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Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines Prof. Rolf D. Reitz, Engine Research Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison 2014 Princeton-CEFRC Summer Program on Combustion Course Length: 15 hrs (Mon.- Fri., June 23-27) Copyright ©2014 by Rolf D. Reitz. This material is not to be sold, reproduced or distributed without prior written permission of the owner, Rolf D. Reitz. CEFRC9 June 29, 2012 CEFRC5-9, 2014
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls
Short course outine: Engine fundamentals and performance metrics, computer modeling supported by in-depth understanding of fundamental engine processes and detailed experiments in engine design optimization. Day 1 (Engine fundamentals) Part 1: IC Engine Review, 0, 1 and 3-D modeling Part 2: Turbochargers, Engine Performance Metrics Day 2 (Combustion Modeling) Part 3: Chemical Kinetics, HCCI & SI Combustion Part 4: Heat transfer, NOx and Soot Emissions Day 3 (Spray Modeling) Part 5: Atomization, Drop Breakup/Coalescence Part 6: Drop Drag/Wall Impinge/Vaporization/Sprays Day 4 (Engine Optimization) Part 7: Diesel combustion and SI knock modeling Part 8: Optimization and Low Temperature Combustion Day 5 (Applications and the Future) Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Part 10: Vehicle Applications, Future of IC Engines CEFRC5-9, 2014
Fuels & advanced combustion strategies
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Tamagna, 2007 Dempsey, 2014 Fuels & advanced combustion strategies Engine Base Engine GM 1.9L Diesel Geometric Compression Ratio 17.3 Piston Bowl Shape RCCI Displacement 0.477 L Bore/Stroke 82.0 / 90.4 mm IVC/EVO -132°/112° ATDC Swirl Ratio 1.5 Port Fuel Injectors Model Number TFS Inj. Press. 2.5 to 3.5 bar Rated Flow 25 kg/hr. Common Rail Injector Model Bosch CRI2.2 Number of Holes 7 Hole Diameter 0.14 mm Included Angle 148° Fixed Inj. Press. 500 bar PRF fuels used: n-heptane & iso-octane HCCI: Dual-fuel allows CA50 to be varied with fixed intake temperature. PPC: A gasoline-like reactivity of PRF 94 chosen for both port injection and direct injection – i.e., single fuel PPC. RCCI: Port injected neat iso-octane and direct injected n-heptane. DI fuel Fuel Injector HCCI PPC RCCI Port Injector #1 PRF 75 PRF 94 PRF 100 Port Injector #2 DI Injector - PRF 0 CEFRC5-9, 2014 3
Baseline operating condition (5.5 bar IMEP & 1500 rev/min)
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Dempsey, 2014 Controllability of advanced combustion strategies Baseline operating condition (5.5 bar IMEP & 1500 rev/min) - Single DI injections for PPC & RCCI - Ultra-low NOx emissions and high GIE - RCCI has highest GIE, but lowest ηcomb, suggesting lower HT losses (lower PPRR) - Fuel stratification with PPC results in higher PPRR compared to HCCI (c.f., Dec et al low intake pressure (< 2 bar)) Inputs HCCI PPC RCCI Pin [bar] 1.3 Tin [C] 50 70 Premixed Fuel [%] 100% 79.1% 92.6% Global PRF # 93 94 92.6 DI Timing [°ATDC] - -65° -45° Global Phi 0.33 0.34 Results CA50 [°ATDC] 3.5 2.5 2.2 Gross Ind. Eff. [%] 47.1% 45.6% 47.5% Comb. Eff. [%] 92.8% 93.1% 91.5% NOx [g/kg-fuel] <0.05 PPRR [bar/°] 14 16 5.8 - For simplicity, both PPC and RCCI were operated with a single injection with a fixed rail pressure of 500 bar. RCCI yields a very long combustion duration and subsequently low peak pressure rise rate for a premixed combustion strategy. This is a result of the large gradient in fuel reactivity from the direct injected fuel (PRF 0) and the premixed fuel (PRF 100), which results in a sequence of autoignition events. Note, the PPRR seen here are higher than those experienced by Dec and Loeper due to the higher CR and more advanced combustion phasing. CEFRC5-9, 2014 4
Sensitivity to intake temperature
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls HCCI Sensitivity to intake temperature +10 C -10 C Each strategy is predominantly controlled by chemical kinetics sensitive to temperature To assess controllability of strategies, try to recover baseline CA50. This demonstrates combustion strategy’s ability to be controlled in a real world engine on a cycle-by-cycle basis (i.e., transient operation and unpredictable environmental conditions). PPC DT +10 C -10 C DT RCCI +13 C -13 C Dempsey, 2014 CEFRC5-9, 2014 5
Ability to compensate for DT
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls HCCI Ability to compensate for DT HCCI -10 C Corrected Baseline +10 C Corrected Global PRF # 91 93 94 CA50 [°ATDC] 3.0 3.5 NOx [g/kg-fuel] <0.05 PPC PPC -10 C Corrected Baseline +10 C Corrected Premixed Fuel [%] 72.6% 79.1% 95.2% DI Timing [°ATDC] -36° -65° CA50 [°ATDC] 3.0 2.5 1.2 NOx [g/kg-fuel] 0.63 <0.05 +10 C -10 C RCCI RCCI -13 C Corrected Baseline +13 C Corrected Premixed Fuel [%] 89% 92.6% 94% DI Timing [°ATDC] -45° CA50 [°ATDC] 1.7 2.2 2.7 NOx [g/kg-fuel] <0.05 When attempting to correct the observed sensitivity to the intake temperature … Dual-fuel HCCI can easily control combustion phasing through the global fuel reactivity, however the PPRR remains high for all conditions PPC is unable to retard combustion phasing for the increased intake temperature, despite increasing the premixed percentage from 79.1% to 95.2%. For the decreased intake temperature, PPC is able to advance combustion phasing back to the baseline condition, but at the cost of increased NOx emissions. RCCI can easily recover the baseline combustion phasing for both intake temperature perturbations by varying the global fuel reactivity. This was accomplished with a fixed SOI timing of -45 deg. ATDC, which is sufficiently earlier to mitigate NOx formation. CEFRC5-9, 2014 6
Ability to compensate for intake temperature – PPC
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Dempsey, 2014 Ability to compensate for intake temperature – PPC PPC -10 C Corrected Baseline +10 C Corrected Premixed Fuel [%] 72.6% 79.1% 95.2% DI Timing [°ATDC] -36° -65° CA50 [°ATDC] 3.0 2.5 1.2 NOx [g/kg-fuel] 0.63 <0.05 PPC +10 C -10 C Earlier I showed that at the +10C condition gasoline PPC was unable to retard combustion phasing, despite increasing the premixed percentage from 79.1% to 95.2%. In case show is wondering why we did not couple this with an advancement in SOI timing, this slide shows that after about -50 deg. ATDC, advancing SOI any further has no impact on CA50. For PPC with PRF94, advancing SOI timing beyond -65°ATDC or increasing premixed fuel amount has no impact on combustion phasing CEFRC5-9, 2014 7
Sensitivity to intake pressure
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls HCCI Sensitivity to intake pressure +10 kPa -10 kPa Critical for transient operation of turbocharged or supercharged engines. Dual-Fuel RCCI is not as affected by intake pressure as HCCI or PPC. Reasons for these observations are not well understood and will be subject of future simulation research. PPC +10 kPa -10 kPa DP RCCI +10 kPa -10 kPa DP Dempsey, 2014 CEFRC5-9, 2014 8
Ability to compensate for DP
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls HCCI Ability to compensate for DP HCCI -10 kPa Corrected Baseline +10 kPa Corrected Global PRF # 90.6 93 94.6 CA50 [°ATDC] 3.0 3.5 NOx [g/kg-fuel] <0.05 PPC PPC -10 kPa Corrected Baseline +10 kPa Corrected Premixed Fuel [%] 65% 79.1% 94.7% DI Timing [°ATDC] -35° -65° CA50 [°ATDC] 3.2 2.5 0.5 NOx [g/kg-fuel] 6.8 <0.05 PPC - unable to retard combustion with increased boost RCCI Again, PPC is unable to retard the combustion for the increased boost pressure. For the lower boost pressure, the combustion can be advanced back to the baseline phasing, but at the cost of a large increase in NOx emissions. RCCI -10 kPa Corrected Baseline +10 kPa Corrected Premixed Fuel [%] 91.5% 92.6% 93.5% DI Timing [°ATDC] -45° CA50 [°ATDC] 2.2 2.5 NOx [g/kg-fuel] <0.05 CEFRC5-9, 2014 9
RCCI - transient operation
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Hanson, 2014 RCCI - transient operation GM 1.9L Engine Specifications Engine Type EURO IV Diesel Bore 82 mm Stroke 90.4 mm Displacement 1.9 liters Cylinder Configuration Inline 4 4 valves per cylinder Swirl Ratio Variable ( ) Compression Ratio 17.5 EGR System Hybrid High/Low Pressure, Cooled ECU (OEM) Bosch EDC16 ECU (new) Drivven Common Rail Injectors Bosch CRIP2-MI 148° Included Angle 7 holes, 440 flow number. Port Fuel Injectors Delphi 2.27 g/s steady flow 400 kPa fuel pressure Hydrostatic dynamometer Torque Cell Dyno Low rotating inertia rapid transients (2500 rpm/s) CEFRC5-9, 2014 10
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls
Hanson, 2014 Step load change: 1 4 bar BMEP CDC RCCI – Pre DOC PFI=77% PFI= 41% RCCI – Post DOC RCCI CDC RCCI CDC RCCI provides considerable transient control since ratio of port to direct-injected fuel can be changed on a cycle-by-cycle basis CEFRC5-9, 2014 11
Comparison of single fuel LTC, PPC and dual fuel RCCI
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Kokjohn, 2011 Comparison of single fuel LTC, PPC and dual fuel RCCI Three engines operating with different forms of LTC combustion Case Diesel LTC1 Ethanol PPC2 Dual-Fuel RCCI3 Engine Cummins N14 Scania D12 CAT 3401 Displacement (cm3) 2340 1966 2440 Stroke (mm) 152.4 154 165.1 Bore (mm) 139.7 127.5 137.2 Con. Rod (mm) 304.8 255 261 CR (-) 11.2 14.3:1 16.1 Swirl Ratio (-) 0.5 2.9 0.7 Number of nozzles 8 6 Nozzle hole size (μm) 196 180 250 1. Singh, CNF 2009 2. Manente, SAE 3. D. A. Splitter, THIESEL 2010 CEFRC5-9, 2014
Comparison with single fuel LTC
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Kokjohn, 2011 Comparison with single fuel LTC Diesel LTC Single early injection at 22° BTDC 1600 bar injection pressure Diluted intake (~60% EGR) Ethanol PPC Single early injection at 60° BTDC 1800 bar injection pressure No EGR Dual-fuel RCCI Port-fuel-injection of low reactivity fuel (gasoline or E85) Direct-injection of diesel fuel Split early injections (SOI1 = 58° BTDC and SOI2 = 37° BTDC) 800 bar injection pressure Liquid Fuel Vapor Fuel Liquid Fuel Vapor Fuel Liquid Fuel Vapor Fuel CEFRC5-9, 2014
Dual-fuel RCCI Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls
Kokjohn, 2011 Dual-fuel RCCI Comparison of gasoline-diesel and E85-diesel dual-fuel RCCI combustion For fixed combustion phasing, E85-diesel DF RCCI exhibits significantly reduced RoHR (and therefore peak PRR) compared to gasoline-diesel RCCI allows higher load operation E85-diesel RCCI combustion has larger spread between most reactive (lowest RON) and least reactive (highest RON) CEFRC5-9, 2014
Comparison between diesel LTC, ethanol PPC, and RCCI
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Kokjohn, 2011 Comparison between diesel LTC, ethanol PPC, and RCCI Evolution of key intermediates: Reaction progress E85-diesel RCCI combustion shows a staged consumption of more reactive diesel fuel and less reactive E85 Ethanol and gasoline are not consumed until diesel fuel transitions to second stage ignition CEFRC5-9, 2014
Comparison between diesel LTC, ethanol PPC, and RCCI
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Kokjohn, 2011 Comparison between diesel LTC, ethanol PPC, and RCCI Diesel LTC Earliest combustion phasing and most rapid energy release rate High reactivity of diesel fuel requires significant charge dilution to maintain appropriate combustion phasing (12.7% Inlet O2) Ethanol PPC Low fuel reactivity and charge cooling results in delayed combustion Sequential combustion from lean-high temperature regions to rich-cool regions results in extended combustion duration Dual fuel RCCI Combustion begins only slightly later than diesel LTC Combustion duration is broad due to spatial gradient in fuel reactivity Allows highest load operation due to gradual transition from first- to second-stage ignition RCCI Engine Experiments Hanson SAE Kokjohn IJER 2011 Kokjohn SAE CEFRC5-9, 2014
‘Single fuel’ RCCI Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls
Kaddatz, 2012 ‘Single fuel’ RCCI SAE RCCI is inherently fuel flexible and is promising to control PCI combustion. Can similar results be achieved with a single fuel and an additive? Splitter et al. (SAE ) demonstrated single fuel RCCI in a heavy-duty engine using gasoline + Di-tertiary-Butyl Peroxide (DTBP) 2-Ethylhexyl Nitrate (EHN) is another common cetane improver Contains fuel-bound NO and LTC results have shown increased engine-out NOx (Ickes et al. Energy and Fuels 2009) EPA 420-B Extrapolated Concentrations from SAE CEFRC5-9, 2014
Comparison of E10-EHN and Diesel Fuel
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Kaddatz, 2012 Comparison of E10-EHN and Diesel Fuel Engine experiments performed on ERC GM 1.9L engine Diesel fuel and splash blended E10-3% EHN mixtures compared under conventional diesel conditions (5.5 bar IMEP, 1900 rev/min) Diesel fuel injection parameters adjusted to reproduce combustion characteristics of E10+EHN blend Ignition Differences Diesel fuel SOI must be retarded to match ign. (Consistent with lower CN) Mixing Differences Diesel fuel injection pressure must be increased by 400 bar to reproduce premixed burn E10+EHN SOIc = ° Pinj = 500 bar Diesel Fuel SOIc = -7.9° SOIc = -9.25° SOIc = ° Pinj = 500 bar Pinj = 900 bar Diesel Fuel SOIc = -11.5 Pinj = 500 bar SOIc = -9.25 SOIc = -7.9 Pinj = 900 bar CEFRC5-9, 2014 18 18
Comparison of E10-EHN and Diesel Fuel
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Kaddatz, 2012 Comparison of E10-EHN and Diesel Fuel CDC operation with matched AHRR Diesel fuel and E10-EHN compared under conventional diesel conditions (5.5 bar IMEP, 1900 rev/min) Diesel fuel injection parameters adjusted to reproduce combustion characteristics of E10+EHN blend For CDC operation, E10+EHN and diesel fuel show similar NOx and soot EPA 2010 CEFRC5-9, 2014 19 19
Diesel/Gasoline and E10+EHN RCCI
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Kaddatz, 2012 Diesel/Gasoline and E10+EHN RCCI PFI E10 and direct-injected E10+3% EHN compared to gasoline – diesel RCCI operation Combustion characteristics of gasoline-diesel RCCI reproduced with E10 – E10+3%EHN Adjustment to PFI percentage required to account for differences in ignitability Operating Conditions DI Fuel E10+EHN Diesel PFI Fuel E10 Gasoline Net IMEP (bar) 5.5 Engine Speed (RPM) 1900 Premixed Fuel (% mass) 69 84 Common Rail SOIc(°ATDC) -32 to -52 Injection Pressure (bar) 500 800 Intake Temperature (C) 65 Boost Pressure (bar) 1.3 Swirl Ratio 1.5 EGR (%) -30 -20 -10 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 120 -42 SOIC (degATDC) Gasoline-diesel (84%) CA [degATDC] Pressure [bar] 160 200 240 Heat Release Rate [J/deg] E10+EHN/E10 (69%) CEFRC5-9, 2014
Performance of E10 and E10+EHN RCCI
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Kaddatz, 2012 Performance of E10 and E10+EHN RCCI Parametric studies performed to optimize efficiency of single-fuel RCCI at 5.5 and 9 bar IMEP Using a split-injection strategy, performance characteristics of single-fuel + additive RCCI are similar to those of dual-fuel RCCI Peak efficiency data for E10/E10+EHN shows higher NOx emissions, but levels meet EPA mandates Soot is very low for all cases E10/E10+EHN E10/Diesel CEFRC5-9, 2014
Additive consumption estimate
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Kaddatz, 2012 Additive consumption estimate SAE Size shows relative weighting Light-duty drive cycle average is 55% PFI fuel (i.e., 45% additized fuel) 3% additive level EHN volume is ~1.4% of the total fuel volume Similar to DEF levels Assuming 50 mpg and 10,000 mile oil change intervals, additive tank must be ~2.7 gallons Assumes 50 mpg and 10,000 mile oil change interval CEFRC5-9, 2014
Common Rail Diesel Fuel Injector
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Nieman, 2012 Natural gas/diesel RCCI Operating Condition Low-Load Mid-Load High-Load Gross IMEP [bar] 4 9 11 13.5 16 23 Engine Speed [rpm] 800 1300 1370 1460 1550 1800 Intake Press. [bar abs.] 1.00 1.45 1.94 2.16 2.37 3.00 Intake Temp. [°C] 60 ERC KIVA PRF kinetics NSGA-II MOGA 32 Citizens per Generation ~9500 BDC UW Condor - Convergence after ~40 generations Caterpillar 3401E SCOTE Displacement [L] 2.44 Bore x Stroke [mm] 137.2 x 165.1 Con. Rod Length [mm] 261.6 Compression Ratio 16.1:1 Swirl Ratio 0.7 IVC [deg ATDC] -143 EVO [deg ATDC] 130 Common Rail Diesel Fuel Injector Number of Holes 6 Hole Diameter [μm] 250 Included Spray Angle 145o Design Parameter Minimum Maximum Premixed Methane [%] 0% 100% DI Diesel SOI 1 [deg ATDC] -100 -50 DI Diesel SOI 2 [deg ATDC] -40 20 Diesel Fraction in First Inj. [%] Diesel Injection Pressure [bar] 300 1500 EGR [%] 60% CEFRC5-9, 2014
GA optimized NOx, Soot, CO, UHC ISFC, PPRR
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Nieman, 2012 GA optimized NOx, Soot, CO, UHC ISFC, PPRR Design Parameter 4 bar 9 bar 11 bar 13.5 bar 16 bar 23 bar Engine Speed [rpm] 800 1300 1370 1460 1550 1800 Total Fuel Mass [mg] 40 89 109 133 158 228 Methane [%] 73% 85% 87% 90% Diesel SOI 1 [deg ATDC] -52.9 -87.3 -87.2 -79.5 -81.1 -92.7 Diesel SOI 2 [deg ATDC] -22.5 -38.3 -39.4 -39.6 -39.7 -20.4 Diesel in 1st Inj. [%] 52% 40% 39% 55% 49% 70% Diesel Inj. Press. [bar] 954 465 822 594 742 EGR [%] 5% 0% 32% 48% Results Soot [g/ikW-hr] 0.004 0.002 0.003 0.079 NOx [g/ikW-hr] 0.24 0.25 0.08 0.07 0.15 CO [g/ikW-hr] 10.8 0.2 0.9 0.8 0.5 6.0 UHC [g/ikW-hr] 10.5 2.2 2.4 1.5 9.4 ηgross [%] * 45.1% 50.4% 50.6% 48.9% 49.2% 44.1% PPRR [bar/deg] 2.7 5.1 8.1 4.4 5.7 5.0 Ring. Intens. [MW/m2] 2.8 1.0 1.8 - Clean, efficient operation up to 13.5 bar IMEP without needing EGR * -180° to 180° ATDC Meet EPA 2010 (except soot at high load) High peak thermal efficiency - Low PPRR Extend range to lower/high loads with triple injections CEFRC5-9, 2014
Comparison with gasoline/diesel RCCI
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Nieman, 2012 Comparison with gasoline/diesel RCCI Gasoline/Diesel strategy optimized at 1.75 bar abs. (high boost) Natural Gas/Diesel used 1.45 bar abs. (low boost) Each run at both conditions 9 bar IMEP Quite similar strategies Design Parameter Nat. Gas/ Diesel Gasoline/ Intake Temperature [°C] 60 32 Total Fuel Mass [mg] 89 94 Low-Reactivity Fuel (Premixed) [%] 85% 89% Diesel SOI 1 [deg ATDC] -87.3 -58.0 Diesel SOI 2 [deg ATDC] -38.3 -37.0 Diesel in 1st Inj. [%] 40% 60% EGR [%] 0% 43% CEFRC5-9, 2014
Comparison with gasoline/diesel RCCI
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Nieman, 2012 Comparison with gasoline/diesel RCCI * -180° to 180° ATDC Nat. Gas Gasoline Results Low High Soot [g/kW-hr] 0.002 0.003 0.007 0.014 NOx [g/kW-hr] 0.25 0.02 0.01 CO [g/kW-hr] 0.2 1.8 1.2 3.6 UHC [g/kW-hr] 0.5 2.5 2.7 4.0 ηgross [%] * 50.4% 52.1% 52.2% PPRR [bar/deg] 5.1 4.8 10.6 9.9 Nat. Gas Gasoline Results Low High Soot [g/kW-hr] 0.002 0.003 0.007 0.014 NOx [g/kW-hr] 0.25 0.02 0.01 CO [g/kW-hr] 0.2 1.8 1.2 3.6 UHC [g/kW-hr] 0.5 2.5 2.7 4.0 ηgross [%] * 50.4% 52.1% 52.2% PPRR [bar/deg] 5.1 4.8 10.6 9.9 9 bar IMEP 2% Efficiency Difference: Higher in-cyl. temps and comb. in squish Greater HT Losses Design Parameter Nat. Gas/ Diesel Gasoline/ Intake Temperature [°C] 60 32 Total Fuel Mass [mg] 89 94 Low-Reactivity Fuel (Premixed) [%] 85% 89% Diesel SOI 1 [deg ATDC] -87.3 -58.0 Diesel SOI 2 [deg ATDC] -38.3 -37.0 Diesel in 1st Inj. [%] 40% 60% EGR [%] 0% 43% CEFRC5-9, 2014
Double vs. Triple Injection
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Nieman, 2012 Double vs. Triple Injection 4 bar IMEP 23 bar IMEP Results 2 Inj. Optimum 3 Inj. Optimum Soot [g/kW-hr] 0.004 NOx [g/kW-hr] 0.24 0.10 CO [g/kW-hr] 10.8 7.3 UHC [g/kW-hr] 10.5 3.8 ηgross [%] 45.1% 47.1% Results 2 Inj. Optimum 3 Inj. Optimum Soot [g/kW-hr] 0.079 0.014 NOx [g/kW-hr] 0.08 0.17 CO [g/kW-hr] 6.0 1.7 UHC [g/kW-hr] 9.4 3.3 ηgross [%] 44.1% 46.5% CEFRC5-9, 2014
23 bar IMEP, triple Injection
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Nieman, 2012 23 bar IMEP, triple Injection (Isosurface = 1600K) Isosurface 18° ATDC 16° ATDC 14° ATDC 10° ATDC 12° ATDC 4° ATDC 2° ATDC 6° ATDC 8° ATDC 0° ATDC Can achieve low soot, despite late 3rd injection Combustion starts in squish region, so diesel #3 injects into a relatively cool environment Fairly small amount injected CEFRC5-9, 2014
Natural gas composition effects
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Nieman, 2012 Natural gas composition effects Optimization studies assumed nat. gas = pure methane Ethane can also be in substantial concentration 23 bar IMEP triple injection strategy Replace some methane with ethane Species Name Content Methane 92% Ethane 3% Propane 0.7% Butane 0.02% Pentane 0.1% C6+ Nitrogen Carbon Dioxide 0.6% Ethane enhances combustion Increases reactivity of premix Shortens combustion duration Increases combustion efficiency CEFRC5-9, 2014
NG/diesel RCCI summary
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Nieman, 2012 NG/diesel RCCI summary Use of natural gas as the low-reactivity fuel in conjunction with diesel fuel in RCCI combustion investigated. Modeling of NG/diesel RCCI showed good combustion phasing could be achieved over a wide range of intake temperatures. Changes in intake T can be accounted for by varying NG/diesel ratio. MOGA has been used to develop strategies for RCCI operation from low-load/low-speed to high-load/high-speed. US 2010 HD regulations met, in-cylinder (require 3 injections at high load) High NOx/soot & low(er) comb. eff. observed in low- and high-loads Operation controlled by NG/diesel ratio and injection schedule MOGA studies show that utilizing triple injections extends the low- and high-load operating ranges Added flexibility = decreased NOx/soot, increased combustion efficiency Study of nat. gas composition effects shows that ethane/propane/etc. concentrations have substantial effect on reactivity of NG (i.e., comb. phasing, duration, and completeness). Small amounts (1-3%) enhanced combustion CEFRC5-9, 2014
RCCI after-treatment requirements
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Prikhodko, 2010 RCCI after-treatment requirements CDC RCCI Additional load requires EGR Experiments in collaboration with Oak Ridge National Laboratory RCCI operating range covers most of EPA FTP drive area Cooled and/or LP EGR can be used to extend max load with RCCI UW H-D engine typically gains % more load with EGR (CDC Opel Astra 1.9L, data from ANL) CEFRC5-9, 2014 31
Exhaust temperature Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls CDC
Prikhodko, 2010 Exhaust temperature RCCI shows °C lower turbine inlet temperature than CDC Reduced exhaust availability for turbocharging and after-treatment systems Low load operation with RCCI is a challenge with the OEM turbocharger Lower temperatures drop exhaust enthalpy, increasing pumping work and limiting thermal efficiency Improved turbo-machinery exists for this engine, which could improve the performance Low EGTs in the FTP driving area are a challenge for oxidation catalyst performance Need 90+% catalyst efficiency to meet HC and CO targets, challenging with EGTs ~ 200 ° C CDC RCCI CEFRC5-9, 2014 32
ORNL RCCI experiments Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls
Prikhodko, 2010 ORNL RCCI experiments SAE 2010 CEFRC5-9, 2014
CDC, PCCI & RCCI NOx and HC emissions
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Prikhodko, 2010 CDC, PCCI & RCCI NOx and HC emissions CEFRC5-9, 2014
CDC, PCCI & RCCI PM emissions
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Prikhodko, 2010 CDC, PCCI & RCCI PM emissions CEFRC5-9, 2014
RCCI - low particle number
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Prikhodko, 2010 RCCI - low particle number 2 orders of magnitude CEFRC5-9, 2014
Modeling organic fraction - Condensed fuel
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Qiu, 2014 Modeling organic fraction - Condensed fuel Caterpillar SCOTE – 1300 rev/min Premixed iso-octane as gasoline surrogate, nC16H34 as diesel surrogate CEFRC5-9, 2014
Modeling fuel condensation
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Qiu, 2014 Modeling fuel condensation Peng-Robinson EOS CEFRC5-9, 2014
RCCI fuel injection - 9bar IMEP
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Qiu, 2014 RCCI fuel injection - 9bar IMEP Double injection RCCI – fuel condensation predicted within sprays CEFRC5-9, 2014
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls
Qiu, 2014 CEFRC5-9, 2014
RCCI particulate – predicted condensed fuel and soot at EVO
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Qiu, 2014 RCCI particulate – predicted condensed fuel and soot at EVO Fuel condensation in RCCI is predicted to play an important role in PM formation. At low load (5.2 bar IMEP), about 90% of the PM is composed of condensed fuel. At higher load (9.0 bar IMEP), only about 50% of the engine-out PM is composed of condensed fuel, of which 90% is from the premixed gasoline. CEFRC5-9, 2014
VVT to improve LTC catalyst efficiency
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Bharath, 2014 VVT to improve LTC catalyst efficiency Case 1 BMEP= 1 bar Case 2 BMEP= 2.5 bar Modeled with GT-Power and Sampara and Bissett DOC model Modeled with KIVA CEFRC5-9, 2014
VVT to improve LTC catalyst efficiency
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Bharath, 2014 VVT to improve LTC catalyst efficiency CEFRC5-9, 2014
Use of VVT - DOC performance
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Bharath, 2014 Use of VVT - DOC performance Higher exhaust temperatures with early EVO very beneficial in improving after-treatment efficiency at low load, since exhaust temperatures high enough to activate the catalyst. UHC and CO conversion by the DOC Predicted to reach almost 100% Case 1 Case 2 Advancing EVO timing increases exhaust temperature, thus reducing EGR needed for same IVC temperature and pressure - improves vol. eff. CEFRC5-9, 2014
Summary and conclusions
Part 9: Fuels, After-treatment and Controls Summary and conclusions Due to high cost, complexity, and increased fuel/fluid consumption associated with exhaust after-treatment, there is a growing need for advanced combustion development Desire for alternatives to petroleum for transportation that have potential for large scale production is growing Modify fuel’s reactivity to allow sufficient premixing of fuel & air prior to auto-ignition High octane fuels like gasoline, natural gas or alcohols Challenges with stability, controllability, combustion efficiency, and pressure rise rates Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) Advantages: Simple/inexpensive, ultra-low NOx and soot Challenges: High pressure rise rates and lack of direct cycle-to-cycle control over combustion timing Partially Premixed Combustion (PPC) Advantages: DI injection timing and PFI/DI fuel split mechanism for control Challenges: Lack of Φ-sensitivity for gasoline-like fuels at low pressures Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition (RCCI) Advantages: In-cylinder blending of fuel reactivity broadens HR duration and allows global fuel reactivity to be changed. DI injection timing & global fuel reactivity mechanism for control Challenges: Consumer acceptance of requiring two fuel tanks CEFRC5-9, 2014
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