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The New Testament Church 2017

2 How Important is a Name? Names identify who we are
Names are important! They convey information – belonging, reputation, etc. If you think names are not important, try misrepresenting someone and say, “It’s only a name” Yet in religion, many say names are not important

3 How Important is a Name? Names are important to God
Exodus 20:7, do not take His name in vain Leviticus 19:12, do not profane His name Exodus 34:5-7, as Moses ascends Mt. Sinai the 2nd time.

4 How Important is a Name? Names are important to God
Psalm 29:2, glory due His name Psalm 111:9, holy and awesome is His name Matthew 6:9, hallowed be Your name

5 How Important is a Name? Names are important to God
Genesis 14:18, God Most High Genesis 17:1, Almighty God Exodus 3:14, I AM WHO I AM Exodus 6:2-3, I am the LORD

6 How Important is a Name? Names given by God
Genesis 17:5, Abraham (exalted father of many nations) Genesis 17:15, Sarah (princess of many) Genesis 17:19, Isaac (to laugh) Genesis 32:28, Israel (prince with God) Luke 1:13, 63 – John (God is gracious) Matthew 1:23 – Immanuel (God with us)

7 How Important is a Name? Names of prophets
Elijah (God is YHWH) Elisha (God is help) Isaiah (YHWH is salvation) Jeremiah (Elevated of YHWH) Ezekiel (Strength of God) Daniel (Judge of God) Hosea (YHWH is help) Joel (YHWH is God)

8 How Important is a Name? Concerning the name of Jesus
Hebrews 1:4, He obtained a more excellent name Philippians 2:9-10, a name above every name Matthew 28:19, baptized in the name of …. Romans 10:13, Acts 22:16 – calling on the name of the Lord Considering how important God considers names, should we consider this as we seek to identify His church?

9 The names that identify the church
Church of Christ Romans 16:16, “churches of Christ salute you” Ephesians 1:22-23, Ephesians 5:23-32, Matthew 16:18 – He is head of the church Hebrews 12:23, church of the firstborn (cf. Colossians 1:18) NEVER forget it is HIS church!

10 The names that identify the church
Church of God Used 11 times in NT 1 Corinthians 1:2, 2 Corinthians 1:1, the church of God at Corinth 1 Corinthians 10:32, 15:9, 11:16 (“churches of God”) NOTE: Christ is part of the Godhead (cf. Acts 20:28) Ephesians 3:10-11 – it was in God’s eternal purpose

11 The names that identify the church
Church(es) More than 80 times – describing a local congregation(s) 1 Corinthians 14:33, God is not the author of confusion Locations - 1 Corinthians 16:19 – Asia, Galatians 1:2 – Galatia, Colossians 4:16 – Laodicea, 1 Thessalonians 1:1 – Thessalonica, Revelation 2&3, etc.

12 The names that identify the church
Descriptions of the church Kingdom (king/subject) Family (Father/brethren) Body (head/parts working) Temple(High priest/priests) Bride (Husband/wife) ALL these names are DESCRIPTIVE and demonstrate unity within the church. Christ brings us together to worship and work ALL these names are identifiers rather than titles

13 What about denominational names?
By their definition, they are divisive Consider the general premise of denominationalism – unity in diversity 1 Corinthians 1:10, let there be no divisions among you! Cf. Philippians 2:2 Paul taught the same in every church – 1 Corinthians 4:17. ONE body – Ephesians 4:4 John 17:20-21 Denominationalism declares we are not and cannot agree on what the Bible teaches – in matters of the church, salvation, doctrine, worship, etc. AND such doesn’t matter!

14 What about denominational names?
 Martin Luther : "I pray you to leave my name alone, and call not yourselves 'Lutherans,' but 'Christians.' Who is Luther? My doctrine is not mine. I have not been crucified for anyone. St. Paul would not permit that any should call themselves of Paul, nor of Peter but of Christ. How, then, does it befit me, a miserable bag of dust and ashes, to give my name to the children of Christ? Cease, my dear friends, to cling to these party names and distinctions; away with them all; let us call ourselves only 'Christians' after him from whom our doctrine comes." (Life of Luther, by Stork, 289) Denominational names Lutheran (named after Martin Luther – against His wishes) Mennonites – Menno Simons Mormon – a Nephite prophet Catholic churches – named after “saints” Baptist (baptism, or John the Baptist) Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Catholics – forms of church government Holiness – call to holy living Pentecostal – the events on that day Methodists – following methods of John and Charles Wesley WHERE are these names found in scripture? Where are the concepts for their beliefs found in scripture?

15 What about denominational names?
The Bible condemns sectarianism 1 Corinthians 1:10-15, 3:1-4 Let us resolve to speak “as the oracles of God” 1 Peter 4:11 The name a church uses is not the only criteria to consider (some false churches use scriptural names), but it is a good place to start

16 Removing the name of Christ
Some congregations are now changing their name (from church of Christ) While scripturally such may not be wrong (depending on the name they use), we ask WHY? Some speak of the “stigma” attached to the name “church of Christ” Some seek to distance themselves from “churches of Christ” Some want to be different Are these valid reasons?

17 Removing the name of Christ
WHY, when we consider what the church is, would we want to remove His name? (especially considering religious confusion) We should NOT be ashamed of being different! Are we more concerned about offending God or the world? (Mark 8:38) Is there an element of deceit in their motives (i.e. they still practice what separates us – baptism for ROS, no instrumental music, one true church, etc., yet they seek to hide this by changing the name)? Is there a desire to loosen God’s standards?

Are you part of THE church of Christ? The New Testament Church 2017


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