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2017 WORLD BANK CONFERENCE ON LAND AND POVERTY The World Bank - Washington DC, March 20-24, 2017 CROSS-SECTORAL INFORMATION INTEGRATION & DATA SHARING IN AN EGOVERNMENT FRAMEWORK IN SUPPORT OF INTEGRATED LAND GOVERNANCE IN THE LAO PDR EPPRECHT, MICHAEL (1) NANHTHAVONG, VONG (1) HETT, CORNELIA (1) HANAPHOM, SAVANH (3) PHOMMACHANH, ANONGSONE (2) (1) Centre for Development and Environment CDE (2) Department of Land Administration, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Laos (3) Department of Planning and Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Laos

2 Concessions and leases on lands in the Lao PDR
08/10/2010 Concessions and leases on lands in the Lao PDR 2,642 Deals 1.1 million ha granted Schönweger et al, 2012

3 Governance of investments in lands in the Lao PDR
Promotion of land investments Containment/suspension of land investments Prime Minister’s Order #13: Before granting new concessions work together to tell us what is happening (where) in land investments tell us who are the good ones, and who are the bad ones

4 Sustainable governance of lands is inherently cross-sectoral, but…
in Laos, greatly hampered by a lack of a systematic information base on commercial investments in lands No effective, systematic management and use of existing information Sectoral perspective - lack of exchange among ministries and department  Lack of data management and basic analysis capacities and mandate at data owning institutions Lack of exchange among administrative levels  Lack of exchange tools and procedures Incomplete / inconsistent information  Lack of standards and procedures

5 Sustainable governance of lands is inherently spatial, but…
in Laos, geographic information on commercial investments in lands very limited No effective, systematic collection and use of spatial information  Lack of capacities Inconsistencies between plans and realities Spatial overlapping claims

6 Sustainable governance of lands requires navigation of trade-offs of stakeholder interests and values, but… stakeholders, their claims on lands and on their functions unclear Stakeholder's’ perspectives typically not systematically assessed and analyzed  Lack of tools and procedures

7 Entry points for supporting evidence-informed sustainable governance of lands
Information integration and management Explicit spatial dimension of claims on lands Revealing of trade-offs among normative values and stakeholder interests

8 The Lao DECIDE info Initiative
Fostering information integration, sharing, & analysis for evidence-based, integrated planning & informed decision-making

9 Improving governance of lands through evidence-informed decision support
Equipping government institutions with tools, procedures & capacities to systematically compile and manage information needed to generate the knowledge required for evidence-informed decision-making for effective sustainable management of lands

10 Information components for sustainable land management
Strengthening spatial dimension in data, information & analysis Cross-sectoral information sharing, integration, management & analysis Assessing stakeholder claims on lands and revealing trade-offs

11 Strengthening spatial dimension in data, information & analysis
Why location, context matters…

12 Strengthening spatial dimension in data, information & analysis
Strengthening understanding of spatial information on land investments Cross-sectoral team in participatory mapping work Area type Proposed Project Location/Prospecting Area Granted Area Survey Area Allocated Area Implemented Area/Excavation Area

13 Strengthening spatial dimension in data, information & analysis
Mapping spatial extends and identifying inconsistencies Linking statistics to space

14 Information sharing, integration, management & analysis
Information often exists, but inaccessible or of little direct use: Scattered across institutions & offices Multitude of formats Inconsistent Incomplete

15 Harmonization & integration of related databases across sectors
08/10/2010 Information sharing, integration, management & analysis Harmonization & integration of related databases across sectors M O N R E SLLC Database Mineral exploration M P T Agriculture investment Private investment M P I M A F M E Mineral extraction Hydro- power dam

16 Information sharing, integration, management & analysis
Districts Districts Districts Districts Provinces Provinces Ministries

17 Information sharing, integration, management & analysis
Challenges: Information often exists, but largely underutilized (analysis capacities) not shared/ not accessible (practices) often heterogeneous and scattered (data management) sectoral perspectives (data integration)

18 Keys to success to increase readiness to information sharing
Lower reluctance for information sharing through improving confidence in data value and quality – analysis capacities Increase visibility of information products of institutions - platforms Standardize information integration while maintaining individual data ownership and control – tools and procedures Support cross-sectoral exchange and joint approaches – common platform, multi-sectoral task forces & teams Hosting at ‘neutral’ institution with service mandate - eGovernment as service provider without data ownership claims

19 Information integration & showcasing tools

20 Keys to success to increase readiness to information sharing
Lower reluctance for information sharing through improving confidence in data value and quality – analysis capacities Increase visibility of information products of institutions - platforms Standardize information integration while maintaining individual data ownership and control – tools and procedures Support cross-sectoral exchange and joint approaches – common platform, multi-sectoral task forces & teams Hosting at ‘neutral’ institution with service mandate - eGovernment as service provider without data ownership claims


22 Keys to success to increase readiness to information sharing
Lower reluctance for information sharing through improving confidence in data value and quality – analysis capacities Increase visibility of information products of institutions - platforms Standardize information integration while maintaining individual data ownership and control – tools and procedures Support cross-sectoral exchange and joint approaches – common platform, multi-sectoral task forces & teams Hosting at ‘neutral’ institution with service mandate - eGovernment as service provider without data ownership claims

23 Information sharing, integration, management & analysis tools
Districts Districts Districts Districts Provinces Provinces Ministries Ministries MPI MAF MoNRE MPT MoHA MEM

24 What are ‘good’ investments in lands?

25 Assessing claims on lands and their functions, and revealing trade-offs
Assessing stakeholder claims in multiple dimensions: Legal compliance of investors Environmental aspects of investments Social aspects of investments Economic aspects of investments

26 Assessing claims on lands and their functions, and revealing trade-offs
Assessing stakeholder claims in multiple dimensions: Legal compliance Environmental aspects Social aspects Economic aspects

27 Assessing claims on lands and their functions, and revealing trade-offs
Assessing and revealing trade-offs among stakeholder claims and normative dimensions Rubber plantation 1: overall score 67 Rubber plantation 2: overall score 48

28 Assessing claims on lands and their functions, and revealing trade-offs
Rubber plantation 1: indicator-level scores Assessing and revealing trade-offs among stakeholder claims and normative dimensions

29 Lao DECIDE info initiative
Part of broader information integration and analysis effort within the Government of the Lao PDR

30 Cross-sectoral Lao DECIDE info
SDI MoHA NGD Land & Environment MoNRE Agriculture MAF Socio-economic MPI Mining & Hydropower MEM Cross-sectoral Lao DECIDE info MPT e-Government Who? Population and Housing Census 2005 & 2015 Private investment Foreigner aid Poverty estimates - Census of Agriculture 1999 & 2011 Market infrastructure Social and Environmental Impact Assessments Database, server, client applications and network services Admin. boundaries and locations Aerial photography Topographic maps Mining projects Hydropower What? Land concession inventory & Quality of Investment assessment


32 Information integration across sectors and admin levels
Government intra-network data integration Detailed cross-sectoral database on commercial investments in lands for management and monitoring: Details on investors, Details on nature and finances etc. of investments, Details on granted and actually implemented areas, Details on multi-dimensional ‘quality aspects’ of investments Internet-based data and information integration and dissemination for broader access and contextualization

33 Thank you


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