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Samples collection.

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1 Samples collection

2 For blood samples used two types tubes the A tube with out anticoagulant for obtained the serum (without fibrinogen) after the centrifuged the blood samples the serum samples need in serology and clinical chemistry, and the B tube with anticoagulant for obtained the plasma (with fibrinogen) is used in hematology, the blood collect directly from the jugular vein in all animals, caudal vein in cattle and ear vein in cat, the size of blood ranged about 5-10 ml, the anticoagulant substance as EDTA, oxalates and heparin must be moved the anticoagulant tube as a figure 8 after collection. A B

3 Bacterial swab, this instrument is used for collection the samples for bacterial diseases, some times need with it transport media and cooling conditions before reached to the laboratory and culturing on the bacterial media, the name of this swab is depend on the site of collection as ear swab, fecal swab, vaginal swab, eye swab, nasal swab …… etc.

4 Sterile tube for milk samples, the first step preparation of udders and teats, clean and dry with water before sample collection is attempted and wet with 70% ethyl alcohol, when collecting milk samples, first strip and discard the first stream of milk – checking for abnormal milk. Next remove the cap from the sample tube without touching the cap or the inner surface of the tube. Hold the tube at an angle and direct the milk stream into the tube. Teats nearest to the collector are sampled first, and teats on the far side of the udder last. Fill the tube 1/4 to 1/3 full with milk. Replace cap on tube as soon as sample collection is completed. Dip the cow’s teat(s) with a post milking teat disinfectant if the cow is not going to be milked immediately.

5 Special container for urine samples, methods of urine collection include 1- Urethral Catheterization2- Cystocentesis 3- Gently massage the skin under the vulva (escutcheon). 1 2 3

6 Skin scraping was carried out (after applying vaseline ointment on the affected area to prevent spreading of hair) by using a blunt scalpel, hairs collected particularly from the peripheral lesions in Petri dishes

7 Anthrax: saturated a piece of umbilical tape in oozing or venous unclotted blood, and air dry no refrigeration

8 Black leg1 & malignant edema: 2 inch cube of affected muscles with refrigeration

9 Caseous lymphadenitis: portion of lymph node with formalin, or destroyed sheep and lymph node discharge to the laboratory with refrigeration.

10 Rabies: submit unopened head with frozen and transit over 24 hr
Rabies: submit unopened head with frozen and transit over 24 hr. the head put in the container and labeled (A SUSPECTED RABIETIC HEAD)


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