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TXO freelance mxCuBE & more.

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Presentation on theme: "TXO freelance mxCuBE & more."— Presentation transcript:

1 TXO freelance mxCuBE & more

2 About Worked at ESRF for roughly 20 years
Worked at basically all BLs and particularly MX beamlines Pushed for automation projects from 2002 Funded TXO ( ) in September 2011 Personal and professional project Freelance and more Combined with exotic destinations (NGO work)

3 Domain of expertise Consulting , Development , Training in
Software for experiment control in synchrotrons and small x-ray sources

4 Assets Proven experience in experiment control
Programming: Python, C/C++, Graphical interfaces SPEC

5 Portfolio Regular customer - CSS / Certified Scientific Software
spec projects with Bessy, Pohang Acc., Indus2 mx software with MaxLab (I911-3) and Alba (Xaloc) Industrial - Xenocs

6 mxCuBE and more Do you remember? It was back in 2003
It was already a big improvement We also thought it was already quite complex :

7 Components (2003)

8 mxCuBE seen from ESRF Automation key-stone
Integrated in the general ESRF strategy for software and instrumentation developments (and I mean, not only for MX beamlines)

9 mxCuBE and ... mxCuBE (at ESRF) is :
a graphical Python/Qt application based on BLISS framework Underlying control of hardware done with spec and Tango Collection routines (partly) done with spec macros

10 If you want mxCuBE You need: A synchrotron, a beamline, a computer
Select and install all the hardware you will use Install a number of pieces of software Configure everything And.... glue them all together with some dose of expertise !! Test, validate, adapt and then upgrade from time to time

11 ... and more Complexity #1 - Features / Integration Autocentring EDNA
ISPyB MD2 Kappa and STAC User login Sample changer Tango servers Detector software Remote access Beamline alignment SPEC Taco Crystal ranking ADXV Spiral collection Energy scan PyMCA Tango Screening of crystals CCP4 Collection queue Powder Annealing XRF analysis Thumbnails Beam centering Transmission Workflow Barcodes SR Machine info Cryo Resolution Radiation damage Submit feedback User office Holder length ....

12 Complexity #2 - Software internals
Bricks Hardware Repository Server Hardware Objects Socket communication Events xmlrpc LDAP Qwt Khoros zmq xml configuration Jive ....

13 Complexity #3 - Hardware
Icepap Pilatus Attenuators Slits i0 monitors ..... (alright... you got the idea... )....

14 Complexity #4 - Collaboration
Collaboration required at least at three levels: Internal: MX group, BLISS, ISG, SciSoft, SEG On site: EMBL / ESRF Between partner institutes: MaxLab, Bessy, Alba, ESRF, Soleil


16 Some notes out of this afternoon presentation
High degree of stardisation for users (same collect GUI) through mxCuBE Little automation (centring, EDNA, ISPyB) Not clear to me how much queues are used outside ESRF Common needs mentioned (at least at two sites) CATS irelec sample changer in mxCuBE Centring in mxCuBE (autocentring) Upgrade mxCuBE without overwriting local changes ISPyB

Case Study 1: MaxLab Following ESRF choices. Perspective after some years. Case Study 2: Alba Integrating mxCuBE technology within a different technical context

18 Partners ESRF had (and has) always a commitment to share developments
Initial strategy (MaxLab, Bessy) Copy faithfully the choices made at ESRF ESRF staff helped and trained MaxLab and Bessy staff Conclusion: Good benefit for scientists and users. Standard cannot be stronger Weakness of the model: Local choices and constraints Local expertise is limited (“alien” technology) Evolution of the software / Local changes (overwritten) redesign rather than configure ESRF staff availability

19 CASE STUDY 1 - MAXLAB I911-3 Initially copied all ESRF choices (everything ! including the rackable PC model) It has been running experiments with mxCuBE for years First version needed adapting mxCuBE: No sample changer, no ISPyB, no control of attenuators... Some software developments were made locally, integrated. Proved the modularity of mxCuBE is good.

20 C.S. 1 - MAXLAB (2) But... Software got frozen. No upgrades
ESRF kept adding features that did not get to Lund New instruments (like sample changer arm) different from ESRF need to be integrated Changes in staff made that the limited local expertise in mxCuBE became even more scarce

21 C.S.1 - MAXLAB (3) Situation after a first intervention:
Assessment of needs done Number of bugs solved from very first version installation Latest mxCuBE version v2.0 is now functioning and able to do collections but... many of the features (remember complex. slide no 1) are not yet available (they never were) Still needs work (quite) Good help from ESRF, EMBL, Maatel

22 C.S. 1 - MAXLAB (4) After the intervention is finished:
Evolution/Upgrade will require effort Local expertise still missing Future upgrades will still be painful MaxLab has chosen Sardana for Max-IV ( see next C.S.)

23 CASE STUDY 2 - ALBA Xaloc beamline Freshly and successfully started
Local control system, software choices different from ESRF (Sardana, no SPEC, Qt4...) The core of mxCuBE needs to be rewritten Basic Data collection is already running with new system Clear, committed goal to share and to profit the most of the collaboration

24 C.S. 2 - ALBA (2) ALBA will use, as such, software blocks like: EDNA
PyMCA C3D .... Willing to profit of experience in collection sequences... but... how? Working now on multicollect, autocentring....

25 Thoughts for discussion
Thought #1: How to make software Upgradable and Customizable? Implementation (encapsulation, abstraction) Interface between componentd (clear, stable, documented) - the train interoperability case Configuration! Beyond the design mode (it would have ease the move from v1 to v2) Multiple integration options always better than one (example of EMBL software) Thought #2: How to make expertise to develop or to make it available? Networking, communication, training Thought #3: How to share developments? Delegation, specialization, Or even.. why not...subcontracting (ahem) Thought #4: The case of ISPyB ?

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