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Asexual Propagation by

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Presentation on theme: "Asexual Propagation by"— Presentation transcript:

1 Asexual Propagation by
Layering Plant Propagation Original work from “Applied Technologies” edited and used with permission by Dr. Teri Hamlin

2 Table of Contents Introduction to Plant Propagation Sexual Propagation
Asexual Propagation Stem, Leaf, Cuttings Layering Separation & Division Tissue Culture Budding and Grafting

3 What is layering? a method of asexual propagation in which roots are formed on a stem or root while it is still attached to the parent plant the stem or root which is rooted is called a layer

4 Why use this method? Some plants are propagated easiest using this method. Advantage The plant being rooted benefits from the resource of water and nutrients that the mother plant provides.

5 Disadvantages: Requires more time than other methods of propagation
Fewer plants can be started from each parent plant

6 Methods of Layering Simple Layering Air Layering Compound Layering
Mound Layering Trench Layering

7 Simple Layering

8 Air Layering

9 Compound Layering

10 Mound Layering

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