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TAA Performance August 2009 AWI Program Manager Antonio Carter

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1 TAA Performance August 2009 AWI Program Manager Antonio Carter
An equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. All voice telephone numbers on this document may be reached by persons using TTY/TDD equipment via the Florida Relay Service at 711. Performance, Reporting and Analysis One-Stop and Program Support Florida Agency for Workforce Innovation 107 East Madison Street Caldwell Building, MSC# G-229 Tallahassee, Florida AWI Program Manager Antonio Carter Phone: (850) Fax:   (850)   

2 TAA Performance Training Objectives What is reported now
ETA 563 Trade Act Participant Report (TAPR) What will be reported in the near future New TAPR

3 TAA Performance ETA 563 40 Measures
Measures Financial and Participant Data Aggregated Report State Level Reported Quarterly State Level No Performance Outcomes

4 TAA Performance ETA 563 10 of the 40 measures are derived from data entered into EFM. This is participant data. 2 of the 10 measures include co-enrollment data with WP and WIA WIA DW WIA NEG

5 TAA Performance ETA 563 10 of the 40 measures are derived from data entered into EFM. This is participant data. 2 of the 10 measures include co-enrollment data with WP and WIA WIA DW WIA NEG

6 TAA Performance ETA 563 Training Activity Focus: Entered Training
[O] Occupational Skills Training [P] Remedial [Q] On-The-Job [R] Customized Training [S] In Training (number of individuals in training on the last day of the reporting quarter)

7 TAA Performance ETA 563 Participant Counts:
[AM] Total Participants Current Quarter – number of participants who received at least one or more services in the quarter. Services include training waivers, TRA, TAA-approved training, job search allowance, relocation allowance.

8 TAA Performance ETA 563 Participant Counts:
[AN] Total Participants YTD – number of participants who received at least one or more services in the program year. Services include training waivers, TRA, TAA-approved training, job search allowance, relocation allowance.

9 TAA Performance TAPR Exiter Based (Exiters Only) 58 Data Elements
Individual Level Data Reported Quarterly State Level Performance Outcomes – Entered Employment

10 TAA Performance TAPR Petition Number WIA Co-Enrollment
Employment tracking up to 3rd Qtr after Exit Wages up to 3rd Qtr after Exit Occupational Code Enrollment in any other Federal Programs Disability and other demographic info on individual

11 TAA Performance New ETA 563 Eliminated

12 TAA Performance New TAPR 144 Data Elements
ETA 563 is merged into it and no longer required to be reported separately Wages up to 4th Qtr after Exit Wages 3 Qtrs prior to participation Disability break out and other demographic info on individual

13 TAA Performance New TAPR Co-Enrollment
WIA Co-Enrollment down to customer groups/funding streams. Including Adult. WP Special Projects Voc. Education Voc. Rehab Rapid Response Other WIA and Non-WIA Programs

14 TAA Performance New TAPR
Detailed Veteran information including TSM flags Distance Learning RWB is now a data element Full flat file with participant and outcome information

15 Questions ? Telly Buckles Performance Reporting and Analysis – Supervisor TAA Performance AWI Program Manager Antonio Carter Phone: (850) Fax:   (850)    107 East Madison Street Caldwell Building, MSC# G-229 Tallahassee, Florida Performance, Reporting and Analysis One-Stop and Program Support Florida Agency for Workforce Innovation

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