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(Who else is hanging around in your family tree?)

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2 (Who else is hanging around in your family tree?)
Human Genealogy (Who else is hanging around in your family tree?)

3 Taxonomic Scheme Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species

4 Taxonomic Scheme Karl Plays Cards Only For Green Stamps

5 Taxonomic Scheme Kids Prefer Candy Over Fat Gooey Snails

6 Taxonomic Scheme Kingdom - Animal Phyum - Chordate
Sub-phylum - Vertebrate Class Mammal Order Primate Family Hominid Genus - Homo Species - Homo sapiens

7 More Mnemonics Animalia Chordata Vertebrata Mammalia Primata Hominid
Homo Homo sapiens Ana Caught Vince Making Piping Hot Ham Sandwiches

8 Animalia Chordata Vertebrata Mammalia Primata Hominid Homo Homo sapiens A chocolate valentine may produce hot and heavy sweethearts

9 Animalia Chordata Vertebrata Mammalia Primata Hominid Homo Homo sapiens A crystal vase might possibly hold hybrid sunflowers

10 Animalia Chordata Vertebrata Mammalia Primata Hominid Homo Homo sapiens Amy cutout valentines for Ma, Pa, her husband and sister

11 Chordates

12 Fish Amphibian

13 Reptile Mammal

14 Birds

15 Primates Baboon Prosimian

16 The Pinnacle of Evolution?

17 Bigfoot Sasquatch Jersey Devil Abominable Snowman
Other Hominids? Bigfoot Sasquatch Jersey Devil Abominable Snowman

18 Neanderthal Homo habilis Homo erectus
Other Hominids? Neanderthal Homo habilis Homo erectus

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