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Tes conseilspour un ami…..

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Presentation on theme: "Tes conseilspour un ami….."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tes conseilspour un ami…..
Work with a partner. Create a problem situation for your skit, a situation where you would need to give advice to a friend. You will be giving your friend advice using conditional in French… Please write out your lines (minimum 20 lines and a clear problem situation to be shared out loud with the class) and share them with Madame through google …..Make sure you keep a copy. Ton ami(e) a un problème, en utilisant le conditionnel, expliquez ce que vous feriez a sa place… A mon avis…(in my opinion…) A ta place….(in your place…) Ecrivez votre “skit” et preparez à presenter. (long enough to address the problem with enough examples to show ability to correctly use conditional-minimum 20 lines) Si j’etais toi…. (if I were/was you….) You will be presenting these skits to the class.  When finished, please work on Conditional on Merci.

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