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Dynamics of Addiction Presentation by Timothy Bracaglia, BASW,

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Presentation on theme: "Dynamics of Addiction Presentation by Timothy Bracaglia, BASW,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dynamics of Addiction Presentation by Timothy Bracaglia, BASW,
MSW Candidate, CADC Candidate

2 What is addiction? A problematic pattern of use of an intoxicating substance leading to clinically significant impairment or distress (APA, 2013). A primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, and memory in which an individual pathologically pursues rewards and/or relief by substance use and other behaviors which leads to characteristic biological, psychological, social and spiritual manifestations (ASAM, 2011).

3 How Does Addiction Form?
Dopamine: the motivation neurotransmitter Subjective reward / feeling of pleasure Survival of species .) A user takes a drug Dopamine is activated  sense of reward .) User seeks continued dopamine releases / rewards .) Tolerance  need for larger dose

4 Dope – Dopamine – Dopey Decisions
Once addicted: the drug becomes perceived as necessary Dopamine Shift in priorities … Guilt Addicted: When the addict’s neurological need for the drug trumps all else.

5 A Bio-Psycho-Social-Spiritual Malady
Biological Withdrawal, use to cope with pain / self-medication, cirrhosis, etc. Psychological Underlying psychological issues / self-medication, psychological withdrawal symptoms, etc. Social Loss of friends / family / loved ones’ support, social circle becomes using peers, etc. Spiritual “spiritual bankruptcy”, loss of faith, resentment towards self, others, higher power, etc.

6 The Chemically Dependent Family System – 6 Roles:
The Addict Individual with the SUD Center of attention The Hero Attempts to “cover-up” Guilt, fear, shame Denial The Mascot The jester / people-pleaser Inappropriate humor as a coping method Embarrassment, shame, anger

7 The Chemically Dependent Family System – 6 Roles: (continued)
The Lost Child Quiet & reserved; “out of the way” Avoids discussion of the issue Guilt, loneliness, neglect, anger The Scapegoat Trouble maker Craves attention Shame, guilt, emptiness The Enabler (Caretaker) Pilots the family system Makes excuses for behaviors of others - denial Inadequacy, fear, helplessness

8 Spirituality and Recovery…
Clients with higher scores on measures of spirituality are more likely to be abstinent following treatment than those with lower scores (Waters and Shafer, 2005; Miller, 1998). Connectedness to self, others, and the universe Spirituality is a protective factor against SUDs Spirituality is a strength for those recovering from SUDs

9 Thank You For Being Here!
Armed with knowledge, dedication, and love; together we will make a difference in helping those suffering from substance use disorders find recovery. Thank You For Being Here!

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