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Introduction to EGR115 Welcome! Your instructors Class format

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to EGR115 Welcome! Your instructors Class format"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to EGR115 Welcome! Your instructors Class format
Requirements Topics Grading Help

2 Welcome! EGR115 is designed to introduce the new engineer to the exciting world of computer programming. We assume very little about your experience. We expect great results – after all, you’re at ERAU! 2

3 To Succeed Take notes and follow the lectures
Practice – do the assignments and lab exercises and then try to do just a little bit more You may expect 6-10 hours of outside work per week – some will need more, others less Ask questions! Seek help!

4 Your Instructors George Faragallah BS EE, Cairo University MS EE, UCF
PhD EE candidate (2012), UCF Dr. James J. Pembridge BS AE, VT, 2004 MA STEM-Ed, VT, 2008 PhD Engineering Ed, VT, 2011 Dr. Lulu Sun BS ME, Harbin Engineering University, PRC, 1999 PhD ME, UC Riverside, 2006 4

5 Other Instructors Caroline Liron Matthew Kindy BS AE, ERAU DB
MS AE, ERAU DB Matthew Kindy BS Chemistry, Purdue University BS Applied Math, Purdue University MS Computer Science, UCF 10 years in automotive & plastics industry

6 Class Format 2+2 format Lecture twice a week: Tuesday and Thursday 9:45am – 10:45am in IC101 Lab twice a week: Wednesday and Friday in LB172 Section 01: 8: Section 03: 10: Section 04: 11:45 Section 02: 9: Section 05: 1:00 Mr. Faragallah Dr. Sun Dr. Pembridge 6

7 Class Format What will we be doing? Programming is a skill, i.e. you must develop experience - Very little “bookwork” - Moderate amount of theory - Much practice, in lab and outside programming assignments - Many “snippet” programs - Major final project 7

8 Lectures The purpose of the lecture is to provide the information that used to be presented during the lab – now we can use the lab to get some real learning done! - Attendance is required and tracked - No laptops, cell phones, iPods, etc in use - Slides will be posted on the section websites – usually just before lecture - Lectures are good source of quiz & exam questions… 8

9 Labs How labs are used - Demonstrate lecture concepts
- Practice implementing lecture concepts - Apply concepts to solve problems - Attempt to extend beyond the base 9

10 Labs Quizzes and Exams - Each section is evaluated independently
- Quizzes and exams are given in the lab - Most assessments will be via Blackboard (Get your IT issues resolved: x66990) 1010

11 Requirements You must have a valid Eagle card and be enrolled in the course. Swipe your card every time you come to lecture. Swipe your card when you visit the tutoring labs You must have a working Blackboard account You must have a working ERAU account. If you prefer, forward your to your (Gmail / Hotmail / Yahoo) account. 11

12 LIVE MAIL forwarding Step1: Log into your Ernie account and click to open your mailbox Step2:Find the OPTIONS button. Click it. 5/6

13 Configure the forwarding
Step4: Fill in the of your other preferred . Step3: in MAIL, click FORWARDING Step5: Click APPLY to confirm the rule. 6/6

14 Requirements Be certain that s from your instructor do not end up in the Junk box.



17 Be Careful! Do not trust the technology! Check your junk / spam folder – especially when you are expecting an ! Save your work in multiple places! C: drive, P: drive, USB drive,

18 Topics A (Very) Brief History of Computing Computing Terminology
Designing Solutions for Computers Implementing Solutions Repeat the following: Learn new programming feature (of MATLAB) Design solution using new feature (in MATLAB) Implement solution (in MATLAB) 18

19 Topics Example topics: Simple, Formatted, and Graphical User I/O
Data types and variables Library Functions Simple data structures Logical operations & conditionals Loops, sorting, searching Modular design with functions File I/O 19

20 Topics Final Projects Each student will develop a final project of his/her own design and creation which utilizes as many concepts from the course as possible. The specific requirements will be provided by your instructor. 20

21 Grading Each instructor is responsible for his/her sections’ grades.
Common grading format: 10% Quizzes 20% Programming assignments 50% Exams: 3 20% Final Project 21

22 Help How to get assistance: Ask questions during the lecture
Ask questions during the lab Ask questions in any instructor’s office hours Ask your instructor: office, , AIM, Facebook Use tutoring hours in A102 (tentatively starting Jan 22nd) - Mon-Fri: 2pm – 6pm Use tutoring hours in LB172 - Sun-Thu: 7pm – 10pm Discuss with others (but do not copy!) 22

23 Office Hours (subject to change)
Faragallah Tue: 8:30-9:30 and 11:00-12:30            Fri: 10:30-11:30 Pembridge Mon/Wed: 14:30-17:30 Tue/Thur: 13:00-15:00            Fri: 9:00-10:00 Sun Mon: 10:30-11:30 and 13:30-15:30 Wed: 13:30-15:30 Fri: 13:30-14:30 All instructors’ office hours: Check it from the syllabus under either Blackboard from your individual section or your instructor’s website. 23

24 Questions? Do not forget your student ID card whenever you come to take the common lectures! Always swipe your card before you sit down.

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