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17-18 Willmar Public Schools

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1 17-18 Willmar Public Schools
Infinite Campus Teacher Tools Updates

2 Agenda: Campus Instruction New Index and Control Center Categories:
Drop down for Tools Help and Account Settings Control center can be used for devices like iPad Categories: Cross Course Categories Assignments: New Assignment Editor Assignments across different COURSES Assignment Defaults Curriculum Copier Sequence Numbers Campus Instruction + Campus Learning New Packaging for Campus Instruction

3 Index and Control Center
Collapse the new index using the hamburger icon in the top left of the screen. Access other applications like Campus Tools in the dropdown list at the top of the index. A new home page for teachers has also been released called the Control Center. The Control Center shows current tasks at a glance that allows teachers to take attendance and score assignments easily. Top Right: Switch calendars, “?” for help, person icon link to account settings Optimized for mobile devices, making it easy to complete daily tasks on a phone or tablet.

4 Cross Course Categories
Update from mid-year but wanted to mention in line with update: Categories can be created and assigned to different courses

5 New Assignment Editor – Updated to make it more simple and easy to use
Assignments can now be aligned to any section taught by a teacher, even those in different courses. The editor has also been reorganized to prioritize required information. Scoring alignments have been simplified and the information intended for students and for the teacher has been grouped accordingly.

6 Assignment Defaults A new tool has been added to the Grade Book Settings menu that allows teachers to create default assignment options. These defaults can include Section Groups, Dates, Sequence, and Grading Setup. Teachers can create multiple defaults and select the desired one when creating a new assignment. One default can be selected to apply automatically whenever a new assignment is created.

7 Curriculum Copier Previously, the curriculum copier did not retain sequence numbers. This has been corrected. If the destination section does not have assignments, sequence numbers are kept. If there are assignments in the destination section, the copied assignments are sequenced starting with one value higher than the highest existing sequence.

8 Campus Instruction + Campus Learning
Campus Learning is an enhancement to Campus Instruction that connects teachers to new, powerful tools for digital learning. We want to let you know about changes in Campus Instruction. Campus Instruction now has two options for teachers: Campus Instruction Includes Grade Book, the new Control Center, new Professional Development and more. Part of your district's Infinite Campus license at no additional charge. Campus Instruction + Campus Learning Campus Learning adds Google G Suite integration, Microsoft Office365 integration, LMS integration, Planner, Curriculum Library, Quick Assessments and a lot more! Available to your district at an additional cost ($1/student). If you value Campus Learning and your district doesn't provide it for you, you'll be able to purchase a single-teacher license. We'll announce pricing later this year ($25/teacher).

9 Reminders Always check your Year, School, Calendar and Section settings when entering Campus. Always LOG OFF to exit instead of X to close browser window to free server resources. save, Save, SAVE! End User Help: “?” on top right hand corner of Campus Instruction Login to Campus Community Documentation on District Website

10 Reminders cont… Access Campus Instruction
Login Locate and click the App Switcher at the Top Right corner Next to Log Off Click on Campus Instruction Make “Campus Instruction” your default Application When in Campus Instruction, top right hand corner, click on person icon to access Account Settings Set the application to load to Campus Instruction While you are here, select any of the other preferences you desire and then Click Save

11 Questions ??? ======================= Contact Info Questions, issues, contact me at: Jessie Olson

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