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Feedback on BOE Report Writing

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1 Feedback on BOE Report Writing

2 Language Candidates Students The unit or Teachers College
Data – Is it singular or plural? Present tense to describe what exists or is being planned at the time of the visit

3 Scope NCATE’s review includes more than state certification programs.
It also includes preparation for private schools. Remember to make distinction and report on advanced-level programs

4 General Include details and illustrations.
Use the rubrics & questions in the BOE report template as guides. Look for patterns; don’t make references to one person or circumstance. Triangulate data. There is no need to continually refer to evidence such as “on page 4 of the IR” or “two candidates said.”

5 Areas for Improvement Area for improvement statements should be a one sentence statement of the problem. Do not make recommendations for fixing the problem. Include a brief (1-2 sentence) rationale for the area for improvement. Report on previous weaknesses.

6 Motion Picture vs Snapshot
Describe what exists at the time of the visit. Give credit to the unit for planning, but not promises. If plans have been approved by appropriate groups and all signs are that the plans will be implemented, the plans can influence your judgment about a standard being met.

7 Remember to include the advanced level.

8 Standard 1 Evidence needed: data to convince the team that candidates know and demonstrate expectations of state, professional, and institutional standards. Data, data, data supplemented with illustrations and examples.

9 Performance Data Must Be Reported…
Admissions Student teaching/internship Test scores Follow-up studies

10 Include tables where appropriate and recommended in the BOE Report Template.
Discuss the table in a paragraph that relates the data to the standard. Are the data convincing or not?

11 If performance data are not available…
It will be difficult to make the case in your findings that candidates have developed the knowledge, skills, & dispositions expected in standards. Describe the assessments Indicate that data have not been compiled or aggregated

12 Standard 3 Describe the internships for programs that prepare other school personnel at the advanced level. Describe the field experiences required in the master’s programs for licensed teachers.

13 Watch for Duplication of text and tables in several standards
Technology Diversity Assessment data Making editorial statements

14 In a real visit you would have the opportunity on Tuesday to follow-up on concerns and to ask for missing data needed to make decisions.

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