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Teacher Development Group discussion.

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1 Teacher Development Group discussion

2 Question 1: What new knowledge and competences are needed – teacher profile?
Competencies: thinking skills, “understanding” of subject-matter, dealing with diversity / disabilities, ICT skills, sense of pride in the profession, inter-personal relationships. Most countries have or hope to develop a broad framework of teacher competencies that covers most of the teacher field of work

3 2. Secondary teacher recruitment, professional development and remuneration –needs of knowledge society Problems: Attracting good candidates to teaching Shortages in fields of science and maths Salaries a problem but difficult to deal with Social prestige of teachers

4 Initial T. Education Is there for an emphasis on this level?
Need for a coordinating body at government level to cater for quality in ITE Need for a National Registry of Qualified Teachers ITE in relation to in-service teachers – need for a career path – should teaching be a life long job?

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