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Overview of Course Assessment Advanced Higher

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1 Overview of Course Assessment Advanced Higher

2 Course Assessment – Advanced Higher
Component 1 – Question Paper: Reading and Translation marks Component 2 – Question Paper: Listening and Discursive Writing marks Component 3 – Portfolio marks Component 4 – Performance marks Total: marks

3 Course Assessment – Advanced Higher
Component 1 – Question Paper: Reading and Translation marks Reading: 1 text, questions inc. overall purpose 30 marks Translation marks

4 Course Assessment – Advanced Higher
Component 2 – Question Paper: Listening and Discursive Writing marks Listening: one monologue, final question overall purpose marks one conversation marks Discursive Writing: one essay marks

5 Course Assessment – Advanced Higher
Component 3 – Portfolio marks An analysis of literature, media or language in work within the context of the modern language The teacher/lecturer will support the candidate to choose the focus, theme and title In English, between 1,200 and 1,500 words, excluding quotations and bibliography 15% of the total marks for the Course Externally marked by SQA A penalty will be applied for exceeding the word count by more than 10% Analysis of literature, media or language in work One piece of writing in English words marks

6 Course Assessment – Advanced Higher
Component 3 – Portfolio marks Each candidate should take the initiative in the planning, researching, management and completion of the task. Reasonable assistance may be given to a class or group or to individual candidates. Centres may provide support but should not offer specific advice on how to re-phrase, improve responses or provide model answers.

7 Course Assessment – Advanced Higher
Component 3 – Portfolio There are no restrictions on the resources to which candidates may have access Teachers/lecturers should put in place mechanisms to authenticate candidate evidence The focus of the Portfolio will most probably, but not necessarily, be the same as for the Specialist Study Unit

8 Course Assessment – Advanced Higher
Component 4 – Performance marks Conversation of approximately 20 minutes Conducted by Visiting Assessor Covers aspects of candidate’s studies Choice of topics indicated by candidate marks

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