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Digital Image Processing Lecture 20: Image Compression May 16, 2005

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1 Digital Image Processing Lecture 20: Image Compression May 16, 2005
Prof. Charlene Tsai

2 Before Lecture … Please return your mid-term exam.

3 Starting with Information Theory
Data compression: the process of reducing the amount of data required to represent a given quantity of information. Data information Data convey the information; various amount of data can be used to represent the same amount of information. E.g. story telling (Gonzalez pg411) Data redundancy Our focus will be coding redundancy

4 Coding Redundancy Again, we’re back to gray-level histogram for data (code) reduction Let rk be a graylevel with occurrence probability pr(rk). If l(rk) is the # of bits used to represent rk, the average # of bits for each pixel is

5 Example on Variable-Length Coding
Average for code 1 is 3, and for code 2 is 2.7 Compression ratio is 1.11 (3/2.7), and level of reduction is

6 Information Theory Information theory provides the mathematical framework for data compression Generation of information modeled as a probabilistic process A random event E that occurs with probability p(E) contain units of information (self-information)

7 Some Intuition I(E) is inversely related to p(E)
If p(E) is 1 => I(E)=0 No uncertainty is associated with the event, so no information is transferred by E. Take alphabet “a” and “q” as an example. p(“a”) is high, so, low I(“a”); p(“q”) is low, so high I(“q”). The base of the logarithm is the unit used to measure the information. Base 2 is for information in bit

8 Entropy Measure of the amount of information
Formal definition: entropy H of an image is the theoretical minimum # of bits/pixel required to encode the image without loss of information where i is the grayscale of an image, and pi is the probability of graylevel i occurring in the image. No matter what coding scheme is used, it will never use fewer than H bits per pixel

9 Variable-Length Coding
Lossless compression Instead of fixed length code, we use variable-length code: Smaller-length code for more probable gray values Two methods: Huffman coding Arithmetic coding We’ll go through the first method

10 Huffman Coding The most popular technique for removing coding redundancy Steps: Determine the probability of each gray value in the image Form a binary tree by adding probabilities two at a time, always taking the 2 lowest available values Now assign 0 and 1 arbitrarily to each branch of the tree from the apex Read the codes from the top down

11 Example in pg 397 The average bit per pixel is 2.7
Much better than 3, originally Theoretical minimum (entropy) is 2.7 How to decode the string Huffman codes are uniquely decodable. Gray value Huffman code 00 1 10 2 01 3 110 4 1110 5 11110 6 111110 7 111111

12 LZW (Lempel-Ziv-Welch) Coding
Lossless Compression Compression scheme for Gif, TIFF and PDF For 8-bit grayscale images, the first 256 words are assigned to grayscales 0, 1, …255 As the encoder scans the image, the grayscale sequences not in the dictionary are place in the next available location. The encoded output consists of dictionary entries.

13 Example Consider the 4x4, 8-bit image of a vertical edge 39 39 126 126
A 512-word dictionary starts with the content Dictionary location Entry 1 255 256 ---- 511 ---

14 To decode, read the 3rd column from top to bottom

15 Run-Length Encoding (1D)
Lossless compression To encode strings of 0s and 1s by the number or repetitions in each string. A standard in fax transmission There are many versions of RLE

16 (con’d) Consider the binary image on the right Method 1:
(123)(231)(0321)(141)(33)(0132) Method 2: (22)(33)(1361)(24)(43)(1152) For grayscale image, break up the image first into the bit planes.

17 Problem with grayscale RLE
Long runs of very similar gray values would result in very good compression rate for the code. Not the case for 4 bit image consisting of randomly distributed 7s and 8s. One solution is to use gray codes. See page for an example

18 Example in pg 400 For 4 bit image, Bit planes are:
Binary encoding: 8 is 1000, and 7 is 0111 Gray code encoding: 8 is 1100 and 7 is 0100 Bit planes are: Uncorrelated Highly correlated 1 1 1 0th, 1st, and 2nd binary bit plane 3rd binary bit plane 0th and 1st gray code bit plane (replace 0 by 1 for 2nd plane) 3rd gray code bit plane

19 Summary Information theory Lossless compression schemes
Measure of entropy, which is the theoretical minimum # of bits per pixel Lossless compression schemes Huffman coding LZW Run-Length encoding

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