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Cerebrovascular diseases

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1 Cerebrovascular diseases

2 Definitions: -Stroke :it is acute onset of neurological deficit that persist for at least 24h. -Minor stroke : it is deficits that last for longer than 24h but resolve completely. -stroke in evolution: actively progressing as a direct consequence of the underlying vascular disorder. -TIA :neurological deficit that resolve completely within 24h. Stroke either due to ischemia 85% or hemorrhage 15% .

3 Pathophysiology : acute occlusion of an intracranial vessel causes reduction in blood flow, fall in CBF to zero lead to death of tissue within 4-10 min. tissue surrounding the core region of infarction is ischemic but reversibly dysfunction and referred to ischemic penumbra . Saving the ischemic penumbra is the goal of thrombolytic therapy .

4 Risk factors : -nonmodifiable: modifiable -Age -Hypertension -Sex -D.M
-Race ethnicity Smoking -Hereditary Alcohol Intake -Obesity -Drugs abuse -Food intake

5 Causes : -common causes:
-Thrombosis : lacunars stroke -large vessel stroke -dehydration -Embolic occlusion: -artery to artery like carotid bifurcation and aortic arch. Cardioembolic : AF, mural thrombus, MI, dilated cardiomyopathy,

6 Uncommon causes: -hypercoagulable diseases. -venous sinus thrombosis.
-fibromuscular dysplagia. -vasculitis. -Cardiogenic -drugs. -moya-moya disease. -eclampsia.

7 Clinical manifestations :
-1-Middle cerebral art. Stroke: it is the commonest art. Involved by imbolic rather than thrombosis. -A- superior division stroke: -contralateral hemiparesis contralateral hemisensory loss. -no homonymous hemianopia expressive aphasia if dominant. -B-inferior division stroke: -contralateral homonymous hemianopia. -agraphesthasia &asteriognosis. -anosognosia. -neglect contralateral space &limb. -wernicke aphasia if dominant. -acute confusion. -C- stem of MCA: -contralateral hemiplegia & sensory loss affecting face, arm &leg. -global aphasia.

8 -2- ACA stroke: -4-PCA syndrome: -impaired maturation center.
-contralateral paralysis & sensory loss affecting the leg. -impaired maturation center. -contralateral grasp reflex & sucking R. -abulia. -3-internal carotid art. Stroke: -one fifth of ischemic stroke. -may be asymptomatic. -symptomatic similar to that of MCA stroke. -4-PCA syndrome: -homonymous hemianopia with or without macular sparing. -anomic aphasia. -alexia without agraphia. -Visual agnosia. -Cortical blindness. -memory impairment. -prosognosia.

9 -5- Basilar art. Syndrome :
-brief anatomy. -hemiplegia or quadriplegia coma is common. -unilateral or bilateral 6th N. palsy. -locked in syndrome unilateral or bilateral 3th N.palsy. Paralysis upward or downward gaze. -6-PICA syndrome : -epsilateral cerebellar ataxia horner syndrome. -facial sensory loss nausea & vomiting. -nystagmus vertigo. -contralateral loss pain &tempru dysphasia & dysartheria -excessive salivation . -7- Associated symptome : -seizures. -headache.

10 Small vessel stroke: -lipohyalinotic or atherothrobotic occlusion of small art. -Hypertention & age . -20% of all stroke. -1-pure motor hemiparesis: -2-pure sensory stroke: -3-ataxic hemiparesis: -4-dysarthria-clumsy hand syndrome: -5-pure motor hemiparesis & brocas aphasia:

11 Investigative studies :
-A- blood tests : 1-blood count. 2-ESR. 3-serology for syphilis. 4-RBS. 5-serum lipids. -B-ECG. -C-echo study. -D-CT or MRI: -E-carotid Doppler. -F-LP. -G-Angiography. -H-EEG.

12 DDx: 1-vascular disorders: 2-structural brain lesion: 3-metabolic:
-ICH -SAH -subdural or epidural hematoma. -saggital sius thrombosis. 2-structural brain lesion: -tumors. -abscess. 3-metabolic: -hypoglycemia. -hyperosmolar nonketotic hyperglycemia.

13 Treatment: 1-medical support: the immediate goal is to optimize cerebral perfusion in the surrounding ischemic penumbra. 1-Blood pressure: when 220/120 mmhg ?? 2-Glucose: <11.1mml/L (200mg/dl). 3-Fever. 4-Prevent complicaion: 5-Antiedema drugs: 2-Thrombolysis: rTPA. -Indications: -C/I: 3-Anticoagulation:

14 -A-symptomatic carotid stenosis.
4-Antiplatelets: -aspirin. -ticlopidine &clopidogrel. -compination. 5-surgical therapy: -A-symptomatic carotid stenosis. -B-asymptomatic carorid stenosis. 6-Rehabilitation: 1-early physical therapy. 2-speech therapy. 3-education of pat. &family. 4-prevente complication of immobility.

15 Intracranial hemorrhage:
-it is classified by their location & the underlying vascular pathology. -it is incidence 15% of CVA. Causes: 1-head trauma. 2-hypertensive H. 3-transformation of prior stroke. 4-metastatic brain tumor. 5-coagulopathy. 6-drugs. 7-AVM. 8-aneurysm. 9-amyliod angiopathy. 10-vasculitis. 11-vasculopathy. 12-cavernous angioma.

16 Risk factors: -age. higher in young subjects. -male gender.
-hypertension. -DM. -smoking. -high alcohol intake. -very low cholesterol <160mg/dl.

17 Pathophysiology: ICH has 3 main phases.
-arterial rupture & hematoma formation. -haematoma enlargement. -peri-hematoma oedema. -ICH result from rupture of small penetrating art. -early oedema is due to the vasogenic oedema. peak 4-5 days. -delayed oedema is both vasogenic &cytotoxic. Last 2-4weeks.

18 Diagnosis : 1-Imaging noncontrast CT. 2-Routine investigation.
-CBP & ESR B. urea. & creatinine. -Electrolyte S. cholesterol. -PT & PTT ECG. -U/S. 3-If young patients. Send to the following. -ANA & antidouble strand DNA. -Antiphospholipid ABS. -VDRL. 4- EEG.

19 Treatment: 1-admition to stroke unit.
2-reducing ICH Mannitol Steriod. 3-hdrocephalus. 4-cerebellar hematoma >3cm. 5-large lobar hematoma. 6-hypertension BP >180/105mmhg. 7-seizures. 8-prevention of aspiration Nasogastic tube. 9-prevention of complication . 10-hematoma growth.

20 Hypertensive hemorrhage:
-brief pathophysiolgy. -common sites in order. Putamen, thalamus, deep ceebellum & pons. -almost occurs when the patients are awake &stressed. -develop over 30-90min. -abrupt onset of focal neurological deficits. Thalamic hemorrhage : -contralateral hemipligia &hemisensory loss. -horner syndrome . -homonymous field defect. -Paralysis of vertical gaze. -absent of light R. -absence of convergence.

21 Cerebellar hemorrhage:
Pontine hemorrhage: -occurs over min. -deep coma. -quadriplegia. -pin-piont pupils. -hyperpyrexia. -severe hypertension. -hyperpnea & hyperhydrosis. -impiarment of dolls maneuver. Cerebellar hemorrhage: -usually develop over h. -occipital headache &vomiting. -dizziness &vertigo. -ataxia of giat. Impaired of gaze. -dysartheria & dysphagia.

22 SAH: Clinical manifestations:
-excluding head trauma the most common cause of SAH is rupture of aneurysm. -saccular aneurysm occurs in 2% of adults . -the most common location are terminal ICA, MCA bifurcation, & top of basilar art. -mycotic aneurysm. Clinical manifestations: -most unruptured aneurysm are completely asymptomatic. -the hallmark feutures. -sudden onset loss of coniousness. -neck stiffness &vomiting. -cranial N. palsy. -subhyliod hemorrhage. -hemiparesis, aphasia &abulia.

23 Delayed neurological deficits:
1-Rerupture: 2-Hydrocephalus: 3-Vasospasm: 4-Hyponatremia: Laboratory evaluation & Imaging: -the hallmark is blood in the CSF. -noncontrast CT of brain. -if CT fail , LP done. -what are the finding of CSF. -four vessel angiography. -ECG finding. -monitoring of electrolytes.

24 Tretment: -Early aneurysm repair prevent rerupture.
-protecting the airway. -managing BP. -treat vasospasm. -decrease raised ICP. -bed rest in quiet room & given stool softeners. -treat seizures. -managing hyponatremia. -prevent of complication. -neurosurgical consultation.




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