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Map Tour - Google Earth Tour

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1 Map Tour - Google Earth Tour

2 Directions Create a Google Earth Tour for the Final Review Sheet.
Label any 10 of the physical features listed on the following slides. You must include at least two from each of the four regions: Latin America, SW Asia, South Asia, Africa. Include each physical feature’s significance. The physical features required for this assignment are included on the following slides.

3 Latin America 1. The Pampas 2. Panama Canal 3. Andes Mountain
4. Amazon Rainforest

4 Southwest Asia 5. Strait of Hormuz 6. Suez Canal 7. Tigris River
8. Euphrates River

5 South Asia 9. Indian Ocean 10. Ganges River 11. Himalayas

6 Africa 12. Nile River 13. Sahara Desert 14. Sahel Region
15. Great Rift Valley

7 To do List 1. Blogging Assignment – Due last Tuesday at 11:59
2. China Assignment – Due yesterday 3. North Korea Assignment – Due right now 4. Google Earth Tour – Due Wednesday at 730 AM 4. Final Review Sheet – Due next Monday

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