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Jane C. Moore National Board Certified Teacher in Social Studies

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Presentation on theme: "Jane C. Moore National Board Certified Teacher in Social Studies "— Presentation transcript:

1 Jane C. Moore National Board Certified Teacher in Social Studies KSU 2/2/17 Active, Dependable and Differentiated (A.D.D.) Strategies for All Learners

2 Introduction Explain these 2 quotes by Aristotle:
“What we learn to do, we learn by doing.” 2. “There is a foolish corner in the brain of the wisest person.”

3 Moore Actions Latitude game
Alps, Amazon River, embargo, Great Barrier Reef

4 Create More Actions  Work in subject area groups and if possible, grade level groups and create 3 “Moore Actions” that can be used in your curriculum. When finished you can videotape it . For further differentiation, you can upload it to See website.

5 4 Square This is a great alternative summative assessment that’s differentiated for all types of learners. Fold the paper so it makes 4 squares. Students write the standard on the back. Students create 2 pictures/picto-words or cartoons on a standard in 2 different boxes. Students create 1 Thinking Map- or 2 the 3rd box or a poem. In the 4th box students write a paragraph explaining all of it.

6 Active 4 Square Have 4 students stand in a “4 square” box. Each person has a different word. Squares 1 and 2 interact with each other using the vocabulary. Then teacher calls for the students to rotate so that different students get to interact with different people and vocabulary. You could use different characters from a book, or timportant people in history- or what else?

7 Extras 1. Performance Task Sheet. Students answer the pretest questions on the left. If they don’t get the answer right, they have to complete one of the performance tasks on the left. See sample

8 Reflections/Questions?

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