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Leveraging Social Collaboration in ITSM 8.0 and Custom Applications

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1 Leveraging Social Collaboration in ITSM 8.0 and Custom Applications
Ashutosh Deshpande Lead Product Developer

2 Agenda Introduction to ITSM 8.0 Social Collaboration features
Discuss how users can leverage these OOTB functionalities to share information and stay in sync anywhere, anytime! Technical discussion on how these features can be integrated by any custom AR System application

3 Introduction to ITSM 8.0 Social Collaboration features
BMC AR System 8.0 platform provides following Social Collaboration features out of the box for use by the applications Support for Chat between AR users with and without context AR form entries configured as RSS feed Alert notifications via Twitter ITSM 8.0 leverages these features to provide out of the box integration as: In-context Chat support in Incidents, Problems, Change Requests, etc. OOTB RSS feed for ITSM Broadcasts OOTB alert Twitter notifications for ITSM Broadcasts

4 ITSM Application Console: Enable Social Collab Features

5 ITSM Application Console: Configuration

6 Chat Support Chat for every user, even a guest
Support for standard chat features such as friends list, one-to-one and one-to-many chat, presence, saving chat history Context based chat for business entities (such as Incidents, Problems, Change Requests, etc.) Demo covers How to configure and enable Chat How users can leverage Chat for better collaboration

7 Chat DVF: Data Visualization Module

8 Chat Server Settings: Data Visualization Definition

9 ITSM Chat Config: CFG:ChatSettings

10 ITSM Chat in action: Incident as Context

11 RSS Support AR System 8.0 platform as a RSS feed provider
Configuring any form as a RSS feed Subscribe to RSS feeds in any RSS reader Demo covers How to configure and enable RSS feeds How users can subscribe to RSS feeds

12 ITSM RSS Config: AR System Feed Definition

13 ITSM RSS in action: Accessible Feed Links

14 ITSM RSS in action: Actual RSS Feed Data in an RSS reader

15 Twitter Support “tweet” as a delivery mechanism for AR alert notifications Registration of a Twitter account for an AR user Configure Twitter account to receive notifications Demo covers How to configure and enable Twitter notifications Sharing ITSM broadcast information using Twitter

16 ITSM Twitter Config: CFG:ExternalNotificationRegistration

17 AR System Alert User Registration

18 How to integrate with Custom App
Chat Include a DVF in any AR form: OOTB Data Visualization Module available as part of AR System 8.0 platform installation Create workflows (event-based active links) to maintain context with business entities and to receive chat transcript at the end of chat RSS OOTB form: Only configuration, no development Twitter Creating workflows (filter) to send alert notification, which in turn uses the OOTB filter API plug-in for Twitter

19 R2S: Chat DVF on Home Page

20 Maintaining Chat Context: Send Event Data to Chat DVF

21 R2S: Receiving Chat Transcript

22 R2S Chat in action: Chat with Context

23 R2S: RSS Feeds Configuration

24 R2S RSS feeds in action: Available RSS feed links

25 R2S RSS feeds in action: Feed data in an RSS reader

26 R2S: Twitter Notification Workflow (filter)

27 Platform: AR System Alert Twitter User Authorization

28 R2S Twitter in action: Tweets as AR Alert Notifications

29 Question/Discussions
Questions? Links to documentation

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