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Metsokangas Comprehensive School

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1 Metsokangas Comprehensive School

2 Basics: School started at autumn 2008
69 teachers (classroom teachers 38, subject teachers 22, special education teachers 9, student council, headmaster and 2 deputy headmasters) 13 school assistants Four special groups in inclusion/integration Public school, planned for 550 students School started at autumn 2008 Grades 1 – 9, age range 7 – 15 1120 students, number of students is still growing 904 students on grades 1-6 188 students on 7-9 28 students in Special needs groups

3 Facilities Isometso 2008-09 Pikkumetso 2013 Ukkometso 2018-19
Korpimetso 2016

4 Mission of school Vision: “Our Metsokangas!”
Our first priority is to teach future skills to our students without forgetting basic skills 4C-skills (creativity, collaboration, communication, critical thinking) Cooperation between school and parents transparency of learning Teamteaching / collaborative teaching Shared leadership and teamwork We want educate our students learn these skills We want to parents be aware of what happens our school. Students share their school work with parents eg. In Metsokangas fair which happens once a year in spring term students share their work via blogs and Youtube channel

5 Shared leadership and teamwork
Leader Group (Headmaster, 2 Deputy Headmasters) Planningroup (Leadergroup + 4 Teamleaders) 4 Stratetical Teams (Pedagogical, Safety, ICT and Everyday life) 7 Operational teams (based on fysical location in the building) The Basic idea is that practical teams work with everyday issues agree and make decionsions about them flexsibly

6 CoreMetso –teams (YMT) STRATEGICAL LEVEL
each team including several working-groups, team-leader responsible for coordinating PEDAMetso Curriculum and NPDL Pedagogical cafes Learning enviroments International affairs Library Assessment SECURITYMetso Security Drilling and training Staff well-being Student well-being: ICTMetso Curriculum and NPDL Everyday ICT-help, Hardware Software and training e-material Homepages Project-coordination EVERYDAYLIFEMetso Celebrations and happenings Student Council Liikkuva koulu-project Everyday life practices KiVa (Antibullying-program) Projektitiimit Student support-team special education KiVa Leadership-team: Principal and debuty-principals (2) Planning-team 4 teamleaders Leadership-team METSO –localteams (MST) OPERATIONAL LEVEL Teamleader and debuty MetsoA2 MetsoCD KorpiMetso1 KorpiMetso2 MetsoB1/2 PikkuMetso Ohjaajat Horisontal-vertical substanskoordinaation lingua science culture and student counselling art & craft and exercise

7 Our strategies: Co-teaching
Two to four teachers and their students Teacher and special education teacher Project-based learning and collaborative learning Pedagogical use of ICT: Collaboration and using social media tools Cooperation in horizontal and vertical directions Inclusion and integration between special and other groups Staff plan and recruiting based on teachers´core competensies Core competencies: self knowledge and self control, social skills, conceptual skills, pedagogical and technical skills,

8 Pedagogical use of ICT ICT is integrated with other subjects – No separate ICT classes Different ICT skills included in the projects (power points, videos, radio plays, time lines, using mapping programs, comic strips, blogs) Classblog example: Youtube channel of Metsokangas school in active use 4C-skills (creativity, communication, critical thinking, collaboration)

9 Technology Wi-Fi in use at whole school
10 Lapptop/tablet trolleys each including laptops 232 lapstops/tablets + 30 table-PCs Student/device ratio 4.27:1 NXT Lego robots Learning platform Office 365 Android, and W8-tablets and smartphones

10 Inclusion and integration
Inclusion model (normal class + special needs class together) Special needs children integrated in normal lessons Individualized aims for learning Adults supporting student`s learning Students study same topics together

11 Supporting structures
Inhouse training (pedagogical cafes) Resource teacher and 4 special teachers working with normal classes ICT- support team, ”everyday help desk” ICT-team, planning Co-teaching Digimetso (electronic material bank) OneNote, Onedrive

12 Projects Taking part in different technology projects outside the school: ITEC (run by European schoolnet in 17 countries). Innovative teaching& designing a future classroom& learning new ICT skills INNOKAS (a Finnish project run by The Board of Education). Innovative teaching methods and implementing the use of robots in learning and teaching MICROSOFT Partners in Learning and New Pedagogies for Deep Learning SCHOOL IN MOVE (Liikkuva koulu)

13 Flexible classrooms

14 Multipurpose facilities

15 Newest building ”Korpimetso”
For 400 students (grades 2-5) Open learning spaces Four modules Ready for use on July 2016

16 Korpimetso 2016

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