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Presentation on theme: "CORINTH CHRIST VS. CULTURE."— Presentation transcript:


2 THE CITY OF CORINTH Capital of the Roman province of Achaia
Estimated pop. 600,000-1,000,000 in Paul’s day; walls were 6 mi. in circumference Important trade center due to location; an international crossroads, gateway between Asia & Europe Mixed population, both ethnically & religiously; numerous temples & shrines

3 THE CITY (CONTINUED) Before Paul’s time, ancient writers commented on its immorality. Probably much the same in 1st Cent. A.D. “To Corinthianize” became a common expression for a complete lapse in moral values For this & many other reasons, a challenging place for the gospel!






9 Beginning of the Church
Paul went to Corinth on 2nd MJ, after Philippi, Thessalonica, & Athens Met, lived, & worked with Priscilla (Prisca) & Aquila, Jewish Christians who had recently move from Rome (Acts 18:1-2) Church resulted from preaching in the synagogue, but Paul soon turned his efforts toward Gentiles (18:5-6) Crispus, “ruler of the synagogue,” was an early convert

10 Beginning (continued)
The Lord’s assurance in a vision (18:9-10) suggests the work was difficult Paul stayed 18 mos., 2nd longest stay in any city Jews accused Paul before the Roman proconsul Gallio, who dismissed the case “Gallio Inscription” found at Delphi says Gallio became proconsul in July, A.D. 51 Allows us to date Paul’s stay in Corinth approx. A.D Supported by reference to “Edict of Claudius” (A.D. 49) in Acts 18:2

11 Paul’s Interactions with Corinth
1 & 2 Cor. suggest a difficult relationship due to Corinthians being overly influenced by their culture Apparently wrote 4 letters & made 2 more visits: “Previous Letter” – based on 1 Cor. 5:9 – early attempt to deal with problems 1 Cor. – after a report from “Chloe’s people” of more problems, & a letter from the church to Paul asking specific questions “Painful Visit” – 2 Cor. 2:1. Confrontation in which Paul felt rejected “Sorrowful Letter” – 2 Cor. 2 & 7. After “Painful Visit” 2 Cor. – Followed report from Titus that Corinthians were reconciled to Paul, though still some pockets of resistance to his apostolic authority “Winter Visit” – 1 Cor. 16:6 & 2 Cor. 13:1. Paul’s intention; apparently carried out

Basic problem = influence of the culture, lack of resistance by the church Primary symptom = disunity (rich/poor, Jew/Gentile, slave/free) Some were arrogant b/c of social standing &/or spiritual gifts Immorality was being tolerated - & boasted about! Worship was chaotic due to lack of restraint in exercise of gifts Influence of Greek philosophy caused some to doubt the resurrection of the dead Paul had some opponents w/in the church who challenged his authority

13 LATER DEVELOPMENTS Toward end of 1st Century, Clement of Rome wrote a lengthy letter to the church at Corinth Letter indicates some of same problems still persisted as in Paul’s time, especially disunity Commends the church in some respects, but obviously still in an unsettled state Still, Clement (like Paul) recognizes them as “the church of God at Corinth”

14 LESSONS FROM CORINTH The church must always be IN the world, but not OF the world, but unless we are striving to be like Christ, we will be more like the world. We must take seriously the challenge to be ONE BODY, regardless of how diverse we may be. Even a troubled church is still “the church of God”!


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