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Introduction to Organizational Behavior

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1 Introduction to Organizational Behavior

2 OB studies what people do in an organization and how that behavior affects the performance of the organization.

3 Management duties What managers do Management roles Management skills

4 Management functions Planning Organizing Leading Controlling
Ask students to look back two project experience they had with their team members (a successful one and a terrible one) Were there any tasks closely related to the management functions we discussed here? Discuss any managerial task they think themselves or their team members performed very well (or poor) to contribute the success or failure of that particular project Planning? Setting goals, what needs to be done, get there by when Who, what, when, where, how Organizing? Who & how Who…assign team member’s task according to individual’s strength Who is better at what area (search material, analyzing information, writing, or communication) Leading? Sometimes being tough sometimes being very understandable yet knowing how to inspire and motivate the entire team work towards to the same goal Controlling?

5 Managerial Roles Interpersonal roles Informational roles
Decisional roles Interpersonal role: Being recognized and respected as a leader of the team (figurehead role) Leadership role: hiring, training, motivating, and disciplining team members Liaison role: the bridge between the team group and the outsiders Informational role Pass around the information hierarchically (upward and downward) and horizontally (inter-departmental) Decisional role Decision on resource allocation Decision on action taking Decision on development and plan

6 Mintzberg’s Managerial Roles

7 Mintzberg’s Managerial Roles (cont’d)

8 Mintzberg’s Managerial Roles (cont’d)

9 Management skills Technical skills Human skills Conceptual skills
Manager need to equip with professionalism Human skills----managers get things done through other people!! If they do everything themselves….they are not “managers” because they can “manage” people to complete tasks….why? because no one listens to him/her The ability to work with, understand, and motivate other team members Don’t fall into the trap of “technically proficient but interpersonally incompetent” (don’t listen to other suggestions, don’t know others needs and wants, can’t communicate with others, get irritated and irritates other easily). “Level 5 leadership” Conceptual skills Can comprehend complex world into simple concepts for subordinates to follow Identify the problems, come up with solutions, think outside the box, evaluate solutions and select the best one

10 Effective manager vs. successful manager
Where in these managerial functions requires the people skills? To become an effective managers (that mean that, for most of the time, you can a job done)….it requires a good deal of “people skill” otherwise you could just fall in the categorize of “ average managers” If your people skills works only within the team level….then you can be a well respected manager. However, if you don’t know how to “network” inside and out, then you will be in the categories of “effective manager” Only if you know how to manage people within your team, as well as outside the team (across departmental, up to the level of company’s board, build a good relationships with outsiders…never eat along, eat with your team members, your professors, other team leaders, or people from other companies yet within the same association) or someone now might not be important to you but he/she may comes in hand along the road…is this good or bad?) if you only eat with someone you think are important or rich..then you are snob. Lean to expending your network…starting from NOW!!

11 Goals of Organizational Behavior
Explain, predict, and control human behavior OB is a science about human being…particularly human behavior in an office setting. To know understand people…we need to know what they think, what they like and dislike, what they value, and what they want out of life…this is psychology If it is in a general area…it’s sociology, or anthropology In business setting….and target at people at work…it’s called…ob If it is in business setting, and target at people who buy your product…it’s call consumer behavior If we look at this human behavior in a higher level and examine the “mind games” people play ….it’s “political science”

12 The field of OB seeks to replace intuitive explanations with systematic study

13 What other knowledge help us understand OB?

14 Contributing Disciplines
Sociology studies people in relation to their fellow human beings Psychology seeks to measure,explain, and change behavior Social psychology focuses on the influence of people on one another Political science is the study of the behavior of individuals and groups within a political environment Anthropology is the study of societies to learn about human beings and their activities

15 OB Model

16 Dependent variable Things which will be affected by OB Productivity
What factors influence the effectiveness and efficiency of individuals Absenteeism Absenteeism is not all bad Having too high employee absent rate will affect productivity Turnover Not all turnover is bad High turnover rate…in some degree affect productivity, particularly 4 the hospitality industry

17 Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)
No one will want to pick up the slack No one would want to walk extra miles to achieve the goals. Job satisfaction Unhappy employees…what else can you say?

18 Organizational citizenship
Discretionary behavior Not part of an employee's formal job requirements Promotes the effective functioning of the organization

19 Examples of Organizational Citizenship
Helping others on one's work team Volunteering for extra job activities Avoiding unnecessary conflicts Making constructive statements about one's work group and the overall organization

20 The Independent Variables
Individual-Level Variables Organization System-Level Variables Group-Level Variables

21 Independent variables
Individual variables Age, gender, personality, emotion, values, attitude, ability Perception, individual decision making, learning, and motivation Group variables Norm, communication, leadership, power, politics Organization system variables Organizational culture, HR practices

22 Challenges and Opportunities for OB

23 Typical employee is getting older
More women and minorities in the workplace Global competition is requiring employees to become more flexible Historical loyalty-bonds that held many employees to their employers are being severed

24 Responding to Globalization
Increased Foreign Assignments Working with People from Different Cultures Coping with Anti-Capitalism Backlash Overseeing Movement of Jobs to Countries with Low-cost Labor

25 Managing Diversity Workforce diversity -organizations are becoming a more heterogeneous mix of people in terms of gender, age, race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation

26 Diversity Implications
Managers have to shift their philosophy from treating everyone alike to recognizing differences and responding to those differences in ways that ensure employee retention and greater productivity.

27 OB Insights Improving People Skills Improving Customer Service
Empowering People Working in Networked Organizations Stimulating Innovation and Change

28 OB Insights Coping with “Temporariness”
Helping Employees Balance Work/Life Conflicts Declining Employee Loyalty Improving Ethical Behavior

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