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Using iPads to Improve the Learning Outcomes for Students with disabilities, complex needs and autism.

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Presentation on theme: "Using iPads to Improve the Learning Outcomes for Students with disabilities, complex needs and autism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using iPads to Improve the Learning Outcomes for Students with disabilities, complex needs and autism

2 Solution – focused Action Research
Context Knowledge Exchange Solution – focused Action Research Collaborative Partnership

3 Open Image CC BY 2.0 Flickr user Fancy Jantzi
Why iPads? Multi-Purpose ‘Cool Factor’ Usability Open Image CC BY 2.0 Flickr user Fancy Jantzi

4 Where we started Knowledge Exchange Funding Awarded Small Scale Pilot Study Staff and Students review practice and evaluate technology Action research informs Resource Development

5 Staff Comments - Benefits of using iPads to support learning

6 Staff Comments – Challenges of using iPads to support learning

7 Key Themes Benefits Usability Age appropriate Accessibility Universal appeal ‘Age appropriate cheap easy to use when you know how current students love them’ ‘It gives a student a "voice" and opens doors to communication, choice making autonomy and independence’ ‘easy to use touchscreen, colourful visual aid, portable and wireless’ ‘They are current in line with the real/what is happening in the outside world. Parents/carers can buy iPads to use enabling to transfer of knowledge and skills.’ 

8 Lack of staff development
Key Themes Not enough knowledge and not understanding how the ipad can be best used’ Challenges Lack of staff development Confidence Lack of knowledge Usability ‘people fearful of new technology!’ ‘Staff fear of technology’ for me I have no idea how to use one but with training think would be fine ‘ ‘I feel that I would need further training as I feel that it could do so much more’ ‘Variability in quality of apps’

9 Student App Evaluations
Participant Feedback Comments Draw it n=13 Fantastic: 13 Not sure: 0 Terrible: 0 ‘I like it, I think the drawing is good.’ Photo booth N=7 Fantastic: 7 ‘I think it was special being able to use the iPads.’ Skitch N=6 Fantastic: 5 Not sure: 1 ‘Wow, I think this is fabulous and fantastic!’

10 Student App Evaluations
Example of students work created using iPads:

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