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V E R B L I S T 3 D 1. abrazar- to hug

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1 V E R B L I S T 3 D 1. abrazar- to hug
acabar- to finish/to have just done something 3. alcanzar- to reach 4. amar- to love 5. argumentar- to argue 6. asistir- to attend 7. balbucear- to stutter 8. besar- to kiss 9. bostezar- to yawn 10. comprender- to understand 11. conocer- to know (person/place) 12. cortar- to cut 13. creer- to believe 14. cumplir- to complete/to fulfill 15. dar la mano- to shake hands* 16. dejar- to leave/to allow 17. desmayar- to faint 18. entender- to understand 19. entrar- to enter 20. estar embarazada- to be pregnant 21. estar muerto (a/os/as)- to be dead estar preñada- to be pregnant 23. estornudar- to sneeze 24. ganar- to win/ to earn 25. gustar- to be pleasing/to like 26. levantar- to lift/to raise 27. llegar- to arrive 28. llorar- to cry 29. luchar- to fight 30. molestar- to bother 31. nacer- to be born 32. oír- to hear 33. pagar- to pay 34. preguntar- to ask/to question 35. saber- to know (fact/info.) 36. seguir- to follow 37. silbar- to whistle 38. susurrar- to whisper 39. tener dolor de cabeza- to have a* headache 40. tener dolor de estómago- to have a* belly ache 41. tener dolor de garganta- to have a* sore throat 42. tener verguënza- to be embarrassed* 43. tocar- to touch/to play (musical inst.) 44. tomar- to take/to eat/to drink 45. toser- to cough 46. traer- to bring 47. utilizar- to use/to utilize 48. venir- to come 49. zarandear- to shake 50. zumbar- to hum V E R B L I S T 3 D

2 5 conjugations of the verb Tener (to have)
Yo- tengo (I have) nosotros- tenemos Tú- tienes (you fam. have) Él ellos tienen (they have Ella tiene ellas you all have) Ud. (he has, she has, Uds. you fs. have)

3 El Verbo Estar (to be) Yo- estoy (I am) nosotros- estamos (we are)
Tú- estás (you fam. are) Él- está (he is) Ellos- están (they are) Ella- está (she is) Ellas- están (they are) Ud.-está (you f.s. are) Uds.- están (you all are) Same conjugations ALWAYS!

4 Irregular verb conjugations: Dar
dar (to give) yo- doy tú- das él/ella/Ud.-da nosotros- damos ellos/ellas/Uds.-dan

5 Diaresis (ë) (dye-uh-ree-sis)
A diaresis is a mark placed over a vowel to indicate that the vowel is pronounced in a separate syllable (as in naïve or Brontë) — A diaresis can be over any VOWEL, not a CONSONANT, capital or lowercase. There are not very many words in Spanish with a diaresis.

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