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İmg 6 semptomları dinlemek
Begin as always by taking a comfortable position, loosening any tight clothing have some writing paper and a pen or pencil close at hand Take a couple of deep, slow breaths, and let the out breath be a real letting-go kind of breath imagine that any unnecessary tension or discomfort begins to flow out of your body with each exhalation then let your breathing follow its own natural rate and rhythm, allowing yourself to sink a little deeper and become more comfortable with each gentle breath Invite your feet to release and relax any tension that may be there notice them beginning to let go invite your calves and shins to release as well your thighs and hamstrings your pelvis, genitals, and hips feel your whole body releasing and relaxing as it has so many times before just allowing your body to head for a deeper, more comfortably relaxed and focused state and as your body relaxes, your mind can become quiet and still as well easily and naturally without effort
Allow your lower back and buttocks to join in the releasing and relaxing allow these large muscles to become loose and soft and take a well-deserved break allow your abdomen to relax as well the muscles of your abdomen, flanks, and midback relaxing more deeply the organs in your abdomen as well your chest muscles your shoulder blades and in between your shoulder blades letting go easily naturally the organs in your chest your shoulder letting go your neck muscles your arms forearms wrists hands fingers and thumbs releasing and relaxing comfortably and easily. . . releasing your scalp forehead face and jaw the little muscles around your eyes
And to relax more deeply. to become quiet in mind and body
And to relax more deeply to become quiet in mind and body imagine yourself in that special, quiet inner place you’ve visited before a special inner place of peacefulness serenity and security for you take a few moments to look around and notice what you see there and what you hear in this special place and any odor or aroma and especially the feelings of peacefulness and safety that you feel here and find the spot in which you are most comfortable and become centered and quiet in that spot
When you are ready, direct your attention to the symptom or problem that has been bothering you your symptom may be a pain, weakness, or dysfunction in some part of your body or a mood or emotions that are uncomfortable for you as you focus on the sensations involved, allow an image to appear that represents this symptom simply allow the image to appear spontaneously, and welcome whatever image comes — it may or may not make immediate sense to you just accept whatever comes for now
Take some time just to observe whatever image appears as carefully as you can if you would like it to be clearer, imagine you have a set of controls like you do for your TV set, and you can dial the image brighter or more vivid notice details about the image what is its shape? color? texture? density? How big is it? How big is it in relation to you? Just observe it carefully without trying to change it in any way How close or far away does it seem? What is it doing? . . . Just give it your undivided attention as you do this, notice any feelings that come up, and allow them to be there look deeper are there any other feelings present as you observe this image? When you are sure of your feelings, tell the image how you feel about it — speak directly and honestly to it (you may choose to talk out loud or express yourself silently)
Then, in your imagination, give the image a voice, and allow it to answer you listen carefully to what it says Ask the image what it wants from you, and listen to its answer ask it why it wants that — what does it really need? And let it respond ask it also what it has to offer you, if you should meet its needs again allow the image to respond Observe the image carefully again is there anything about it you hadn’t noticed before? Does it look the same or is it different in any way? . . .
Now, in your imagination, allow yourself to become the image
Now, in your imagination, allow yourself to become the image what is it like to be the image? Notice how you feel notice what thoughts you have as the image what would your life be like if you were this image? Just sense what it’s like to be this image Through the “eyes” of the image, look back at yourself what do you see? Take a few minutes to really look at yourself from this new perspective as the image, how do you feel about this person you are looking at what do you think of this person? What do you need from this person? Speaking as the image, ask yourself for what you need
Now slowly become yourself again
Now slowly become yourself again the image has just told you what it needs from you what, if anything, keeps you from meeting that need? What issues or concerns seem to get in the way? What might you do to change the situation and take a step toward meeting the image’s needs? . . . Allow an image to appear for your Inner Advisor, a wise, kind figure who knows you well when you feel ready, ask your advisor about your symptom and its needs, and any thoughts, feelings, or circumstances that may make it hard for you to meet these needs ask your advisor any questions you might have, and listen carefully to your advisor’s responses feel free to ask your advisor for help if you need it
Now, mentally review the conversation you have had with your symptom and your advisor from the beginning if it feels right for you, choose one way that you can begin to meet your symptom’s needs — some small but tangible way you can fill some part of its unmet needs if you can’t think of any way at all, ask your advisor for a suggestion When you have thought of a way to begin meeting its needs, recall again the image that represents your symptom ask it if it would be willing and able to give you tangible relief of symptoms if you take the steps you have thought of if so, let the exchange begin if not, ask it to tell you what you could do in exchange for perceptible relief continue to dialogue until you have made a bargain or need to take a break from negotiating
Consider the image once more
Consider the image once more is there anything you have learned from it or about it? Is there anything that you appreciate about it? If there is, take the time to express your appreciation to it express anything else that seems important and slowly come back to your waking state and take some time to write about your experience
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