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St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Year 4 Curriculum Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Year 4 Curriculum Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Year 4 Curriculum Meeting
Teachers: Miss Harman (4S) Mr Woolman (4T)

2 The New Curriculum Introduced in September 2014. No longer levels.
Attainment is measured using key objectives across the entire school year. Children are assessed using the following terms: Less than expected progress, Expected Progress, More than expected progress.

3 The Curriculum English
Autumn: Fiction and Poetry: Stories from different cultures; Poetry and imagery, Non-fiction: Persuasive writing, journalistic recounts Spring: Fiction : Historical Stories; Play scripts Non-fiction; Newspapers, Evaluating Evidence Summer: Fiction and poetry; Stories with a Dilemma; Narrative Verse. Non-fiction: Information Texts; Explanation Texts

4 Maths Mental maths, number reasoning & properties, tables work, problems /investigations, calculator work and +, -, ÷ and x skills, throughout year, Autumn: place value, money, fractions & decimals, probability, statistics, 2D shape, position, direction, mass, time Spring Place value, money, percentages, 3D shape, angles, co-ordinates, length, fractions, decimals, percentages, positive and negative numbers, multiplications to x12 Summer: Place value, fractions, decimals, percentage, statistics, volume, money, position, direction.

5 The Curriculum Science – Sound, Electricity, Materials and Changing States, Habitats History – Ancient Egyptians, Victorians, Geography – Rivers, London, Settlements and land use Computing – Music and Technology, Networks, Design, html, data measurement/analysis, Sequence/selection/repetition Spanish – 1 x 45 minute lessons a week.

6 The Curriculum Art and Design
Pupils will be taught to create sketch books, to improve their mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpting with a range of materials.

7 Physical Education Uniform Labelled PE Kit Labelled
PE kits are in their House colours. All children should have their PE kits by now. To order collect an ACE form. Children need to wear their PE kits to school on Wednesdays and Fridays.

8 Equipment Needed Pencil Case Pencil 30 cm Ruler Rubber Sharpener
Colouring Pencils (felt tips with only be used occasionally) Whiteboard Pen Glue Stick Art Shirt

9 Homework This year, reading is a huge focus across St Joseph’s. We would like to see the children reading at home every single night! Teachers are more than happy to offer book recommendations. Times tables should be practised at home. Children should be able to recall time tables facts up to and including their twelve times tables. Project work Talk homework

10 Reading Children should read for 20 minutes every day.
Reading record books must be signed daily. They will be checked daily and recorded every Monday to see how much your child has read.

11 Class Dojo

12 Any Questions?

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