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Governors’ Update RaiseOnline & Fischer Family Trust

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Presentation on theme: "Governors’ Update RaiseOnline & Fischer Family Trust"— Presentation transcript:

1 Governors’ Update RaiseOnline & Fischer Family Trust
March 2014

2 Content Expectations of Ofsted for Governors
What & how we distribute data at Neston RaiseOnline ~ source, access, interpretation FFT ~ source, access, interpretation Further information & training. 2

3 Knowing Your School (KYS)
National Governors’ Association Series of Briefing Notes No. 2 is Secondary RaiseOnline (hand-out).

4 Ofsted’s Expectations (KYS p5)
How does attainment and progress at my school compare to national averages and the government’s floor standards? Attainment= raw performance, grades, % etc. Progress = how performing compared to that expected Do we have any under-performing groups of pupils, or are there wide gaps in attainment between some groups of pupils? Groups = SEN, Pupil Premium, FSM, Levels of Ability at KS2 Are we relatively stronger or weaker in some subjects compared to others? How might the context of our school affect our performance? Ability on entry and profile, % of FSM…. How does pupil attendance compare to national averages?

5 How we share information
Immediately after exam results: Briefing paper, stats, top performers, early indicators ed to all governors Early October: Full presentation to Curriculum Governors covering all aspects (typically no confirmed ROL or FFT, but estimates) Early December: Full presentation to All Governors covering all aspects (typically ROL or FFT are now confirmed)

6 Q1) Attainment (ROL p17) Compare school to national in terms of threshold 5A*-C Eng & Maths

7 Q1) Attainment (FFT p2) Compare school to national in terms of threshold 5A*-C Eng & Maths

8 Q1) Attainment (ROL p18) Compare school to national in terms of threshold Capped Point Score Total of all points but only counting each student’s best 8 scores.

9 Q1) Attainment (FFT p2) Compare school to national in terms of threshold Capped Point Score Total of all points but only counting each student’s best 8 scores. Shows past trend and future projections based on known intake profile.

10 Q1) Progress (ROL p42-47) Compare school to national in terms of Making Expected Progress This chart is for English. Shows how well students with starting points at KS2 typically go on to perform at GCSE.

11 Q1) Levels of Progress – How Much?
e.g. 73 students starting at KS2 Level 4 in English, went on to achieve grade C in GCSE English Notional Levels 1 level 2 levels 3 levels 11

12 Q1) Progress (ROL p36) Compare school to national in terms of progress Value Added (VA) Centred around average of Percentile rank nationally 1=top, 100=bottom

13 Q1) Progress (FFT p2) Compare school to expected based on prior achievement. NB progress measure is more challenging for NHS than the ROL version. Pupil Progress shows difference between Actual and Expected performance

14 Q2) Sub-group performance /gaps (ROL p36)
Again centred around overall, but need to compare to similar group nationally. e.g. FSM gap is – = 8.4 Nationally gap is – = 16.5 Our gap is much better than national picture.

15 Q2) Sub-group performance /gaps (FFT p3)
Based on Capped Points Score. Compares Actual Results to Expected averaged over 3 years. Only shows within school gap Does not compare with national picture.

16 Q3) Compare subjects attainment (ROL p22)
Takes no account of potential ability of students opting for that course – raw attainment. e.g. Art & Design has significantly higher percentage of students achieving A*-A at 27.1% compared to national figure of 20.7% - but ours could be ‘more able’ students than those typically following the course nationally.

17 Q3) Compare subjects progress (ROL p38)
Available for all EBACC subjects: English, Maths, Science, Languages, Humanities Based on average of Need to compare our gap with national gap.

18 Q3) Compare subjects progress (FFT p3)
Available for most GCSE subject areas Pupil Progress shows difference between Actual and Expected performance.

19 Q4) Context of school (ROL p7)
Gives background contextual factors that could account for / contribute towards particular performance. Large school; small proportion of girls; low incidence of FSM and of ethnic groups.

20 Q4) Context of school (ROL p16)
Gives background contextual factors that could account for / contribute towards particular performance. Demonstrates ability profile on entry. Below average for year 7. Shows more spread of ability; Low is below Level 4; Middle is Level 4; High is above Level 4 at KS2 We have ‘middle bulge’

21 Q4) Context of school (FFT p4)
Only gives profile of most recent year 11 group, but gives figures to compare with national.

22 Q5) Attendance (ROL p11 ) Compares attendance trends.

23 Q5) Attendance (FFT p4 ) Compares attendance for latest academic year to national. Gives breakdown by yeargroup.

24 Further Training Access to RaiseOnline & FFT
Requires individual log-in for each governor Current in-school data set incorporates much of ROL & FFT requirement. In future, circulate ROL and FFT summaries with commentary when available?

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