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Reading strategies foundation unit

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1 Reading strategies foundation unit
Cycle 2, Day 1 Reading strategies foundation unit

2 Team Cooperation Skill:
Reading goal: As we read, we will clarify words and phrases the poet has used to create images for the reader. Today’s Big Question: Why do people sometimes cheer for the bad guy? Team Cooperation Skill: Complete all tasks

3 “The Highwayman” Survey the poem. # Heads
What do you think it might be about? Does this take place in modern times? Why or why not? What do you think the term highwayman means?

4 Clarifying: Think-Pair-Share
How did the poets who wrote “The Ride of Paul Revere,” “The Ride of Jennie M’Neal,” and “Lochinvar” help you to make a mind movie?

5 “The Highwayman” - Listening
Stanza 1 Listen to Think Aloud and make a mind movie Stanza 2 Mark words to clarify. See if you can make a mind movie.

6 Advanced Reading Strategies

7 Vocabulary Word Definition Sentence Torrent
A violent flow of something A torrent of sadness washed over him when he realized that she was never coming back. Brandished To wave around or display in a threatening way The farmer brandished his pitchfork at the trespassers, demanding that they leave at once. Peerless Superb; better than everyone else The heavyweight champion was a peerless boxer, he had never lost a fight. Chaos Much disorder or confusion The circus elephant escaped and charged through the small town, causing much panic and chaos. Guise Outward appearance that hides an inner truth Our teacher always maintained a guise of calmness, even when he was angry with us. Rue To regret a mistake or wrongdoing Jane knew she would later rue taking the money, but she felt she had no choice. Consecrated Very special; sacred Vernon bowed as he walked into the temple because it was a consecrated place. Blundered Made a mistake Max blundered when he told Josh about the surprise party the family was planning for him.

8 Partner reading: stanzas 4-7
What words did you need to clarify to make an image in your mind of the character Tim? Does the poet want you to like Tim? How do you know? (write) Does the poet want you to like the character of the highwayman? How do you know? When do you think the story takes place? What clues lead you to this conclusion? What is the relationship between the highwayman and Bess? Support your answer.

9 # Heads In a story of a working man and a robber, which would you expect to be the bad guy? Have you read other stories or seen movies in which the criminals are likable? Why do you think the poet wants us to admire a criminal? Vocabulary Review Homework: read 20 minutes EVERY NIGHT!

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