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Starter for 5! Which qualities allow God to know the choices humans will make? Fill in the gaps: ‘Feasting on ________ in the garden of ___________.’ Which.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter for 5! Which qualities allow God to know the choices humans will make? Fill in the gaps: ‘Feasting on ________ in the garden of ___________.’ Which."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter for 5! Which qualities allow God to know the choices humans will make? Fill in the gaps: ‘Feasting on ________ in the garden of ___________.’ Which term for God means he is closely involved in the world? Which teaching of Jesus means Christians should show forgiveness? Give three causes of crime.

2 Starter for 5! Which qualities allow God to know the choices humans will make? Transcendent and All-knowing (omniscient) Fill in the gaps: ‘Feasting on fruit in the garden of delight.’ Which term for God means he is closely involved in the world? Immanent Which teaching of Jesus means Christians should show forgiveness? ‘Let he who has never sinned throw the first stone.’ OR ‘I tell you not 7 times, but 70x7 times’ Give three causes of crime. E.g. boredom, poverty, mental illness, an unjust law, greed

3 Rank these people in order of the best to the worst role models.
Zayn Malik Students need to rank the role models on their tables (if they can’t agree then they need to share information but make up their own minds). Students will need to use their own knowledge to help them do this. (5min) Kate Middleton Andy Murray Rank these people in order of the best to the worst role models. Is it possible to be a good person without positive role models and influences in your life? Lionel Messi

4 Prophethood in Islam Learning Objective: To enquire into the role and influence of prophets in Islam. I can define the terms prophet and prophethood. I can explore three important prophets in Islam: Adam, Ibrahim and Muhammad. I can apply Muslim beliefs about prophethood to our world.

5 Prophets and the Prophethood
“Every community is sent a messenger, and when their messenger comes, they will be judged justly; they will not be wronged.” Qur’an 10:47 It is hard enough to prove God exists, let alone what God wants for how we should live our lives etc. Prophets are part of the answer for Muslims. Prophets are people chosen by God to communicate His message. They are promoted to prophethood as a gift from God to help humankind understand all that is good and to understand God. Humans forget, misunderstand or change God’s teachings, so prophets are needed to set people back onto the right path. Muslims believe there have been 124,000 prophets in history; 25 of those have been named in the Qur’an. Key Terms: Prophet A person who proclaims the message of God Prophethood When God makes someone a prophet to communicate His message to people Introduce the basic ideas of prophethood and the key terms. They could always copy down the key terms. Risalah (belief in prophets, including angels and holy books): The belief that prophets are an important channel of communication between God and humans

6 Prophethood in Islam Learning Objective: To enquire into the role and influence of prophets in Islam. I can define the terms prophet and prophethood. I can explore three important prophets in Islam: Adam, Ibrahim and Muhammad. I can apply Muslim beliefs about prophethood to our world.

7 Carousel You are going to research into three of the most important of the 124,000 prophets in Islam: Adam, Ibrahim and Muhammad. Other significant prophets in Islam are Musa (Moses) and Isa (Jesus). Yes, Muslims recognise that Jesus is a prophet and role model, however, they do not believe that he was the son of God and they do not believe that he rose from the dead. Even so, the Twelver branch of Shi’a Islam also agree with Christians that Jesus will return to the world again to bring justice and peace. Students need to research into a prophet completing their sheet. They then move onto the next one rotating around the room. Explain that Ibrahim is split into two parts hence why there are 4 boxes.

8 What did you think when…?
Prophet Hot Seat 3 volunteers will be hot seating as the 3 Prophets on the Graham Norton show – think of a question to ask each one. Why did you…? What did you think when…? Why…? Mini-plenaryAsk students to come up with one question for each prophet and choose 3 volunteers to come up and sit on the Graham Norton Show couch. At the end of the chat show Graham Norton throws people off the red chair – you could always take a vote and ask students which of the three prophets they would throw off?!? What happened when…? Who…? Do you think…? - Graham Norton credits

9 Prophethood in Islam Learning Objective: To enquire into the role and influence of prophets in Islam. I can define the terms prophet and prophethood. I can explore three important prophets in Islam: Adam, Ibrahim and Muhammad. I can apply Muslim beliefs about prophethood to our world.

10 We need a Prophet! Looking at our world today, there are plenty of problems and difficulties that need sorting and solving. Perhaps we need a Prophet that will be a wonderful example of how to live the right kind of life and be an influential teacher of what is right. Your task is to create a Prophet that will be the ideal role model and teacher for us. What would they teach people? What issue(s) or problem will they tackle? What kind of a person will they be (qualities)? How will they behave? Draw a stick man in your book under the title “My Prophet for Our Problem”. Write around it your answers to the questions above. They could already be alive and a real person now, but you will need to justify why they deserve to be seen as a Prophet.

11 Prophethood in Islam Learning Objective: To enquire into the role and influence of prophets in Islam. I can define the terms prophet and prophethood. I can explore three important prophets in Islam: Adam, Ibrahim and Muhammad. I can apply Muslim beliefs about prophethood to our world.

12 Final Thought… If you could bring back to life one of the Islamic Prophets to help us today, which would you choose and why? Would one of the Islamic Prophets we have researched today be of benefit to us in 2016? Which of the Prophets do you think matters most to Muslims and why? How important are the Prophets for Muslims? Students need to write a reflection in their books in answer to one of the questions above. Hear from a few if there is time.

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