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Housing OT Robyn Garcha.

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Presentation on theme: "Housing OT Robyn Garcha."— Presentation transcript:

1 Housing OT Robyn Garcha

2 Why funded Fragmented working practices
Disengagement with CHCP following stock transfer No direct systems to influence housing allocation for older people with significant housing need No resource/focus on driving housing issues forward Aside from the homeless cohort there lacked transparency and protocols as to how officers in the CHCP influenced housing allocation

3 Current Staffing Model
Robyn Garcha Housing OT F/T Debbie Maloney Change Fund Housing Lead 0.2 WTE

4 Activity and Deliverables
Engagement with national and local based registered social landlords Housing Allocation influenced (e.g. ensure delayed discharge is written in as highest housing need in allocation policies) Local Housing Strategy (lead, support and implementing partner) Prioritise housing need for CHCP Support housing best fit assessments at housing offer to ensure best use of resources Advise on Dementia friendly housing design

5 Activity and Deliverables
Feedback national good practice and developments Support Sheltered Housing Review (JIT) longer term needs for Inverclyde Link with Cares Centre ICOD and Your Voice (Local Housing Strategy)

6 Sustainability Post is vital to interface CHCP with Housing providers. Ideas for sustainability- seek potential funding through housing strategy money or through redesign within existing physical disability services.

7 Key Impact and Scoring Achieved to date.
Influencing allocation Housing with Care (Score 5) Influencing allocations of specialist properties (Score 3) Expert support to adaptations panel for grants (Score 5) Local Housing Strategy lead/support in key areas. Mixed involvement in 10 of which 7 directly impact older people and older carers. ( Score mixture of 5-1) Housing integral to care plan (Score 1) Good examples of housing practice across Scotland shared (Score 1-2)

8 Key Impact and Scoring Influence and support Sheltered Housing becoming hubs for older people (Score 1) Raise profile of dementia in housing design (Score 1-2)

9 Impact on RCOP Delayed discharges recognised as high priority housing need in allocation strategies (all local and national RSL’s)

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