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What is Family and Consumer Sciences?

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Presentation on theme: "What is Family and Consumer Sciences?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Family and Consumer Sciences?

2 Definition Abbreviated FACS
Allows skills, research, and knowledge that helps people make informed decisions about their well being, relationships, and resources to achieve optimal quality of life. Topics covered may include: Human development Personal and family finance Housing and interior design Food science, nutrition, and wellness Textiles and apparel Consumer issues

3 History Catharine Beecher
Established a private school for girls in Hartford, CT Published two books to integrate domestic science into public schools Treatise on Domestic Economy, 1841 Domestic Receipt Book, 1842

4 Ellen Richards Developed first school lunch in 1894 in Boston, Massachusetts World Fair in Chicago, 1893 Rumford’s Kitchen exhibit It represented a workingman’s home and tried to show how his family could live on $ a year Provided nutritious meals and nutrition education

5 Other influences… Philanthropic organizations Kitchen-Garden movement
opened classes outside the schools and sponsored activities in housekeeping and homemaking for children and adults. Kitchen-Garden movement It taught small children household work by means of miniature toys. Kindergarten movement Problems of proper food, clothing, hygiene and child care were being met by the kindergarten teacher.

6 Cooking Schools became popular (late 1800s)
influenced the offering of foods and nutrition in the high schools and colleges. They showed the practical value of learning to prepare and serve food at small expense and helped the public to become nutrition conscious. influenced the creation of magazines devoted to the solution of household problems Good Housekeeping, first published in 1885

7 Any ideas why these states?
Morrill Land Grant Act of 1862 - Higher education became available for the common individual - practical pursuits of living - programs for women were included - Iowa, Kansas, and Illinois Any ideas why these states?

8 The Lake Placid Conferences
Held in New York in the late 19th century 10 conferences trying to develop the discipline of Home Economics Ellen Richards was the chairperson Accomplishments: Selected the term Home Economics Establishment of the Carnegie Nutrition Laboratory Education of women for leadership Raised the standard of living for American families Organized and created the American Home Economics Association

9 Scottsdale Conference, 1993
Proposed the name of the discipline be changed to Family and Consumer Sciences.

10 Importance Why do you think Family and Consumer Sciences is important?

11 Prepare for life (beyond high school)
Become a responsible citizen & leader Promote healthy eating Become a smart consumer Managing Money

12 Brainstorm jobs that could be related to Family and Consumer Science
What kind of Jobs? Brainstorm jobs that could be related to Family and Consumer Science

13 Careers Business Culinary Arts Banking and Finance
Fashion Home furniture Sales Nutrition & wellness Culinary Arts Early Childhood Education Social Worker This is just a short list!

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