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Presentation on theme: "EXAM REVISION CRIME AND PUNISHMENT."— Presentation transcript:


2 EXAM STRUCTURE 1 Hour 20 multiple choice questions from across the topic 1 Source question worth 10 marks( a-d ). Question d using your own knowledge ( 5 marks) 1 Question on Roman and Medieval crime( 3, 4, 3 marks) 1 extended response question worth 10 marks which is a general question examining crime and punishment over time.

3 HOW TO STUDY Memorize your summary table
Know the name of specific law codes and law makers Be able to describe the features of each societies crime and punishment system; Mesopotamia Ancient China Ancient Athens Ancient Rome Medieval World Industrial Revolution and Victorian England

4 Documentary Question sheets
Look over your answers and understand content Handouts; read through and look at any questions answered on them Know terminolgy

5 What is the aim of punishment?
Retribution (Make criminals pay for what they have done wrong.) Deterrence (Deter people from committing crimes.) Reform (Change their behaviour.) Protection (Protect society.) Reparation (Repair the damage they have done)

6 Testing Specific Content
What were the Twelve Laws Laws of Athens Amended laws of Moses Hammurabi’s Laws Laws of Rome

7 Who was Draco a) Harry Potters Arch nemesis b)Ancient Chinese philosopher C) Harsh Athenian Law Maker D) Harsh Roman Law Maker

8 Who acted as Police in Ancient Rome
a)Vigiles b)Gladiators c) Soldiers d) Slaves

9 Who was crucified in Ancient Rome
a)any guilty person b) a person convicted of theft c) Slaves convicted of rebellion or other major crimes d) Nobles

10 Who created the first police force
a)Robert Peel b)William Wilberforce c) Jack the Ripper d)King John

11 How did 18th century Industrial England solve the problem of increasing crime
a) hung more people b)Shipped convicts to Australia c) Built bigger prisons d) used them as slave labor

12 What Aspects of Crime and Punishment Changed over time
Crime against Property Agricultural Societies Varied according to technology Crime against Man

13 Punishments- Change over time
Who Administered them Harshness of Motivation behind the punishments Who decided on guilt Different treatment between classes

14 How to nail the Extended response
WRITE A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Give specific detail, example the name of a law maker or law code, name of an historian or specific crimes and punishments. Be comprehensive- give a range of examples Have a clear argument with a clear Introduction and a Conclusion that sums up your points HINT; I HATE WAFFLE

15 Using the PEEL Structure to answer the extended response
INTRODUCTION= RESTATEMENT + THESIS With reference to particular societies assess the severity of crime and punishment across the Ages. PARAGRAPH STRUCTURE P POINT E LABORATION EXAMPLE LINK Construct a sample paragraph on Ancient Athens that would be included in an answer to this question

16 Sample Introduction “Crime and Punishment across the ages has varied in its nature and severity. It was dependent on the type of society, the form of government and prominent belief systems From early Neolithic societies such as Mesopotamia through Ancient societies such as Athens and Rome through to the 19th century have seen varying types of crime punished by degrees of severity depending on which class you belonged to.

17 Another Go. Try an Introduction to this one
With reference to particular societies explain how the nature of Crime and Punishment changed over time. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

18 Conclusions important??????
The last thing the marker reads before allocating the mark Sums up your overall argument and is your last opportunity to be persuasive Typical phrases: In Summation…… It is clear therefore…………… What must be evident is………………. In Conclusion…………….


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