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Network Governance johan j coetzee.

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Presentation on theme: "Network Governance johan j coetzee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Network Governance johan j coetzee

2 Governance as a minimal state
Privatisation Spending cuts

3 Governance as corporate governance
Steering governance Fiduciary powers of directors Disclosure of information Integrity Accountability NPM as managerialism and institutional economics Competition Outcomes Catalysing of sectors NPM sharing characteristics with Corporate governance

4 Governance as a socio cybernetic system
No single has got all the knowledge and information to solve a complex problem Central government is no longer supreme Polycentric state with multiple centres Co-regulation Co-operative management Governance backed by shared goals

5 Governance as self organising networks
Interoganisational linkages Interdependent actors PPPs Governance is about managing networks Trust in networks and cooperation Integrated network resist government steering and develop their own policies and create their own environment

6 Governance as self organising networks
Interdependence between organisations Interactions between network members Interactions of trust Significant degree of autonomy from the state

7 Self organising networks and British government
Hollowing out the state: Privatisation Loss of functions Loss of functions by British government to EU – Brexit Limits to the discretion of public servants Problems: Fragmentation and implementation steering accountability Transparency and responsiveness

8 Self organising networks and British government
Contradictions of NPM: Intra vs. Interoganisational networks Managarialism obsesses with objectives NPM focuses on results Rise of IGM: Effective manager plays a facilitative role Agranoff identifies 12 management approaches to IGM p664

9 Self organising networks and British government
IGM build on trust Conclusions: Limits to managerial reforms Citizens can regain control of government through participation in networks Important limits to the new role of citizens as users Accountability can no longer by specific to an institution but are shared between institutions

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