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What style of music is this?

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Presentation on theme: "What style of music is this?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What style of music is this?
To understand the term ‘syncopation’ and be able to perform a syncopated rhythm


3 Learning Objectives Be able to recognise characteristics of Reggae music Describe how it is different from other pop music we have studied Secure our understanding of Reggae characteristics through practical tasks To understand the term ‘syncopation’ and be able to perform a syncopated rhythm

4 What do you think of when you hear the word...
REGGAE? To understand the term ‘syncopation’ and be able to perform a syncopated rhythm

5 Listen to this song… What makes it different from regular pop songs? Be prepared to share your answer. To understand the term ‘syncopation’ and be able to perform a syncopated rhythm

6 A Brief History of Reggae
To understand the term ‘syncopation’ and be able to perform a syncopated rhythm

7 Where does Reggae come from?
Jamaica To understand the term ‘syncopation’ and be able to perform a syncopated rhythm

8 Bob Marley To understand the term ‘syncopation’ and be able to perform a syncopated rhythm

9 REGGAE Bob Marley Jamaica 1960s 4 beats in the bar Accent on 2 & 4
Simple songs Developed from Ska & Rocksteady Chords played on the Offbeat (syncopation) Guitar, drums, organ, vocals, percussion To understand the term ‘syncopation’ and be able to perform a syncopated rhythm

10 Class song – “Three Little Birds”
CHORUS: Don't worry about a thing, 'Cause every little thing gonna be alright. Singing' "Don't worry about a thing, 'Cause every little thing gonna be alright!" Verse: Rise up this mornin', Smiled with the risin' sun, Three little birds Each by my doorstep Singin' sweet songs Of melodies pure and true, Saying', ("This is my message to you") Chorus Verse To understand the term ‘syncopation’ and be able to perform a syncopated rhythm

11 How am I playing the chords? Why am I doing this?
To understand the term ‘syncopation’ and be able to perform a syncopated rhythm

12 Performing Reggae When performing reggae, the most important thing to remember is that the chords play on the offbeat. This is also known as a “skank” rhythm in Reggae. You need to count: 1,2,3,4/1,2,3,4/1,2,3,4/1,2,3,4 etc. When you are playing a Reggae song You will play your chords on numbers 2 & 4. To understand the term ‘syncopation’ and be able to perform a syncopated rhythm

13 Performing Reggae Task 1
In pairs, learn the following chords: A major, D major and E major Practise playing a Reggae rhythm, remembering to play the chords on 2&4. Your partner may need to count along with you to help A = A C# E D = D F# A E = E G# B Think….how can you make it easier to change between the chords?

14 Performing Reggae Task 2
As a class band, we are going to play through “Three Little Birds” by Bob Marley Follow the instructions on the sheet to help you with the chords Fancy a challenge? Check out the extra tasks on the sheet We will then do a class performance of this song, which will be filmed on the Ipad. To understand the term ‘syncopation’ and be able to perform a syncopated rhythm

15 Plenary Talk The most important thing I learned today is...
I have found out several things on the topic of... Firstly I found out that... Furthermore, I found out that... Discuss with a partner before you share it with the class. Before this lesson I could already... I was successful when I... Today I have tried to... I did not know how to but now I can Today I have learnt that... To understand the term ‘syncopation’ and be able to perform a syncopated rhythm

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