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Evaluating governance of large social-ecological systems

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluating governance of large social-ecological systems"— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluating governance of large social-ecological systems
Louisa Evans

2 Environmental Governance
The structures and processes by which multiple actors share power and make decisions about the environment


4 Social-ecological systems meta-analysis database (SESMAD)


6 VARIABLE GREAT BARRIER REEF MPA 1A. Clearly defined social boundaries 1B. Clearly defined biophysical boundaries Present 2A. Fit to local conditions 2B. Proportionality Inconclusive 3. Collective choice arrangements Absent (but no clear effect) 4A. Environmental and use monitoring 4B. Monitoring accountability to appropriators 5. Graduated sanctions 6. Conflict resolution mechanisms 7. Minimal recognition of rights to organise 8. Nested enterprises Minimal (considering the size of the system) GOVERNANCE OUTCOME PARTIAL IMPROVEMENT

7 Connectivity

8 SESMAD next steps Special issue in IJC Website launch
System-based comparative analyses: Marine protected areas Transboundary protected areas Forests Migratory species

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