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Welcome to the Aprende Band!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Aprende Band!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Aprende Band!
Tracy Werner, Band Director

2 A little about me: I grew up in Maryland in a suburb of Washington, D.C. I have my Bachelors and Masters Degrees in Music Education from Arizona State University. This is my 24th year teaching, 20th year at Aprende. My main instrument is the flute, but I can play all the band instruments! I love to read, hike, go to Disneyland, and travel.

3 The best way to reach me is via email:
Contact Information The best way to reach me is via

4 Please email me at
Homework Assignment: Please me at and tell me your name, your student’s name and your student’s grade level and band class.

5 Text Alerts/Reminders
Text the following codes to to sign up for text alerts and reminders for band classes Periods 1 and 5: 6th grade Periods 2 and 6: Symphonic Band and Percussion Period 3: Jaguar Band Period 7: Concert Band

6 You can find lots of Band information on my website: www. kyrene
You can find lots of Band information on my website: Band Handbook Band Supplies List Homework Assignments Practice Records Calendar

7 All students will receive a copy of the Band Handbook and Band Calendar during their first day of class. Please read the information carefully and return the sign-off sheet by the end of the first week of school.

8 All percussionists buy the “Combined Percussion” Book.
Band Books 6th grade - Accent on Achievement, Book 1 Jaguar and Concert Bands- Accent on Achievement, Book 2 Symphonic Band and Percussion - Tradition of Excellence Book 3 - black, 1 inch 3-ring binder with clear overlay All percussionists buy the “Combined Percussion” Book.

9 Band Supplies Order Form
To help make things slightly more convenient, you can order the band books percussion sticks and mallets, and band shirts (optional) on the same order form. Items will be delivered to school and passed out during class. Please turn in the order form NO LATER THAN Friday, August 11th.

10 Instruments Students should provide their own instruments for band.
We recommend renting the first year until students decide to commit. Beware of prices that seem too good to be true! Some stores are offering instruments for cheap – and cheap is the key word! For your child’s success, avoid these and go to local instrument stores.

11 Instrument Rentals There are several local music stores in our area. You can rent from whichever store is most convenient for your family. You may want to compare prices and services. Some stores will deliver things directly to the school at no additional fee! Instrument Rental Night – For your convenience, will be Monday, August 7th, 6 – 7:30 pm in the Aprende MPR.

12 No instruments until Thursday, August 10th.
6th grade: No instruments until Thursday, August 10th. Symphonic, Concert, and Jaguar Bands will need instruments on Monday, August 7th. Percussion class – bring sticks and mallets on Monday, August 7th.

13 6th grade - Instruments If you don’t currently know what instrument you want to play, please plan to stay after school on Monday or Tuesday to try out the instruments. For anyone interested in percussion, you must audition. If you are not chosen for percussion, you will need to choose another instrument.

14 Homework Expectations
All students are expected to take their instruments home and practice DAILY. Aim for at least 120 minutes over the course of the week – that works out to about 20 minutes a day, 6 days a week. Practice records will be due at the end of the each week. Percussion can use practice pads or drums, but MUST have daily access to a keyboard or piano.

15 Donations Clarinet and Saxophone reeds (size 2, 2.5, 3)
Sharpened Pencils Facial Tissues Valve Oil Lysol Disinfectant Wipes Large Bottle of Hand Sanitizer (Costco, Sam’s Club) Tools – hammer, pliers, wrenches, small screwdrivers. Any usable instruments Paper (always!) – white or any color

16 Don’t forget to do your homework tonight!
me at

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