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Global Solar Certification Network

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1 Global Solar Certification Network
GSC_N0029.R0 Part 1: New Concept but still: Global Solar Certification Network

2 Aim is still: Leading to:
Facilitate worldwide export for manufacturers of solar thermal quality products (collectors) Minimize the need for re-testing of collectors and re-inspection of collector production facilities when entering new markets Leading to: Increased quality Lower costs

3 Method changed: One Global Solar Certification Scheme - One Global Mark  Use existing certification schemes with mutual recognition of test reports and inspection reports

4 Reports fulfilling requirements given in GSCN Working Rules and done by test labs and inspectors recognized by GSCN. Test report Inspection report

5 Test Lab Product Accreditation body Certification body
Test report Standards for test procedures Certification body Accreditation body Certification body Requirements in scheme rules Inspection report Inspector Production line

6 Framework / organisation:
Global Solar Certification Network (GSCN) - working under the GSCN Working Rules Certification bodies (CB) Test labs (TL) Inspectors / inspection bodies (IB) Industry representatives (IR)

7 Global Solar Certification Network (GSCN) structure
Certification bodies WG Industry WG GSCN Board Chair Vice Chair Treasurer Secretary Test laboratories WG GSCN QAC* Chair *QAC: Quality Assurance Committee “Advisory Group”? Inspectors and Inspection bodies WG GSCN Manager Support to Network Board QAC Organising meetings Updating documents Web site GSCN Web Site List of operators: CBs Test labs Inspectors Info on Network

8 Global Solar Certification Network
Part 2: Working rules for Global Solar Certification Network

9 N0001: Working rules, giving the general rules for the network - and Annexes:
N0001 Annex A1: Requirements for certification bodies N0001 Annex A2: Procedures for peer assessment of certification bodies N0001 Annex A3: Peer assessment report for certification bodies N0001 Annex A4: Mutual Acceptance of Test and Inspection Reports N0001 Annex B1: Requirements for test labs N0001 Annex B2: Procedures for peer assessment of test labs N0001 Annex B3: Peer assessment report for test labs N0001 Annex C1: Requirements for inspection bodies N0001 Annex C2: Procedures for peer assessment of inspection bodies N0001 Annex C3: Peer assessment report for inspection bodies N0001 Annex D1: Test report template (including data sheet) (to come) N0001 Annex D2: Inspection report template N0001 Annex E1: Requirements for factory production control N0001 Annex F: Fees (to come) N0001 Annex G: Template for signing up for the Global Solar Certification Network

10 GSCN Working rules specify:
Requirements for participation of CBs, Test Labs, Inspectors (and others) Harmonized test procedures to be used (ISO standards) Harmonized requirements for factory production control Harmonized test report & inspection report formats

11 N0001: Working rules, giving the general rules for the network - and Annexes:
N0001 Annex A1: Requirements for certification bodies N0001 Annex A2: Procedures for peer assessment of certification bodies N0001 Annex A3: Peer assessment report for certification bodies N0001 Annex A4: Mutual Acceptance of Test and Inspection Reports N0001 Annex B1: Requirements for test labs N0001 Annex B2: Procedures for peer assessment of test labs N0001 Annex B3: Peer assessment report for test labs N0001 Annex C1: Requirements for inspection bodies N0001 Annex C2: Procedures for peer assessment of inspection bodies N0001 Annex C3: Peer assessment report for inspection bodies N0001 Annex D1: Test report template (including data sheet) (to come) N0001 Annex D2: Inspection report template N0001 Annex E1: Requirements for factory production control N0001 Annex F: Fees (to come) N0001 Annex G: Template for signing up for the Global Solar Certification Network

12 Requirements for Certification Bodies (CB)
General - main document N Certification bodies Certification bodies participating in the GSCN shall be recognised by the GSCN quality assurance committee based on Annex A1 “Requirements for certification bodies” (accreditation, …) The certification body shall take into account assessments done by the GSCN QAC when applying their own assessment procedures for test labs and inspectors according to Annex A4 “Mutual acceptance of test and inspection reports. Test labs and inspectors / inspection bodies that are positively assessed by the QAC and fulfil requirements in Annexes B1-B3 and C1-C3 should in general be accepted by the certification body. If the acceptance is not granted by the CB, this decision shall be documented.

13 Requirements for Certification Bodies (CB)
Annex A1 “Requirements for certification bodies Accreditation (ISO/IEC 17065; The scope shall include certification of solar thermal collectors based on testing according to EN ISO 9806) The certification body shall recognize test labs and inspectors according to conditions in Annex A4 “Mutual acceptance of test and inspection reports. The test labs and inspectors / inspection bodies shall fulfil requirements in Annexes B1-B3 and C1-C3. The requirements for the factory production control (Annex E1) and the inspection report template (Annex D2) shall be part of the certification body’s certification scheme rules.

14 Requirements for Certification Bodies (CB)
Annex A4 “Mutual acceptance of test and inspection reports. Test & inspection reports from testing laboratories & inspectors … shall be accepted by the particular party (i.e. CB ed.) of the agreement within the bounds of the respective regulations even if it concerns only partial tests. In well justified cases, the certification body can carry out additional check of the test lab e.g. if a test report contains obvious mistakes, the particular party shall be allowed not to accept a specific test report.

15 N0001: Working rules, giving the general rules for the network - and Annexes:
N0001 Annex A1: Requirements for certification bodies N0001 Annex A2: Procedures for peer assessment of certification bodies N0001 Annex A3: Peer assessment report for certification bodies N0001 Annex A4: Mutual Acceptance of Test and Inspection Reports N0001 Annex B1: Requirements for test labs N0001 Annex B2: Procedures for peer assessment of test labs N0001 Annex B3: Peer assessment report for test labs N0001 Annex C1: Requirements for inspection bodies N0001 Annex C2: Procedures for peer assessment of inspection bodies N0001 Annex C3: Peer assessment report for inspection bodies N0001 Annex D1: Test report template (including data sheet) (to come) N0001 Annex D2: Inspection report template N0001 Annex E1: Requirements for factory production control N0001 Annex F: Fees (to come) N0001 Annex G: Template for signing up for the Global Solar Certification Network

16 Requirements for Test Labs (TL)
General - main document N Testing laboratories Test labs participating in the GSCN shall be recognised by the GSCN quality assurance committee based on Annex B1 “Requirements for testing laboratories”. This recognition usually implies the recognition of the test labs by one or more of the certification bodies. The recognition of the test lab by a certification body should not be based on the collection of fees.

17 Requirements for Test Labs (TL)
Annex B1 “Requirements for Testing laboratories” A valid accreditation showing compliance with the provisions of ISO/IEC with the scope of the current version of ISO 9806. An ISO/IEC accreditation for the last 5 years for one of the following Standards (EN &2, ISO 9806, SD 100 or equivalent). A minimum of 5 years of experience in solar collector testing for one of the certification schemes of a certification body which is a current member of the GSCN A minimum of 25 certificates (solar thermal collector related) issued from one or more of the certification bodies which are current members of the GSCN based on the test report prepared by the testing laboratory Alternatively to last 3 dots above, a peer assessment (see GSCN Working Rules Annex B2. “Procedures for Peer Assessment of Testing Laboratories”) by the QAC of GSCN can be carried out, and based on this assessment extraordinary exceptions can be made by the GSCN Board based on an appropriate proposal of the QAC

18 N0001: Working rules, giving the general rules for the network - and Annexes:
N0001 Annex A1: Requirements for certification bodies N0001 Annex A2: Procedures for peer assessment of certification bodies N0001 Annex A3: Peer assessment report for certification bodies N0001 Annex A4: Mutual Acceptance of Test and Inspection Reports N0001 Annex B1: Requirements for test labs N0001 Annex B2: Procedures for peer assessment of test labs N0001 Annex B3: Peer assessment report for test labs N0001 Annex C1: Requirements for inspection bodies N0001 Annex C2: Procedures for peer assessment of inspection bodies N0001 Annex C3: Peer assessment report for inspection bodies N0001 Annex D1: Test report template (including data sheet) (to come) N0001 Annex D2: Inspection report template N0001 Annex E1: Requirements for factory production control N0001 Annex F: Fees (to come) N0001 Annex G: Template for signing up for the Global Solar Certification Network

19 Requirements for Inspectors and Inspection Bodies (IB)
General - main document N Inspectors and Inspection bodies Inspectors and Inspection bodies participating in the GSCN shall be recognised by the GSCN quality assurance committee based on Annex C1 “Requirements for inspectors and inspection bodies”. This recognition usually implies the recognition of the Inspectors and Inspection bodies by one or more of the certification bodies. The recognition of the Inspectors and In-spection bodies by a certification body should not be based on the collection of fees.

20 Requirements for Inspectors and Inspection Bodies (IB)
Annex C1 “Requirements for Inspection Bodies” Third Party Inspection Bodies: Any third-party inspection body that holds a current accreditation showing compliance with the provisions of ISO/IEC and is already recognized by one GSCN certification body may apply to the GSCN for acceptance as a recognized inspection body, provided it is accredited as a Type A inspection body. … Inspection by Product Certification Bodies: Any product certification body being member of the GSCN may also perform inspections provided it is accredited in accordance ISO/IEC and that its accredited scopes of work include furnishing inspection services for solar collector manufacturing conformity assessment.

21 N0001: Working rules, giving the general rules for the network - and Annexes:
N0001 Annex A1: Requirements for certification bodies N0001 Annex A2: Procedures for peer assessment of certification bodies N0001 Annex A3: Peer assessment report for certification bodies N0001 Annex A4: Mutual Acceptance of Test and Inspection Reports N0001 Annex B1: Requirements for test labs N0001 Annex B2: Procedures for peer assessment of test labs N0001 Annex B3: Peer assessment report for test labs N0001 Annex C1: Requirements for inspection bodies N0001 Annex C2: Procedures for peer assessment of inspection bodies N0001 Annex C3: Peer assessment report for inspection bodies N0001 Annex D1: Test report template (including data sheet) (to come) N0001 Annex D2: Inspection report template N0001 Annex E1: Requirements for factory production control N0001 Annex F: Fees (to come) N0001 Annex G: Template for signing up for the Global Solar Certification Network

22 Harmonized procedures
Testing: ISO 9806 Inspection: Annex E1 “Requirements for factory production control”

23 N0001: Working rules, giving the general rules for the network - and Annexes:
N0001 Annex A1: Requirements for certification bodies N0001 Annex A2: Procedures for peer assessment of certification bodies N0001 Annex A3: Peer assessment report for certification bodies N0001 Annex A4: Mutual Acceptance of Test and Inspection Reports N0001 Annex B1: Requirements for test labs N0001 Annex B2: Procedures for peer assessment of test labs N0001 Annex B3: Peer assessment report for test labs N0001 Annex C1: Requirements for inspection bodies N0001 Annex C2: Procedures for peer assessment of inspection bodies N0001 Annex C3: Peer assessment report for inspection bodies N0001 Annex D1: Test report template (including data sheet) (to come) N0001 Annex D2: Inspection report template N0001 Annex E1: Requirements for factory production control N0001 Annex F: Fees (to come) N0001 Annex G: Template for signing up for the Global Solar Certification Network

24 Harmonized reporting formats
Test report (data sheet): Annex D1 “Test report template (data sheet)” Inspection report: Annex D2 “Inspection report template”

25 N0001: Working rules, giving the general rules for the network - and Annexes:
N0001 Annex A1: Requirements for certification bodies N0001 Annex A2: Procedures for peer assessment of certification bodies N0001 Annex A3: Peer assessment report for certification bodies N0001 Annex A4: Mutual Acceptance of Test and Inspection Reports N0001 Annex B1: Requirements for test labs N0001 Annex B2: Procedures for peer assessment of test labs N0001 Annex B3: Peer assessment report for test labs N0001 Annex C1: Requirements for inspection bodies N0001 Annex C2: Procedures for peer assessment of inspection bodies N0001 Annex C3: Peer assessment report for inspection bodies N0001 Annex D1: Test report template (including data sheet) (to come) N0001 Annex D2: Inspection report template N0001 Annex E1: Requirements for factory production control N0001 Annex F: Fees (to come) N0001 Annex G: Template for signing up for the Global Solar Certification Network

26 Requirements for all bodies
Annex G “…signing up for the Global Solar Certification Network” With my signature, I declare that Legal name of institution/company Street ZIP code, TOWN COUNTRY becomes a member of the GSCN. This implies that our institution/company will respect the  Global Solar Certification Network working rules including all its Annexes and perform their activities according to them. The signature on this document is binding until date of withdrawal of signature. Message of withdrawal of signature shall be given to the GSCN manager in a signed document from the institution/company.

27 Part 3: Budget/financing/fees related to
Global Solar Certification Network

28 Estimated draft annual budget for operation of the GSCN
Activity Man power Other expenses Funding source Execution Hours Euro Manager Treasurer QAC Maintaining working rules with annexes 60 6000 Fees Organising/participating/reporting annual Network meeting 4000 10000 Organising/participating/reporting Board web meetings (4 per year) Web Promotion Other 40 1000 5000 Economy/administration Total 380 38000 39000 17000  Applicant  0 17000 Total annual budget (ex. QAC) 60000 43000

29 Example how to finance GSCN operation costs
Rate Year Per year Number of payments Annual income Annual fee per GSCN participant 200 1 30 6000 Fee from manufacturers re-using test reports (normally only one time) 1000 5 - 20 20000 Fee from manufacturers re-using inspection reports (every one-two years) 500 2 10000 Supporting members/person 4000 Supporting Industry members Total annual fee income 50000

30 Part 4: How to use the logo related to the
Global Solar Certification Network

31 Use of logo Certification bodies, test labs and inspectors fulfilling requirements given in GSCN Working Rules and recognized by the GSCN can show the logo together with their name at company web sites and in other company promotional material. GSCN web site and other GSCN promotional material can show the logo Test & inspection reports by GSCN inspectors can show the logo Certificates granted by GSCN Certification Bodies that have used GSCN labs and use always GSCN inspectors can show the logo

32 N0001: Working rules, giving the general rules for the network - H
N0001: Working rules, giving the general rules for the network - H. DRÜCK N0001 Annex A1: Requirements for certification bodies - K. Meyer N0001 Annex A2: Procedures for peer assessment of certification bodies - K. Meyer N0001 Annex A3: Peer assessment report for certification bodies - K. Meyer N0001 Annex A4: Mutual Acceptance of Test and Inspection Reports - K. Meyer N0001 Annex B1: Requirements for test labs - S. Fischer N0001 Annex B2: Procedures for peer assessment of test labs - S. Fischer N0001 Annex B3: Peer assessment report for test labs - S. Fischer N0001 Annex C1: Requirements for inspection bodies - J. Fernandez N0001 Annex C2: Procedures for peer assessment of inspection bodies - J. Fernandez N0001 Annex C3: Peer assessment report for inspection bodies - J. Fernandez N0001 Annex D1: Test report template (including data sheet) (to come) - S. Fischer N0001 Annex D2: Inspection report template - J. Fernandez N0001 Annex E1: Requirements for factory production control - J. Fernandez N0001 Annex F: Fees (to come) - J. Nielsen N0001 Annex G: Template for joining the Global Solar Certification Network - J. Nielsen

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