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How do we use the Scientific Method?

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Presentation on theme: "How do we use the Scientific Method?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do we use the Scientific Method?

2 State Problem Your problem is what you are testing.
Choose something that you are able to research and that interests you.

3 State Problem Cont. Always have an Independent and Dependent variable.
Independent – What you are changing. Dependent – What you are measuring. Your problem must be written as a Question Ex: If I give one plant compost, it will grow taller than the plants without compost.

4 Gather Information Perform any research necessary.
Often times, you will find previous attempts at what you are experimenting on.

5 Form A Hypothesis Write “If...then” statements when creating a hypothesis. Ex: IF I water the plant every day, THEN it will grow tall. Must address both variables.

6 Hypothesis Cont. What if I’m wrong?
It’s not about being wrong or right. Educated Guess

7 Perform An Experiment This is how you test your hypothesis and where your data will be collected. You should have at least ten trials. Mistakes happen – DO IT AGAIN! 

8 Analyze Data 2 types of data
Quantitative – numbers Qualitative – descriptions You must write down daily what you observe and measure. Data is your PROOF!

9 Draw Conclusions Conclusions tell you if your hypothesis was “SUPPORTED” or “NOT SUPPORTED” Supported experiment is repeated to to collect more data. NOT Supported hypothesis is revised and the process begins again.

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