofsted inspection framework.

3 School details  Notes

4 Total number of pupils, and the percentage of boys and girls

5 Percentage of pupils with a statement of special educational needs (SEN) / education, health and care (EHC) plan or who receive SEN support

6 Percentage of pupils eligible for free school meals (FSM) and eligible in the last six years

7 Percentage of looked after children

8 Breakdown of pupil ethnicity


10 Percentage of pupils with English as an additional language (EAL)


12 Percentage of service children

13 Percentage of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils


15 School improvement  Notes

16 The key priorities identified in:
Ofsted report

17 School development / improvement plan

18 Self evaluation

19 How the school is going to implement these priorities


21 The overall effectiveness in the last Ofsted inspection, and the grades received in the following areas:


23 Leadership and management

24 Quality of teaching, learning and assessment (previously Quality of teaching)

25 Personal development, behaviour and welfare (previously Behaviour and safety of pupils)

26 Outcomes for children and learners (previously Achievement of pupils)


28 Outcomes for children and learners and quality of teaching, learning and assessment  Notes

29 The strengths and weaknesses of teaching, learning and assessment in the school, and what is being done to deal with weaknesses

30 The school’s assessment information on pupil attainment and progress for:

31 Disadvantaged pupils

32 Other pupils


34 The school’s:

35 Value added data

36 SATs results

37 Other examination results (where applicable)

38 Behaviour policy

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