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Business solutions overview
Stand out in the business market Presenter’s name The presenter’s title goes on this line Welcome and thanks for attending today’s business solutions overview. For financial professional use only. Not for distribution to the public.
Small businesses mean big business
There are more than 28.8 million small businesses1 99.7% of U.S. firms have fewer than 500 employees1 22% of family business owners have not completed any planning other than writing a will – and only 50% have an exit plan2 Only 69% of businesses have a wealth transfer plan in place to distribute assets in the event of their death2 Over the next 50 years, $59 trillion of wealth will be transferred3 1 U.S. Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy, U.S. Small Business Profile, 2016. Principal Financial Business Owner Survey. 3 Center on Wealth and Philanthropy (CWP) at Boston College, May 28, 2014. For more than 60 years, Principal® has focused on serving the needs, challenges and opportunities faced by business owners. For financial professional use only. Not for distribution to the public.
Provide the solutions they’re looking for
For their business For their key EEs For their lifestyle You can provide the solutions they’re looking for. Even if you’ve never served these needs before, you can become the go-to authority for business owners in the community. For financial professional use only. Not for distribution to the public.
Help them prepare for what lies ahead
Solutions for their business Help them prepare for what lies ahead Business protection Key person life and disability protection Overhead expense insurance Business succession Buy-sell and transfer strategies Employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) Key employee retention and retirement Bonus plans Deferred compensation plans Business owners need to protect the integrity of their businesses in order to: Maintain business operations due to the loss of a key employee Preserve the value of their business until they choose to exit Better facilitate a transfer to family members, key employees, other owners or third parties upon their exit And to make sure their business exists in the future the way they want, we offer buy-sell and business transfer strategies for closely held companies. Business owners are also interested in recruiting, rewarding, retaining and retiring their key employees whose performance most affects the success of the company. Helping them calculate a potential retirement income gap and implementing solutions to help them is a huge opportunity for you. Limitations in qualified plans and Social Security can create a “retirement gap” causing high-income earners to receive as little as 30% of their current income at retirement. For financial professional use only. Not for distribution to the public.
Help close the retirement gap….and incent them to stay
Solutions for their key employees Help close the retirement gap….and incent them to stay Recruit, reward and retire: Bonus plans Deferred compensation Our retirement gap calculator helps define the need and solutions for business owners and employers as well as individuals and executives. You’ll have access to support on plan design and presentations, including: Principal Executive Bonus PlusSM proposal Custom designs for owners of S corporations and LLCs And when you’re ready to finance a solution, our flexible insurance products help close the gap: Universal life Variable universal life Principal Variable Universal Life - BusinessSM For financial professional use only. Not for distribution to the public.
Protect their way of life
Solutions for their lifestyle Protect their way of life Retirement and transition planning Life insurance to protect your client and their family Disability insurance to protect your client’s income Legacy and estate planning: Gifting strategies Private split dollar Trust solutions Charitable giving A complimentary business owner retirement analysis proposal is available to help analyze retirement and transition plans. Apart from needs directly related to their business, business owners and key employees want to maintain the lifestyle that they and their loved ones have come to know. Maybe it’s looking at their retirement years or the legacy they want to leave. Maybe it’s protecting their loved ones should they die or become disabled. Whatever it is, we’ve got you and your clients covered. Choose from many types of life insurance to fit specific needs and budget. Certain types of policies provide a benefit during life as well as a death benefit. Do you have clients who need to minimize the impact of taxes and expenses with their estate? Start the conversation using our Estate Tax Exposure Calculator. For financial professional use only. Not for distribution to the public.
Benefit from a one-of-a-kind platform
Solutions and tools to help any business, owner or key employee Field-tested approaches that help open doors and uncover opportunities Support – we’ll help you analyze, build and close each case Winning business cases doesn’t get easier than this. When you partner with us, you benefit from a back office of attorneys, CPAs and business market specialists. It’s your little secret to success in the local business insurance market. For financial professional use only. Not for distribution to the public.
Your team, your resources
Advanced Solutions talent is comprised of JD*, CPA*, CLU, ChFC, CFP® and MBA backgrounds Expertise in: Key employee benefits Business protection Business succession Legacy and estate planning Product fit for financing the plan Consult Gather facts Develop concept Design plan Present solution *JD is an educational degree and holder does not provide legal services on behalf of the companies of the Principal Financial Group®. ** CPAs do not provide tax or accounting services on behalf of the companies of the Principal Financial Group. When you partner with us, you get experienced sales support and personalized consulting every step of the way – from initial consulting and gathering facts to presenting the package to your clients. For financial professional use only. Not for distribution to the public.
It’s easier to succeed in the business market with . . .
We’ll help you ask the right questions and tailor a solution. And we provide unique and flexible plan designs and implementation processes to keep things simple and streamlined. Being able to access business, legal and tax consultation through every phase can give you complete confidence in the solutions you provide. As your clients’ needs evolve or tax laws change, expertise is always available so you can continue to guide them throughout the life of their plans. Once you’ve put a solution in place, our administrative plan services support you and your clients continuously, generating more sales opportunities for you and reducing hassles for both of you. Refer to Stand out in the business market, BB11368, for a complete description of our solutions, expertise and service offerings. For financial professional use only. Not for distribution to the public.
Before the sale The right support at the right time
Field-tested approach tools to help generate more prospects: Complimentary informal business valuation & buy-sell review Business Needs Analysis Market specific approaches for Ag, Healthcare, and P&C Marketing resources that motivate producers and build better cases: Consultation with business market experts Client brochures, fact finders and proposals for each business plan type Sales ideas and approach materials Identify and provide the right solutions for your clients by leveraging our sales support, approach strategies, and tools and resources. Our complimentary Business Planning Services helps open doors and identify various business needs. And it comes with a simple-to-use fact finder. If clients need help prioritizing their needs, we’ve gotcha covered there, too. Our Business Needs Analysis includes an easy checklist and helps clients determine a plan of action. As part of the planning conversation, you can also illustrate and help clients prepare their business for every stage of its life. Once you’ve identified needs and priorities, you can rely on a robust set of marketing materials to help you frame the solutions. For financial professional use only. Not for distribution to the public.
During the sale The right support at the right time
Business-focused solutions and underwriting that’s just right: Unique and popular plan designs Guaranteed & Simplified Issue underwriting programs Principal Accelerated UnderwritingSM* Point-of-sale assistance: Consultation with business market experts Specialized business market and product wholesalers Customized proposals *Accelerated Underwriting is an expedited underwriting program offered by Principal Life Insurance Company. Applicants may qualify based on age, face amount and personal history. Design a solution and be prepared to answer questions throughout the sale by working with our experienced team of professionals, including CPAs, attorneys and underwriters. Our experts set you apart from the competition and help you build strong, successful relationships with sophisticated clients. And our customized proposals include financial modeling to help solve for multiple funding scenarios. For financial professional use only. Not for distribution to the public.
After the sale The right support at the right time
Deciding on A solution Plan services keep clients coming back and keeps you free to focus on building sales. Make implementation and ongoing support easy for you and your clients with value-added assistance from our in-house plan services. See BB9441 for more details. For financial professional use only. Not for distribution to the public.
Leaders trust leaders Proposals Total business market proposals1 = 24,414 Plans Over 16,000 total BMA plans under administration1 Average BMA premium1 = $6,584 1As of February 2017 Other companies may offer business solutions, but our experience and commitment set us apart. For financial professional use only. Not for distribution to the public.
Average premium/death benefit
Business market cases Average premium/death benefit Concept Average Premium/Plan Average Premium/Policy Average Death Benefit/Plan Average Death Benefit/Policy Business market overall $12,517 $6,584 $2,691,283 $1,415,669 Key person insurance $9,190 $6,068 $2,528,828 $1,669,905 NQ supplemental retirement plans $22,395 $8,272 $1,658,200 $612,543 Buy-sell/exit planning solutions $10,448 $5,565 $3,338,365 $1,778,065 As of February 2017 based on over 16,000 BMA plans under administration.
Where are the top sales opportunities?
Address these needs with clients: Key person protection Buy-sell funding Key employee benefits If you have clients that want to safeguard their key employees, use our easy calculator to help determine how much life insurance they need for each employee. It includes a quick quote feature for 10-, 15-, 20- and 30-year term insurance. If buy-sell funding is needed, easily generate sales with our complimentary informal valuation and buy-sell review. These tools can help clients identify and fund unmet financial needs. Some business clients may have key employees that need help filling their retirement gap. We have a calculator for that, too. For financial professional use only. Not for distribution to the public.
Let’s connect Contact your wholesaler or sales representative, or call the National Sales Desk at Visit us at [ Optional: If time allows, you can offer Q&A at the end of the session. ] Are there any questions I can address for you before we go? For financial professional use only. Not for distribution to the public.
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Principal National Life Insurance Company and Principal Life Insurance Company, Des Moines, Iowa Insurance issued by Principal National Life Insurance Co. (except in NY) and Principal Life Insurance Co. Securities offered through Principal Securities, Inc., , Member SIPC, and/or independent broker/dealers. Principal National, Principal Life and Principal Securities are members of the Principal Financial Group®, Des Moines, IA No part of this presentation may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior written permission from the Principal Financial Group®. Principal, Principal and symbol design and Principal Financial Group are trademarks and service marks of Principal Financial Services, Inc., a member of the Principal Financial Group. <Leave on screen long enough for people to read.> BB11336B-01 | 03/2017 | t g5 | © 2017 Principal Financial Services, Inc.
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