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BORKHIMMASH 143 years in the business

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1 BORKHIMMASH 143 years in the business

2 Borisoglebsk Order of the Red Banner of Labor Chemical Engineering Plant, OJSC has more than 40 years of experience in heat transfer equipment production with over 6,000 heat transfer equipment items produced by the company spread over the facilities of our customers. Gazprom, OJSC has been a strategic partner of Borkhimmash, OJSC for several decades. Cooperation between Borkhimmash, OJSC and Gazprom Company started with first gas pipeline construction projects in 1981: Urengoy — Pomary — Uzhgorod, Yamburg —Tula-2, for which the plant would provide air cooling units of 2АVG-75 and АVG-100 modifications.

3 In 2008 the plant adopted the ISO 9001 quality management system, which has been applied ever since.
In 2009 Borkhimmash, OJSC became a member of the HTRI association, a world leader in heat transfer processes and heat exchange technology development and research. Heat transfer equipment is designed with the help of their software. HTRI Houston Testing Facility, Texas, USA

4 To provide cutting edge equipment to Gazprom, OJSC in 2008 the plant implemented batch production of the product range of modular air cooling units with galvanized metalwork of ICEBERG type, designed in accordance with ТR specifications adopted by Gazprom, OJSC. Their principal specifications, particularly relevant in the conditions of the Extreme North are easy installation, extended service life, durability and hermetic sealing capacity.

5 FMC3200 Drilling and Milling Processing Center
To produce high-performance equipment the production capacities of Borkhimmash, OJSC were augmented with a fleet of state-of-the-art welding and machining equipment by the leading global manufacturers. Automatic orbital welding machine with weld heads for tube welding in the chamber TS (manufactured by Polysoude, France). HARDINGE CNC Turning Center FMC3200 Drilling and Milling Processing Center Automatic welding tractor for longitudinal welding of the air-cooling unit chambers А2 Multitrac made by ESAB

6 Between 2009 and 2013 over 400 ICEBERG units were delivered to a number of construction sites of Gazprom, OJSC: development of the Senoman-Apt deposits of the Bovanenkovo gas field, main gas pipelines: - Bovanenkovo – Ukhta, - Ukhta – Torzhok, - Gryazovets – Vyborg. Bovanenkovo – Ukhta and Ukhta – Torzhok gas pipelines Gryazovets – Vyborg gas pipeline Уточнить количество Айсбергов, поставленных на сегодняшний день.

7 In 2013–2015 the plant will take part in supplying air cooling units for the construction of a unique, world’s largest Russkaya compressor station of the main offshore section of the South Stream gas pipeline. The Russkaya station will be the terminal point of the Russian section of the pipeline. (Project capacity 448 MWt)

8 2012 saw production of the first prototype of high pressure distributing header.
The chamber prototype with all air cooling unit modules working under pressure has now passed the cyclic and peak load tests at IrkutskNIIKhimmash, OJSC, the largest research center for pressure-related material strength issues. The chamber has withstood, without being destroyed, the cyclic load test (1000 cycles) under the working pressure of 28.5 MPa and the test pressure of 42.5 MPa. The pressure test stopped at the static pressure of 100.

9 In cooperation with the leading Western manufacturers, the most up-to-date automatic welding equipment for high-pressure chamber welding has been designed and is now being produced. In 3 months’ time it is intended to launch the automatic welding lines, including automatic internal chamber welding and socket welding lines.

10 Borisoglebsk Order of the Red Banner of Labor Chemical Engineering Plant
BORKHIMMASH, OJSC Address: 4a Prokhodnaya Str., Borisoglebsk, Voronezh region Tel.: (47354) ; Telex/Fax: (47354) ,

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